View Full Version : You need to customize man

12-14-2001, 06:02 PM
Hey what would be the best mod for my mag. I'm looking to make it totally custom. Right now it is just a high polished clasic mag. Any ideas?

12-14-2001, 06:34 PM
The top 5 would probably have to be the following, not listed in any order

ReTro Valve
Warp Feed
AGD Intelliframe or Z-Grip
A Compressed Air/Nitro system
Couple barrels varying in bore size, perhaps a FREAK kit or other changeable bore size barrel.

Those are probably the top 5 must-gets, basically anything else is up to you and purely cosmetic.

12-14-2001, 06:44 PM
Mags r not customizable guns. If u want to customize a gun, i'd suggest u looking into Cockers and Angels.

12-14-2001, 07:26 PM
they are customizeable its just that there isnt alot of money in it. I wish i had some pics of my mag to show you. I had some taken but the guy with the camera has not sent them too me and now im heading off to thailand in a few hours so i wont be back for a month.

12-14-2001, 08:49 PM
Do something similar to what I did:


12-14-2001, 09:03 PM
if you want a customized mag, get all the small things that add detail.

go for an aftermarket body rail that has milling in it. you can find these at the online stores. choose unique colors for your mag. standard black or chrome gets boring. look into a new trigger frame, intelli, hyper,... get a powdercoated body. this is cheap and can have fade, or even your own designs on them. go to www.sincustom.com or contact redrider here on the forum.