View Full Version : Scenerio-What Throat mic

Baby Huey
02-16-2006, 12:07 PM
Hey. What throat mic is really good right now. We bought the firfox throat mic's ($30 Gander Mountain) and it worked great for one event and then it rained at the next one and now they dont work at all even though they were water resistant and did not really get that wet. Any opinions and links would be greatly appreciated. Have a great day and God Bless.

02-16-2006, 12:22 PM
The ones my team and I use are avaialble from:


They are a S.E.A.L. team styled throat mic, just like the model used in "Tears of the Sun".

Good luck.


02-16-2006, 03:51 PM
I've heard nothing but Good things about the FireFox Throat Mic's as well. Lots of Scenario Teams around my area that I've been seeing as of late, have been using them.


02-16-2006, 03:58 PM
PLease dont support specops brigade.. I hate them...

I hear the Firefox (or firewolf, I forget) throat mics are nice.

Throatmics are cool (I'm sure they're badass because their in badass movies), but it would be cheaper and I think better if you just used a headset mic. Those can be much cooler. Especially if they're the skinny boom type.

02-16-2006, 08:41 PM
get a bluetooth wireless transmitter ($40) and headset ($50)

i got one for my cell phone and tried it on my mics and it worked:)

Tim Taylor
02-16-2006, 10:29 PM
NT-2 Throat Mic

Best deal around is from Blue Kangaroo (http://www.bluekangarootechnologies.com/index_mics.html) .

Great Mic!

02-16-2006, 10:39 PM
O yah... shouldnt this go in the Scenario Forum ?

:rolleyes: :D

02-16-2006, 10:49 PM
From what other scenario forums are saying, this is a great choice with a great price. http://www.ixradio.com/ is the web site and the model is the XTM85R under the throat mic dropdown. This mic can be ordered with single and dual pins for whatever radio you have. Take a peek at it. I don't have one yet but I plan on getting one very soon. Just my .02..... Outlaw5

Baby Huey
02-16-2006, 10:59 PM
get a bluetooth wireless transmitter ($40) and headset ($50)

i got one for my cell phone and tried it on my mics and it worked:)

Thats a great idea (and I could use it on my cell instead of just storing the mic between games). Thanks for the ideas everybody I will check out the links tomorrow. Have a great night and God Bless.

02-16-2006, 11:42 PM
<a href=http://www.glitter-graphics.com><img src=http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/11/11368ou3ezt0lkw.gif width=280 height=259 alt='glitter graphics' border=0></a>

Indeed :)

Evil Bob
02-17-2006, 01:17 AM
Specops sells the FoxFire series, which is prone to breakage at the wire that feeds the ear piece speaker, its very thin and fragile. Both the "Commandos" that I purchased last year are broken at this location.

I have since replaced them with the NT-2 throat mic which is built alot sturdier in that the speaker that feeds the ear piece is built into the neck peice much like its military brethren. For overkill, the "Sniper" version is almost a carbon copy of the throat mics I have used in the US ARMY.

-Evil Bob

02-17-2006, 07:50 AM
The team has tried many (and I mean many) different mike combos for our radio setup. Since we bagged the GMRS radios (not weather-proof & not secure enough) & moved to VHF radio sets (SMARTCOMM - excellent range, sound, etc.) we almost all use boommikes exclusively. Throatmikes are ok, but the tendency to move around on the throat, some people not being able to use them at all (wrong kind of internals), and the general incoherency we found - we've all switched since then to either booms or police-style PTT setups.

Over the past couple of months, between games & practices - we've been extremely happy with the new setup. If anyone is interested, I can provide more details on what we found (websites, etc - for both the radios and the PTT sets).

Baby Huey
02-17-2006, 09:45 AM
The team has tried many (and I mean many) different mike combos for our radio setup. Since we bagged the GMRS radios (not weather-proof & not secure enough) & moved to VHF radio sets (SMARTCOMM - excellent range, sound, etc.) we almost all use boommikes exclusively. Throatmikes are ok, but the tendency to move around on the throat, some people not being able to use them at all (wrong kind of internals), and the general incoherency we found - we've all switched since then to either booms or police-style PTT setups.

Over the past couple of months, between games & practices - we've been extremely happy with the new setup. If anyone is interested, I can provide more details on what we found (websites, etc - for both the radios and the PTT sets).

Can I get the links to check them out. My team and I would really like to make an investment in a set up and be able to use it more than a couple times. Thanks.

02-17-2006, 11:11 AM
JT came out with Proteuses with radios in them and the kits for them i dunno search around JT they may turn up

02-17-2006, 11:23 AM
Hey there,

a few Guys in my Team using the Iasus Throat Mics.

You can get them from Knights Crossing Paintball (http://www.knightscrossingpaintball.com/)

They are very good. Pricey but good. The most comon problem is the remote Talk button but you can send it back and you will get a new one for free. They also have a Voice acticated Model


02-17-2006, 12:22 PM



I think you'll find a lot of info here to work with.

02-17-2006, 01:52 PM
I have the JT USA universal sportscomm, have had it on my JT flex, for a few years too, little problems. Cons: you have to buy seperate walky-talkies, kind of pricey ($20), Pros: easy to setup, easy to forget about if your not using it(not distracting), and you can plug in your iPod or whatever. Oh ya, and your not actually wearing it, it installs into your mask, its a pretty cool design if you have a JT mask.
http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=EOocwLBsfbUcZPOaDJTcaLq4GJt4mjHdEz8=?Pro ductID=CjysFAY7q68AAAD3CX%2elA_2y

Tim Taylor
02-17-2006, 08:33 PM
FYI Iasus makes the NT-2 and it is probably the most rugged suggestion. The throat mic has pros and cons. Pros would be: better for low talkers (whispering), VOX use and you won't hear gunfire when someone is talking. The con would be fairly critical placement on your throat.

The throat mic is overall better for more covert use than a boom type mic. If is good enough for special ops then it should be good enough for paintball scenarios.

02-17-2006, 10:37 PM
I actually used cell phones at a scenario game once, and it was awesome. Its instant communication thats always on, so you can hold a conversation much easier then "Chh" Roger" Chh" "Watch my six" "chh"

Baby Huey
02-17-2006, 11:29 PM
I actually used cell phones at a scenario game once, and it was awesome. Its instant communication thats always on, so you can hold a conversation much easier then "Chh" Roger" Chh" "Watch my six" "chh"

Thats a great idea since weekends are free!