View Full Version : Which Better?

12-15-2001, 01:02 AM
Hey, me and my friend are having a dispute on whos gun is better. I know this is a mag forum, so its gonnna be just a little biased. Ok here are the specs

00 cocker Vert feed
Hinge trigger
CP barrel
12 volt
kapp dropzone
Pure Energy 68/3000 Preset


PF mag with RT valve
dye SS barrel
kapp dropzone
Crossfire 68/4500
vert feed adapter w/ gas thru grip
12 volt

12-15-2001, 01:07 AM
Its not always the gun, the gun doesn't make the player, the player makes the gun. As for between those guns I would have to say they are pretty much equal. They are both gonna have high ROF and they will both have good accuracy, as long as you have a good paint to bore match. Whats the answer to "Which Gun is Better?"---- Whichever one you feel more comfortable playing with.

12-15-2001, 01:15 AM
They're both about even...

12-15-2001, 04:05 AM
umm I would definately go for the automag with retro valve and intelliframe. It is really unfair though. The autococker is kind of bare; except for the hinge trigger is has no performance upgrades.

12-15-2001, 09:24 AM
Yea guys, stop trying to lie and make yourself seemed unbiased...the mag does own the cocker, compare the upgrades...intelliframe, retro, better barrel...thats like 350 for the intelli and retro...and they arent equal in bps...a retro can pull 26bps, i doubt any cocker can do that

12-15-2001, 11:30 AM
i'd have to agree with beachboy on this 100%. My friend has an angel and a shutter. kind of a funny duo but the point is that he hates his angel. Sure! it has a higher rate of fire and costs about 10 times the price but he loves his shutter. For him, it is a far better gun than anything else on the market.

12-15-2001, 11:34 AM
The better gun is just the gun that you are most comfortable with, for example, I used to own a mag, but now I shoot a cocker and that is the most comfortable for me, so I said the cocker, but there really is no better gun.

12-15-2001, 01:12 PM
He wasnt asking which gun he played best with or whatever, he simply outrightly stated...which gun is better...compare the upgrades people, who cares how good u shoot with it, one simply has more high end advanced upgrades than the other

12-15-2001, 01:35 PM
settle down chief, in my opinion the better gun is the autococker, I don't care about the mags upgrades, I prefer the autococker so that is the one that I said was better. i do not like the feel of the retromag trigger. so just calm down.

12-15-2001, 01:43 PM
Hey bunkering your right, i was so hyped...man i was gonna break something, look at those mad CAPS i was using to...you got me so mad i had to go to a psycologist to assure myself i wasnt going to kill someone, man i was so steamed at u...

12-15-2001, 03:18 PM
Hehe this is great. What a place to ask that question. On a MAG FORUM. LOL:D :D

12-15-2001, 03:23 PM
Okay, 2 things:

1.) SEARCH feature

2.) Please don't ask this, its been done to death and all it does is create problems.

12-15-2001, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
Yea guys, stop trying to lie and make yourself seemed unbiased...the mag does own the cocker, compare the upgrades...intelliframe, retro, better barrel...thats like 350 for the intelli and retro...and they arent equal in bps...a retro can pull 26bps, i doubt any cocker can do that

Yes, technically a MACHINE can pull a mag with retro 26 times in a second. But to be realistic, it's not humanly possibly to shoot a marker that fast in semi-auto. No matter what kind of response you have to what I've just said, I'm 100% positive no one can pull a trigger 13x a secon, I say 13 since it's RT it would bounce and shot 2(1, then another), am I right?

12-15-2001, 03:25 PM
Your mag owns his cocker :D

12-15-2001, 03:48 PM
It's a close one, but I'd say with a couple more upgrades, I myself would take the cocker. There is a bigger price difference between them, the mag costs a good deal more. But if you would upgrade a bit on the cocker, it would be close to even.

12-15-2001, 05:25 PM
icecool, you're thinking of the autoresponse. the rt has a reactive trigger, meaning you can put just enough presure on it that it will bounce. the autoresponse is one that a pull will fire as well as the release of the trigger. but that just proves your point even further, that a person would have to pull the trigger 26 times a second.

12-15-2001, 05:36 PM
Thank you for clarifying the terms with me Bartleboy, I just get confused between response and reactive, it's all confusing. I guess I won't have to worry about that with a semi-only electro.

12-15-2001, 05:41 PM
just here to help :D

12-16-2001, 03:02 AM
Did your post say rt when I first posted? I swear it didn't but oh well, your mag owns his cocker if you have an rt...

12-16-2001, 07:08 AM
I think, the Mag with te 4.5k HP, Intellifram and ReTro Valve is a good deal ...
But you canīt say: "this one is better than that one" ... take the one you feel better with ... so I havebīt vote this time ...

12-16-2001, 10:33 AM
Well then whats better, the timmy or the e-mag?

12-16-2001, 07:54 PM
IceCool actually manike and Dan from Triggernomics have both gone up to 26bps. I know that manike may have gone a little past 26 and Dan was a little short of 26.

12-16-2001, 11:59 PM
It is all a matter of preference!!! If there was a gun out there that was clearly superior to all others, everybody would be getting that one!!! And personally, I think we have beaten the "which gun is best" horse to death!!! Everybody calm down, take a deep breath, and play paintball with a gun YOU think is best!!!!

02-17-2002, 06:02 PM
just to tell ya ur gunna get ust a BIT of a biased opinion.but heck the truth is the truth MAG!!:D

02-17-2002, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by PigSweat
Okay, 2 things:

1.) SEARCH feature

2.) Please don't ask this, its been done to death and all it does is create problems.

if you read what he asked he couldn't have used the search feature. he had specs for each gun, not just a stock mag and a stock cocker.

02-17-2002, 08:37 PM
Comming from myself a cocker owner, i'd have to honestly say that Mag is much better. I meen, ReTro valve AND Intelliframe w/ air & Rev... can't beat that.

02-18-2002, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by bunkerking
The better gun is just the gun that you are most comfortable with, for example, I used to own a mag, but now I shoot a cocker and that is the most comfortable for me, so I said the cocker, but there really is no better gun.

That is the most true statement on the net. You will play best with what you are most comfortable with. I have an emag with warp feed, but I think I still play better with a powerfeed mag because it is lighter and just feels right.
You may argue about the quality of the guns or the technology but no one can tell you what gun feels good for you.

bunkerking goes on further to make the next truest statement: their is no best gun.
I will go further to say that once you get something in the top tier and you can take care of it properly(poorly adjusted guns shoot like crap no matter how much you paid for it), then there is no, difference between you and a professional except skill and financial backing.

02-20-2002, 09:53 AM
Yeah try them both. But the mag does come with really good performance upgrades. I would go for the mag, because I like mags and I like those upgrades, so go for it! Good luck on your stuff...

02-20-2002, 10:20 AM
I chose the Mag because, the way it set up, I could shoot it much faster then that cocker.

When shooting a lane the BPS is important. The less space between the balls in my stream the less chance someone will be able to run through it.