View Full Version : I need advice...

02-22-2006, 05:53 PM
Hey, last night i was thinking about paintball, and I was thinking about the differences in playing style between mech and electro. I have one and only one marker, an emag: black, centerfeed ule body, Xvalve, 3.2 software, no-rise clamping feedneck, etc. It came straight from AGD around a year ago, when they had their $200 off sale on emags, and I am the first owner.

I was thinking about my playing style, and realized I actually like playing mech alot, possibly more so that on electro. Having both on one gun is great, but im thinking about going from emag to straight RT.

I would like some help with general prices for current used guns. Like vikings(unmilled), RT mags(rt or xvalve), and other markers you think deserve notice. I'd also like a general trade price for my emag. It's about a year old, has about 15,000 rounds through it, accidently stripped a couple threads on the body, but replaced the screw with a longer one to completely remedy the problem, has a couple scratches on it from falling, but nothing serious (they're on the battery pack). It's not a beautiful marker, but its perfectly functional, comes with xvalve, lvl 10, etc.

I'm thinking of going emag for viking, maybe add some cash, and then getting an rt mag. I have money to spend on this, but its my money, and I'm only in highschool, so keep prices in mind. Thanks

02-22-2006, 05:57 PM
If you like mech so much the why trade your emag for a viking and maybe even add cash? That really doesnt seem to make much sense to me. If anything sell your emag and buy a really nice custom mech mag.

02-22-2006, 06:02 PM
I'm not trying to say I don't like electros. I just feel that I'd like a mech mag might be better than an electro mag, and then an electro gun for when i feel like going electro. I really like mags, and I like the whole viking thing, low downtime, and really good efficiency.

This thought just occurred to me... why dont I trade the emag lowers, rail, and battery, (or part out) for intelliframe(or buy a ygrip or something)? any ideas for that?

02-22-2006, 06:10 PM
Thats a good thought. YOu can easily sell the lowers for around $300. With that you could buy a nice Intill or RPG frame and some other parts (new rail, feedneck, etc.).

02-22-2006, 06:13 PM
OH YEAH!!! i'll have to go look around at the RPG and Logic frames. I'll need a new rail right? assuming i part out the emag part and keep the uppers?

02-22-2006, 06:27 PM
Yeah RPG frames are pretty nice. Yes youll need a new rail if you part the rail out with the lowers. Check out www.themagsnith.com and www.deadlywind.com for some really nice mag parts. I love the thrasher rail and Karts body.

02-22-2006, 06:34 PM
Yeah RPG frames are pretty nice. Yes youll need a new rail if you part the rail out with the lowers. Check out www.themagsmith.com and www.deadlywind.com for some really nice mag parts. I love the thrasher rail and Karts body.
corrected :P, thanks, ill check them out

02-22-2006, 06:36 PM
ok, this is starting to look like im going to end up parting my lowers for $300ish, and then having to spend another $200 on a rail and frame? thats not gonna work...

02-22-2006, 06:41 PM
Yeah buying an RPG frame and that rail or any aftermarket rail new is gonna cost ya. You can always try and get one used or buy an intilli and a stock RTP rail.

02-22-2006, 07:15 PM
yeah, thats what i was originally gonna try for, think i can get a little more than 300 for the emag lowers? like 325 or 350? i think i can get a used rail/grip/intelli for aruond $100, so if i end the day with $250 ill be ok. Then another $350ish for a viking would do it... plus i'd need a halo, so $450 sound right?

02-22-2006, 07:17 PM
You can prob get around $300 for the lowers, not much more.

02-22-2006, 07:44 PM
alright, as im looking more and more around the bst forums, it looks like, yeah $300 for lowers, so a $200 profit, and then i can get a unmilled 03-04 viking for like 500 ish. Means $400 to spend if I buy a halo too.

Back to selling my whole mag and picking up a different used RT, would that get me anymore? how much could i get for the whole emag?

02-22-2006, 08:19 PM
Why would you need to buy a Halo? What are you using now? If you were to do a trade lowers for a rail, intelliframe and $200 that would almost put you in good shape if you weren't insisting on buying a Halo.

I would say that if you are getting $300 for the lowers, maybe $500 as a stretch for the whole thing. With stripped threads in the body, while it may not pose a functional problem, would be considered a blemish, so really, you are looking at more like $400.

If you parted the whole thing out, you might get more for it than if you sell it whole. You could probably pick up a used whole mech for the lowers. Then part the body and valve and you could come out with an RT and $200 to $300 cash. Just a thought.

Strange how the sum of the parts costs more than the whole. I found that one out the hard way when I built my new RT Pro piece by piece as upgrades to my MiniMag last year.

02-22-2006, 08:23 PM
He can get well over 400 for his emag. The lowers and xvalve alone will sell for over 400 together.

02-22-2006, 08:40 PM
why not just keep your emag and buy a nice custum rail and a logic frame...you can switch back and forth in minutes.

02-23-2006, 08:59 AM
He can get well over 400 for his emag. The lowers and xvalve alone will sell for over 400 together.
Yes, if he were to part it out. I don't think that one buyer would pay more than $400 for the entire thing, because you could get a new one for about $800. In excellent condition, I could say that a used e-mag shouldn't be going for anything more than $600.

02-23-2006, 09:05 AM
E-mags have not been fetching a lot lately. I know a lot of people who like the "feel" of the E-mag trigger in mech mode better than an intelliframe trigger, I know some people like the feel of the battery pack.

Take the battery out, sell the battery ($50ish), sell the board and noid ($50ish?), and make it a purely mech "E-mag". I know a few people who have done this and been happy with the marker in the end. This will give you the money differnce you would have gotten by going down to mech and building it yourself.

02-23-2006, 06:50 PM
thanks for the input guys, i kinda feel foolish for saying this.

I wrote this thread yesterday, and i havent played pb in like 6 months(school, you know) and was really just thinking about waht i wanted and not what i had. I went to my dad's house, where the gun was. I picked it up, and promptly forgot about spending money on trades and new markers. Thanks for the input, now im a little more familiar with what my gun is worth.