View Full Version : Help with Xmag

Psycho Chicken
02-15-2006, 03:01 PM
Alright I just got around to changing my trigger, put in a black one instead of the silver blade. But now when i power it on I can't get the trigger to work ( when you go in the menu). I know that it's somthing with the trigger setup, but i can't remember what.

Please help me from being retarded

02-15-2006, 03:22 PM
On the 3.2 software there is an option on the menu TRIGGER OFF. Leave it on that, pull the trigger. If it is working correctly, it should change to TRIGGER ON. If it doesnt say that when you pull the trigger, you need to move the magnet in the trigger itself closer to the Hall Effect Sensor (HES). Which means adjust the magnet towards the back of the gun. Its a very simple fix.

I am of course, assuming that you are using an Emag trigger and not a mech one.

Check out www.havoc-online.com for lots of good E/X mag info.

02-15-2006, 03:27 PM
Well yeah assuming that there is a magnet in the new trigger of yours...

You might want to take the grip frame off and adjusting the triger pull length too. If it is set too shart you can adjust the magnet in the trigger all you want and it still won't go off.

Psycho Chicken
02-15-2006, 03:37 PM
Thanks for the quick response guys. Tac one helped me with a pm. All I had to do was flip the trigger magnet.


this is why I love it here, the only other real nice forum is for my angel owners

02-15-2006, 05:26 PM
What ever happend to you having a G7? :confused:

Are you coming up to the Bunker on the 25th?

Psycho Chicken
02-16-2006, 01:06 PM
I still have my g7 fly, but i had my xmag before. I got the new trigger cheap so i figured i put it on. Actully i have WAY to many guns for the amount i play ball, but each one is special to me. In the sping when we get some good weather i'm gonna take some group pics of them.

As for the 25 I'm gonna try, but it's highly unlikely. I work in retail and having two weekend off in a month is taboo. My best friends b-day was this past weekend and used my weekend for that. Have fun and shoot some for me.
