View Full Version : To all moderators....

12-14-2001, 04:20 PM
To all moderators,
I am disappointed that my last thread, Societal Garbage, was moved from the Main Forum to the Friendly Corner. If you read it over carefully you will realize that in fact it does not belong there. I am politely requesting that it be moved back to where it belongs.
Thank you,

12-14-2001, 04:28 PM
I like the thread, it's cool. But, it's staying where it is, sorry.


12-14-2001, 04:42 PM
I liked it too. However I do fully agree with Army and miscue that it belongs in Friendly.

Besides...what the heck is wrong with friendly? Why do you seem so troubled by this? It's our second most popular place and one of my favorites in spite of my missgivings about it at first. I think you should be honored to have it there.

12-14-2001, 05:18 PM
Look, I wasn't complaining about the Friendly Corner, I just don't believe my thread belongs there. It is about paintball and our society. I didn't realize that you had to mention all these things about paintball for it to be in the Main Forum(as Army states). If you read what I wrote carefully, and not take it for its face value then you will see for yourself.

All I'm saying is that the Friendly Corner is a place where OTs belong, and I don't believe my thread is an OT. It is a serious topic about ignorance and showing people the truth about paintball, and I don't think it belongs in a place where people vote on Pepsi vs. Coca Cola.

12-14-2001, 05:27 PM
gmag - its our call. It seems the mods have a general consensus. Does that mean its absolutely right? Not neccessarily. But its not a battle you want to wage. We dont have infallible judgement - but since all that we did was move the topic, it really isnt a battle worth fighting. If you look at the replies to your post thus far - its a reply to ignorance in society in general - not paintball. You didnt even mention paintball until the last sentence. It may have parallels - and revelence to the sport to a degree - but the way you phrased it it is too broad to be considered on topic in my book.

Sorry - not trying to be a butt - just trying to keep order.

I will go ahead and lock this - if you have replies, just make them in your original post.