View Full Version : Shootpaint?

02-23-2006, 06:13 PM
Ok, I am staring to wonder about this place.

As I said in an older thread (see "I think I F'ed up my gun") I really screwed my BKO over and I ended up sending to www.shootpaint.com to get fixed. I was recomended to send it there by a few members of the PBR forums and the shootpaint rep told me he could get it done in 2 weeks and I could have it back. That is also their policy(2 weeks).

I sent it out on january 16th. That means that I have been without my BKO for 6 weeks. Thats a long time and I am going through withdraw. I mean, I would expect a week of shipping on each end. So that would mean that they have had it for at least 5 weeks already. I am starting to get worried. All I want them to do is re attach my micro switch. Plus now I have sent them 3 emails over the last 3 weeks. Each has been a kind one asking about my gun and if they know when I will be getting it back.

Should I be getting worried. They did say that it would be a free fix because it was only going to cost them like $1 but still. :wow: 5 weeks :wow:

Anybody else use these people? Have any like problems?

02-23-2006, 06:48 PM
Do you have a phone number you can call?

02-23-2006, 07:12 PM
This is interesting, Shootpaint is a very reputable guy, and I do believe that the company rep on PBR is Shootpaint himself. Definatly try to call him, and Im sure that he will work it out.

02-23-2006, 07:49 PM
If you send your gun to someone to fix it will take much longer than they say it'll take...

02-23-2006, 08:43 PM
If you messed up your gun bad enough that you had to send it somewhere how could it only cost them $1 to fix? Sounds like you just got ripped off but i may be wrong.

02-23-2006, 09:16 PM
I know the owner of Shootpaint personally and have a B2K there for work myself. He has been slammed with repair request for the past couple of months and is very far behind, plus I believe he is having problems getting ICD to ship parts to him. I'm sure he is working on your gun and you will get it back soon. If you are really worried pm me your name and info and I can try to call him tomorrow and ask him about it.

02-24-2006, 07:02 AM
No, its a cheap repair I just am not too good with that sort of thing. He just has to reattach my micro switch and replace the wires that used to go to it.

That is what I was thinking. Someone else said that the company is probably just overrun with orders and repairs.

02-24-2006, 05:02 PM
Yeah, people do get behind. I get behind sometimes but usually can crank out a few guns a day...

Ive heard good and bad about shoot paint. Plenty of times people have said they didnt get thier stuff and such.

You may have been better off going with a 3rd party kind of deal. Madpooh can do wanders!

02-24-2006, 08:34 PM
Yeah, I had been talking to madpooh about doing it but shootpaint on PBR said that he could get it done for the price of shipping and in 2 weeks so I of course went for him. Maybe saving a few bucks lost me some time.

02-28-2006, 07:35 AM
I guess that they are just behind and will get to me eventually. Maybe somebody there will answer an email for onec.