View Full Version : i really need to wash my gear more often

02-20-2006, 06:25 PM
i always wash my pants and jerseys after every day of paintball, and go through my hard equipment, but i dont often wash my other soft equipment. i realized my pack was at the point where i had enough paint on it that multiple areas could be mistaken for a hit, so i doused it in detergent and threw it in the washing machine. as an afterthought i decided to wash my tank cover and headbands in the sink. the result was sort of disturbing, especially considering one headband i havent used for months and looked fairly clean, and the other ive used rarely and it only really had paint on it from practice last night. with both the headbands and the tank cover it took three washes before i could see the sink bottom :p


02-20-2006, 06:29 PM
Hmmmmmm, tasty! I have some cleats I think will soon become sentient life forms of their very own. The left I call "Quizlorb", the right ....."Diana".......

02-20-2006, 06:29 PM
There needs to be a puking smilie to put down for you actually wearing that headband. I think though that the tank cover was most of the problem. My ghetto one turned from light blue to dark brown after like 5 hours.

02-20-2006, 08:08 PM
There needs to be a puking smilie to put down for you actually wearing that headband. I think though that the tank cover was most of the problem. My ghetto one turned from light blue to dark brown after like 5 hours.
that water was fresh, i emptied it after washing the tank cover, that was all from the headbands. they looked clean too, just a little bit of paint visible.

02-20-2006, 09:05 PM
aww i was hoping to see pictures of you dunking a shocker in a large tub of water
~sigh~ I CAN DREAM CANT I!??!?

anyway, that is really gross and you should like you said yourself, clean your gear more

02-20-2006, 09:21 PM
I have a pair of cleats that smell like a cat sprayed them. I think we both need to wash our stuff more.

02-20-2006, 09:26 PM
aww i was hoping to see pictures of you dunking a shocker in a large tub of water
~sigh~ I CAN DREAM CANT I!??!?
well, i threw my mag in the dishwasher, but it was fine... but i would never dunk a shocker in a tub of water... cause id never have a shocker in the first place.

anyway, that is really gross and you should like you said yourself, clean your gear more
thanks :(

i think most of it is paint, the headbands seriously didnt look that bad.

02-21-2006, 12:15 AM
I figured that if mags can be cleaned by firing underwater, why cant everything? So after paintball games, I just shower with all my gear and equipment suited up! In fact I almost never take it off anymore. That way I know it gets cleaned everytime I am wearing it.

02-21-2006, 02:55 AM
I figured that if mags can be cleaned by firing underwater, why cant everything? So after paintball games, I just shower with all my gear and equipment suited up! In fact I almost never take it off anymore. That way I know it gets cleaned everytime I am wearing it.

:spit_take LOL :rofl:

Perhaps I should try that...

Baby Huey
02-21-2006, 09:25 AM
Hmmmmmm, tasty! I have some cleats I think will soon become sentient life forms of their very own. The left I call "Quizlorb", the right ....."Diana".......

I have a pair of cleats that smell like a cat sprayed them. I think we both need to wash our stuff more.

Best thing to do is not to wash them in your machine (my wife would kill me) but take them to a laundrymat and put them a a washer with hot water and a lot of detergent. I do that every couple of months and I cannot believe how clean they get. Good luck and God Bless.

02-21-2006, 09:43 AM
Wait!.....were supposed to clean our clothes? So thats why people avoid me :cool:

I just take a hose to my gear in the back yard. Thats kinda difficult now though, the water would freeze before it got to my gear, its 6 degrees outside, and I dont want to go out there anyways.

02-21-2006, 10:11 AM
the worst is the funk the soft goods get -- such as knee and elbow pads. smells worse than my hockey gear!

02-21-2006, 11:00 AM
I figured that if mags can be cleaned by firing underwater, why cant everything?

Palmer guns actually say in their manual:
"The best thing that we have found to thoroughly clean your paintgun with is WARM WATER and lots of it. At the field, a spray bottle with a strong stream will do. At home, try the kitchen sink. Save water and take your paintgun into the shower with you. Remove the bolt for cleaning. The bolt is the only part that you should have to remove, even for the most thorough cleaning. Flush the gun thoroughly with warm water. This will remove any dirt, paint, gelatin and most of the oil. Shake out any excess water. Compressed air or a home blow dryer, on WARM only, will help to get the water out. After drying the outside, charge up the gun and fire (in a safe direction with no paint) several times to get the moisture out of the internals."

I'm sure that the e-blazer is different, but for the rest of them...


02-21-2006, 12:11 PM
the worst is the funk the soft goods get -- such as knee and elbow pads. smells worse than my hockey gear!

which is quite an accomplishment, i know the hockey gear smell well, and il say, my small amount of pads (knee pads, sometimes elbow pads, depending on if im wearing my dye jersey or not) all reak. deffinitely time to wash em.

02-21-2006, 03:57 PM
I'm sure that the e-blazer is different, but for the rest of them... cheers:

I hope it would be different! Otherwise Palmer is doing better work than I thought! ;)

02-21-2006, 04:42 PM
i wash my pack, barrel condom, elbow pads and head band after everyday of play. i live in a college dorm, it stinks by itself, i dont need the funk of that stuff makeing it worse.

Tom Sparkman
02-22-2006, 07:49 PM
Woof - the smell is bad enough as it is on the drive home - but to let it ferment like that...

Tom :tard: