View Full Version : paintball in the snow

02-17-2006, 01:40 PM
:headbang: Ive never played pb in the snow or anywhere where it was even close to how cold it will be tomorow when I play, its like 1 degrees here in colorado. Any suggestions, particulary in what to wear. I'd rather not go out and by a whole new thing of clothes but I might need to if I'll be playin in this weather in the long run. I was thinking like ski pants or something, just shoot any ideas u got or any general suggestions for playing in the snow. :shooting:

02-17-2006, 01:57 PM
prolly some under-armor,then something warm, then something water resistant, or a load of hand warmers duct taped to ur body

02-17-2006, 02:46 PM
Nylon wind pnts with sweats underneath...A sweatshirt with a t shirt undrneat so that if you get hot you can take off the sweatshirt.

If it is 1F then you might have a bit of trouble getting the guns to work...

02-17-2006, 02:49 PM
Don't plan on using anything with a spool valve in it :)

Get good winter paint - the summer paint becomes ultra brittle

If at all possible store your paint where it can stay warm

When I play in the cold I wear under armour cold gear and then a jersey and paintball paints

Take lots of breaks to get warm, let your gear get warm with you.

Cow hunter
02-17-2006, 04:18 PM
under armer i agree, then something warm, then something water proof. wear water proof gloves defenitley, and hand warmers arent a bad idea. boots are important, either ski socks or multi layer, then have hand warmers by your toes, a real life saver trust me, i played in the rain when it was 35* and i was FREEZING

02-17-2006, 04:21 PM
played in the snow last practice, i just wore my proto pants, with just plain ol' boxers under em, on top, short sleve shirt, then 2 longsleeves over it. Was a bit chilly in the staging areea (particularily on hands/face, but, thats to be expected) but, while playing, didnt notice the weather at all.

02-17-2006, 05:02 PM
duck tape hand warmers to the hopper, that could help...right?

02-17-2006, 05:10 PM
duck tape hand warmers to the hopper, that could help...right?

probably not much if you taped it to the outside of the hopper. but if you get the semi-adhesive ones and stick them so the don't interfeer with the spinning wheels, that might help.

as long as you don't play with frozen paintballs you'll be ok. :rolleyes:

Cow hunter
02-17-2006, 05:23 PM
probably not much if you taped it to the outside of the hopper. but if you get the semi-adhesive ones and stick them so the don't interfeer with the spinning wheels, that might help.

as long as you don't play with frozen paintballs you'll be ok. :rolleyes:
whats wrong with frozen paintballs? :rolleyes:

/id get adhezive ones and put em inside

one thing i cant stand

duck tape hand warmers to the hopper, that could help...right?

NO! its DUCT tape, unless of course you have wal-mart kind that hardly sticks, then thats duck

02-17-2006, 05:41 PM
:tard: ^^lol, because the tape quacks right :tard:

02-17-2006, 09:05 PM
I read somewhere that most paintballs really don't behave well once it gets down in the low 30s, probably because they are water based. Most probably won't even break below about 13 degrees. I think you'll have alot of trouble at 1F. :eek:

I played a couple years ago when it got down to about 25-26 degrees. I had a ton of problems with paint-barrel match. Make sure you bring different barrels or a barrel kit. You'll probably need a barrel a bit bigger in diameter than you're used to. I'm not sure if it's the paintballs swelling or the metal condensing or what...but I ended up having only one barrel that was wide enough for me to use.

I also lost a paintball buddy that day. He took 3 shots to the back and it hurt so bad he never played again. Remember, everything hurts worse in the cold. :wow:

02-17-2006, 09:10 PM
If you shoot slow or play pump it would not be too bad. Shooting fast last time I was out and it was cold my barrel frosted over. No I was not using CO2 either. Generally speaking playing in the cold sucks. Hope you have fun.

Cow hunter
02-17-2006, 09:39 PM
If you shoot slow or play pump it would not be too bad. Shooting fast last time I was out and it was cold my barrel frosted over. No I was not using CO2 either. Generally speaking playing in the cold sucks. Hope you have fun.
that reminds me, be careful about your mag with c02 in the cold. my micro had ice accumulation on the bolt. it also appeared to be shooting bits of ice while dry firing...

02-17-2006, 10:12 PM
yeah, cold temps for paintball suck. December to late february is my off season. Gotta get the guns tuned, annoed and ready to go

02-18-2006, 01:13 AM
use an ion......then there wont be metal to hold the cold in and freeze you hands off :)