View Full Version : Macroline

02-21-2006, 12:44 PM

could this be used for mags? according to the stats, I could use this instead of ss right?

11 Bravo
02-21-2006, 12:51 PM
Looks good to me.
You'll probably get a few people on here saying "oh no you cant use macro line you have to use ss hose."
Macro line works just fine and what you posted looks like it would work to me, of course I am not sure of what the od should be.

02-21-2006, 01:22 PM
Should be fine...as long as the recommended operating pressure is higher than what you'll be running your tank output at you'll be fine.

02-21-2006, 01:26 PM
i think it said od was 1/4"

well my tank can do 1200 output, but i just blew some 590 working psi line at 850 output

02-21-2006, 01:36 PM
i think it said od was 1/4"

well my tank can do 1200 output, but i just blew some 590 working psi line at 850 output

no kidding. you put 850psi into a 590 psi rated line -- no kidding it burst.. i wouldn't have guessed.

02-21-2006, 02:09 PM
well i think the burst pressure was like 1200 or something, anyway, I didnt look at the numbers untill it made me deaf in my left ear for a couple of secs.

02-21-2006, 02:40 PM
What's the pressure rating on commonly used macro?! I was hoping to use macro on a mag of mine....

02-21-2006, 02:58 PM
What's the pressure rating on commonly used macro?! I was hoping to use macro on a mag of mine....

im not sure what the working pressure of macro is, but as long as your useing a preste tank you will be fine. i use macro on my mag and have never had a problem with it.

02-21-2006, 03:53 PM
Cool. I take it will handle basically around or below 800psi?

02-21-2006, 04:16 PM
im not sure what the working pressure of macro is, but as long as your useing a preste tank you will be fine. i use macro on my mag and have never had a problem with it.

Don't be so hastey to say "as long as I keep it below 800-850 with preset I'll be fine" or you could be in trouble. Make sure the WORKING PRESSURE is ABOVE input pressure, not only the burst pressure. If you're running more than the working pressure then you're bieng VERY unsafe. Sure, It might work...for a while. :nono:
But most macrolines are designed for the more modern guns who only use around 500psi input. They are designed with factors of saftey that that take into account getting surface scratches/nicks from normal play and fatigue and large temperature variences and pressure spikes. :confused:
Next time your hunched over your marker tuning it, think about the macroline that's 12" away from your face and what could happen if you have the wrong kind. :cry: It's worth the extra day or two to find rated macroline. In fact there's a link above! ;)

Here's an analogy: Most engineering factors of saftey are well over 2 or 3. Does this mean I'm going to get in a 2000lbs load rated elevator with 3500lbs of stuff because it works fine. :ninja: Heck no. That's f***ing :tard: Why would you risk your vision/hearing/etc. with common Macroline?

I guess, as an engineer, I'm bitter toward the countless people who misuse equipment, it fails, someone gets hurt, then the engineers get burned at the stake for designing it. :cuss:

02-21-2006, 04:30 PM
But most macrolines are designed for the more modern guns who only use around 500psi input. They are designed with factors of saftey that that take into account getting surface scratches/nicks from normal play and fatigue and large temperature variences and pressure spikes. :confused:
Next time your hunched over your marker tuning it, think about the macroline that's 12" away from your face and what could happen if you have the wrong kind. :cry: It's worth the extra day or two to find rated macroline. In fact there's a link above! ;)

this is true, i was resting my first mag on my leg as i was filling the tank, the macro line that was touching my leg blew, it hurt like hell and left a bruise the size of a soft ball on my leg, but i found out a few minuts later that my tank was malfunctioning and puting out 3000 psi....fun stuff. if your not in a rush, finding the right stuff is great,but if you are in a rush, the macro you can get at any pb store SHOULD work with a preset tank.

02-21-2006, 05:00 PM
macro you can get at any pb store SHOULD work with a preset tank.

Are you refering to the LP presets (550psi) or the HP prtesets (850). Because while both SHOULD work, the HP runs a very high risk of bursting if there a pressure spike or your playing in winter conditions. Just because a HP Preset is a preset, that doesn't mean your macro is going to deal with the overpressurization any better. (Did that make sense?)

Why doest everyone just use SS hoses with shrinkwrap and Q/D's. Problem solved. Then you can run 1200 PSI and Bounce all over. :headbang:

03-02-2006, 08:47 PM
here is a real quick guide line. this applies to tanks, lines, and and adapters couplers and hpa accessories. the burst rating should be three times the opperating pressure. thos means that if the burst is 3000 opp is 1000. you can often find one or the other when looking at line or tank specs. actionvillage.com has hpa micro whis is rated to 1200 opp, so if you need it that can custom cut or just get 1 ft incs.