View Full Version : AA Raptor problem

02-15-2006, 01:02 PM
OK, I picked up a used Raptor the other day. Got a great price, it was the right size, and had some time before hydro was due.

Anyway, had it filled, and it leaks like crazy out the adjustment screw. Got myslef a rebuild kit, and put all new gutts into it. It still leaks.

I grabbed my old Raptor, that works fine, and pulled them both apart. Everything looks the same, except for one small detail. The new Raptor has a hole in the side of the adjustment screw. Any clue why? Is this the reason for the leak? I'll try to get a picture tonight.


02-15-2006, 07:32 PM
That hole was added for pressure relief when you were turning the adjuster out. That lek is usally the piston o-ring. OR it could be the over pressure relief in the piston. Switch the piston o9ut and see if it still happens. Also, remember, that whe you adjust the pressue down to zero, you must do it in stages. trun the adjuster a turn or 2 then shoot the gun 2-3 times, and repeat. If you dont the piston o-ring gets nicked by the bleed hole in the reg body. So even if you put a new o-ring on the piston you may have nicked it. Look at it real carefully. If need be, you can use a classic Mag piston o-ring. If you cant get it working just bring it to the AO meet with ya, we'll git r done!
