View Full Version : X-mag board problem

02-19-2006, 05:48 AM

I have a problem with my X-mag.

When I try to connect the solenoid to the solenoid socket the soleniod-plunger immeadetly retracts into the solenoidhousing and the only way to get it out is to disconnect the solenoid from the pc-board.

This whole problem started when I bought the marker, at that time the solenoid was soldered to the pc-board but when I powered the marker up smoke were comming out of the frame and the white cable from the soleniod connected to the pc-board at point Q1 came off as the solder melted.

I have installed a new factory adjusted sear-assembly and a brand new solenoid but the problem did not solve.

The display showed only a few pixels so I unscrewed the trigger sensitivity screw a bit and the display started to again.

My question to you is; can it be the Hall Effect Sensor that is causing the marker to retract the soleniod-plunger every time the solenoid is connected to the Pc-board?

// Erik

02-19-2006, 03:31 PM

I have a problem with my X-mag.

When I try to connect the solenoid to the solenoid socket the soleniod-plunger immeadetly retracts into the solenoidhousing and the only way to get it out is to disconnect the solenoid from the pc-board.

This whole problem started when I bought the marker, at that time the solenoid was soldered to the pc-board but when I powered the marker up smoke were comming out of the frame and the white cable from the soleniod connected to the pc-board at point Q1 came off as the solder melted.

I have installed a new factory adjusted sear-assembly and a brand new solenoid but the problem did not solve.

The display showed only a few pixels so I unscrewed the trigger sensitivity screw a bit and the display started to again.

My question to you is; can it be the Hall Effect Sensor that is causing the marker to retract the soleniod-plunger every time the solenoid is connected to the Pc-board?

// Erik

No it couldn't be the hall effect sensor. The sensor should send a signal to the board and then the board should send a pulse to the solenoid i.e. the solenoid should not keep pulling down. My guess is the board is fried or there is a short somewhere.

A short circuit or too much juice going through the system would be the only things that would cause the wires to heat up so much that they melt. The wires would probably need to be replaced once they go through a shortcircuit too.

11 Bravo
02-19-2006, 04:24 PM
Back the trigger magnet all the way off and see what happens then.

02-21-2006, 03:48 PM

11 Bravo: I have tried backing off the trigger magnet and that only made the display work again, so no luck there :D

TAO: If the HES has gone mad couldnt it send a constant signal to the board and therefor causing the soleniod to retract.

Question: Should I be able to confirm for example BPS in the menu by pushing the trigger?, because now the trigger doesnt react at all.

thank for the ansers


02-21-2006, 05:49 PM

11 Bravo: I have tried backing off the trigger magnet and that only made the display work again, so no luck there :D

TAO: If the HES has gone mad couldnt it send a constant signal to the board and therefor causing the soleniod to retract.

Question: Should I be able to confirm for example BPS in the menu by pushing the trigger?, because now the trigger doesnt react at all.

thank for the ansers


In the menu at the end there is a triger on/off display. This is the closes to measuring any bps (but the solenoid shouldn't trip).

As for the hall sending a constant signal It sends a constant signal if you just hold the trigger down but the board tells the solenoid to fire only once.

02-21-2006, 06:34 PM
This whole problem started when I bought the marker, at that time the solenoid was soldered to the pc-board but when I powered the marker up smoke were comming out of the frame and the white cable from the soleniod connected to the pc-board at point Q1 came off as the solder melted.

I have installed a new factory adjusted sear-assembly and a brand new solenoid but the problem did not solve.

The sear and solenoid have nothing to do with it. You're going to have to send the gun in to AGD for service. Sounds like the MOSFET the solenoid wire was soldered to failed. It happens. The chip may be able to be replaced, thus avoiding the cost of a new board. But maybe not.

Don't just stick it in a box and send it. You're going to have to call to get a return authorization #.