View Full Version : Should i trade my E-mag lowers for Devilmag lowers???

02-23-2006, 03:58 PM
hi, I am wondering if i should trade my e-mag lowers for devilmag lowers...what do you guys think???

02-23-2006, 04:03 PM
Interesting... If you get the eyes with the devil it may be worth it. Or if you don't like the battery pack on the emag its worth it. Do you want to give up you super amazing electro and mech lowers for a frame that is merely electronic with no mech capablities? Thats a question to ask yourself.

02-23-2006, 04:28 PM
Interesting... If you get the eyes with the devil it may be worth it. Or if you don't like the battery pack on the emag its worth it. Do you want to give up you super amazing electro and mech lowers for a frame that is merely electronic with no mech capablities? Thats a question to ask yourself.


02-23-2006, 04:56 PM
c'mon man i need some seriouse answers..

02-23-2006, 05:20 PM
if someone is dumb enough to do such a thing....yes do it. then sell the dmag frame to me. :clap: