View Full Version : Just answer the damn poll

02-25-2006, 01:01 AM
I want to find out something.

EDIT: And by brand new, I mean newly designed. A new AGD marker.

What im trying to see is: Is the current market for mags (basicly AO and our word of mouth) worth it?

02-25-2006, 01:14 AM
No... just because it's designed by AGD doesnt make it automaticly good..

and I'm perfectly content with my mag :)

02-25-2006, 01:20 AM
and I'm perfectly content with my mag :)

I can see that. Its because of you pack rats and your 10 year old automags that never die. Damn you reliability...

11 Bravo
02-25-2006, 01:24 AM
Yes I would if it was better than the mags I have now.

02-25-2006, 01:35 AM
I answered with a negatory, but I'm the type of paintballer who doesn't buy off the shelf new markers, much less the latest and greatest thing. Especially e-flingers, I'm pretty well strapped with all my Tribal goodness for e-markers, but I'm mostly a mechanical marker user. So, sorry to disappoint, but I would more than likely not going to plunk down $900 for a brand new e-marker, even if it bears AGD's logo and backing. I say "more than likely" because things change - I could win the lottery tomorrow, you never know. =)

02-25-2006, 02:05 AM
Ideally, Id love to. If it was still capable of being mechanical and wasnt restricted in it design.

Are you asking about what weve all been dreaming about?


02-25-2006, 02:20 AM
I said no.. mainly because I cant see myself spending that kind of money on ANY kind of marker..

Baby Huey
02-25-2006, 02:35 AM
I said no because I would not give up my current set ups ('03 shocker, ton ton shocker, RPG paradigm). After anno in two weeks on the '03 I will be all set. NOW, I would love to see a sweet new mag come out that I could into (and have to explain to my wife why I need another gun). It would just have to have something that made me go WOW, I need that. Just my .02 , have a great weekend and God Bless.

02-25-2006, 02:53 AM
im quite happy with my borg.

and youre up too late sam ;) .

02-25-2006, 03:28 AM
i would like to see a new marker, and i would want it. but seeing as i'm just a teenager, about to go to college, i haven't got the money to throw around.

02-25-2006, 04:34 AM
My current gun is a mech Mag, so I'd have to vote no as well (at least to the dropping your current marker part). Ideally, I'd keep my current Mag and get the new one... I've just always had a hard time shelling out that kind of cash for a paintball marker when I could get a decent handgun for the same price...

02-25-2006, 04:42 AM
if only i could afford it....

02-25-2006, 09:16 AM
I said yes, but in all honesty it simply depends on what the new marker actually is. If it "feels" close to the same as the mags do now, has a gas thru foregrip (or setup so you can add one), and is just as reliable as a 68 automag then I would get one for sure. I actaully have already started a fund where I am saving up for this new supper marker from AGD. :dance:

02-25-2006, 09:24 AM

I think that there is a poll option missing. Because, I have the money in order to get a 900+ marker, and I would want to support AGD. However, I'd have to see first that the New gun would far surpass the e/xmag..

02-25-2006, 12:29 PM

I think that there is a poll option missing. Because, I have the money in order to get a 900+ marker, and I would want to support AGD. However, I'd have to see first that the New gun would far surpass the e/xmag..

or surpass current markers that are in the market for about the same pricer, such as the DM's PM's timmys ect

02-25-2006, 12:38 PM
I couldn't...I'd want to....but the most I've ever spent on any single marker/piece of equipment is like $110 on a HPA tank. In total...for 13 markers...2 air tanks...4-8 CO2 tanks...and a bunch of bags/equipment/etc...I've probably spent $1300-$1400 over the course of 5-6 years. And given the resale of paintball stuff...I'd be hard pressed to get back half of what I'd need for the new marker you are proposing. :cry:

02-25-2006, 02:19 PM
or surpass current markers that are in the market for about the same pricer, such as the DM's PM's timmys ect

Point - Any new gun that comes out of Airgun (or anywhere that isn't established) would need to be competative with current guns in its price range and have all the features of those other guns.

I would be more than interested in seeing what AGD would come out with, I'd also be more than willing to purchase one of these guns if they are, in fact, competative or even better than the competition. I'd also need to have sufficient cash on hand to make such a purchase, and as a "poor college student" that's usually in September and January.

Unfortunately posting a "Would you buy it" thread without anything to look at or even a description of what's being proposed other than it'll cost $XXX or more and be made by X company is like buying realestate futures on an active volcano. Sure, it may turn into a beautiful island one day and you might have some nice beachfront propperty once everything settles down, but what if you don't?

02-25-2006, 02:42 PM
or surpass current markers that are in the market for about the same pricer, such as the DM's PM's timmys ect

The catch there is going to be the fact the I SERIOUSLY doubt Tim will ever biuld/sell a ramping or full auto marker capable of 20+ bps. The pretty goes against everything thing he believes in as far as safety standards are concerned.


Anything 'new' AGD comes out with will be considered 'outdated' out of the box by most , especially the typical internet baller. ;)

02-25-2006, 02:57 PM
My answer to your poll is no. I already have an Emag for one, but if I get a second one I would most likely go threw Tuna. If I bought new he offers more custom than AGD offers. Just a plain jane Emag isn't my style. I like custom and bling. Maybe if AGD would offer colored ule bodies across the board at a lower set price they would sell better. As of now all black ULE $850, $999 for colors and old twist lock steel bodies, $1065 for tac bodies seems high. I'd say 750 for everything except tac bodies. Tac should be a tad higher. A discount for twist lock bodies. They are not as popular. I think that is more fair than what is currently offered. But I have no idea what AGD has into each marker. I wouldn't want to have them sell at a loss.

02-25-2006, 05:18 PM
The catch there is going to be the fact the I SERIOUSLY doubt Tom will ever build/sell a ramping or full auto marker capable of 20+ bps. The pretty goes against everything thing he believes in as far as safety standards are concerned.


Anything 'new' AGD comes out with will be considered 'outdated' out of the box by most , especially the typical internet baller. ;)
so? there are quite a few markers that come from the factory without ramping. Paintballers like upgrading, and im willing to bet someone would put out an aftermarket board for any marker AGD produces.

Its been said before, but to make a successful marker AGD would just have to get rid of the battery pack, have internal air passages, break beam eyes, ditch HES and the hybrid/mechanical modes, make a more reliable bolt system, and maybe add some better milling (like CNC xmags or karta). low pressure and an inline reg couldnt hurt as far as marketing, although its probably not necessary and would require redesigning the valve. making it electropneumatic instead sear tripper would certainly help too.

02-25-2006, 06:26 PM
Drop my current RTP Mag, and Phatom? No. Buy a newly designed E-Mag? Quite possibly. Being a mech fan though, it would have to be able to function if the batteries went down, and all that.

Recon by Fire
02-25-2006, 09:28 PM
I didn't vote, there was no applicable answer! I would be willing to buy a new AGD marker, but for it to replace my X-mag it would have to be better, not just new.

02-25-2006, 09:45 PM
The catch there is going to be the fact the I SERIOUSLY doubt Tim will ever biuld/sell a ramping or full auto marker capable of 20+ bps. The pretty goes against everything thing he believes in as far as safety standards are concerned.


Anything 'new' AGD comes out with will be considered 'outdated' out of the box by most , especially the typical internet baller. ;)
it will also be looks at as outdate to many serious tourney ballers. if it does no have ramping, BB eyes, ect many people will not look at it twice . the people who would buy this gun would be the hard core woodsballers

02-25-2006, 11:11 PM
so? .....

I told you why so. ;)

And no , no ones going ot make an aftermarket board for a marker branded by a dead company...just no demand. (ala predator)

02-25-2006, 11:15 PM
I told you why so. ;)

And no , no ones going ot make an aftermarket board for a marker branded by a dead company...just no demand. (ala predator)
if AGD creates a good marker with popular features but no ramping, it will still sell. and if it sells, aftermarket boards will be made for it. The chance of AGD doing that, of course, is slim.

02-25-2006, 11:23 PM
if AGD creates a good marker with popular features but no ramping, it will still sell. and if it sells, aftermarket boards will be made for it. The chance of AGD doing that, of course, is slim.

Slim is right. AGD hasn't had a marker that "sold" in over 5-10 years. The xmag was the closest thing and they weren't even the ones who made it.

No, they'd need a technical marvel to bring them back...30+ bps , 1500+ shots per fill , break beam eyes ( or better ) running under 200psi , under 2lbs and all on a completely different valve system.

That kinda R&D ,adverizing and tooling would run AGD 1-2 Million that they don't have and can't get.

02-26-2006, 12:02 PM
That kinda R&D ,adverizing and tooling would run AGD 1-2 Million that they don't have and can't get.

How would you know that. Have you seen his bank or checking account?

Dont have cant get is speculation. Maybe more like doesnt want to.
I just had lunch with him on Thursday and could say more but then he might :shooting: me

The catch there is going to be the fact the I SERIOUSLY doubt Tim will ever biuld/sell a ramping or full auto marker capable of 20+ bps. The pretty goes against everything thing he believes in as far as safety standards are concerned.

I agree. He was the only one of the brain trust trying to follow Standards they all put down.

Peace Out


02-26-2006, 01:09 PM
How would you know that. Have you seen his bank or checking account?

Dont have cant get is speculation.

Actually Toms stated on this forum a dozen times that that is the case. ;)

02-26-2006, 04:53 PM
Actually Toms stated on this forum a dozen times that that is the case. ;)

Owned by the truth.

02-26-2006, 08:28 PM
Actually Toms stated on this forum a dozen times that that is the case. ;)

Well show me a link. I am from Missouri. :ninja:

Owned by the truth.

Show me another link. Two out of a dozen will own me. :hail:


02-26-2006, 08:36 PM
Just one quick find. It's no secret that Tom doesn't have a Million in disposable income and if he could get it , he's not going to risk it on paintball.

You know these are all good ideas but there is just too many hurtles to get over. Licensing, research and development investment, cost of parts, marketing dollars and at the end of the day there needs to be a profit so you can do it all again.

The margins in paintball are not high enough at the small manufacturer level to make this happen with its own dollars. It would take a multi million dollar infusion to get back in the game. The other option is to have a runaway product hit (like the I-Pod) that puts you back in the action. We tried this with several things like LV10 and Warp Feed which didn't have the required effect.

We are still trying to link up with a big money partner that can make things happen. This is not an easy or fast process especially given what's going on in paintball. AGD thanks you for your support and I wanted to let you know personally that while we are still just simmering in the pot I am still trying to make things happen.




Baby Huey
02-27-2006, 02:01 AM
what was this thread about again? :D Very funny stuff though. Good night and God Bless.

02-27-2006, 09:14 AM
gah, another friggin battle of the egos.


02-27-2006, 09:37 AM
back to the original question, i would, but only in a couple of years when i actually have a job :p

02-27-2006, 10:02 AM
i said negatory. agd went the way of the dinosaur and didnt want to evolve to survive. if only when things were going good for them they took some risks they might have gotten something accomplished. if you dont take risks though youll never know what youll achieve.

and what are the chances that if someone made a board for their new e gun, that they will back like all those other products they backed (and didnt void waranty)? oh wait through the years every aftermarket part voided waranty.

02-27-2006, 10:50 PM
gah, another friggin battle of the egos.


Nope, Its the differnce bewteen someone who knows and someone who doesn't; one who is deeply invested and another who is not.

Honestly I think the high end marker is a bad idea. How about an all allunimum version of the classic mag in four different colors? Maybe red, clear, blue and black. Sell them for 300 msrp and map at 250-275.

Get into a market that most companies are not; low end guns that are high quality in a number of different colors. Offer a litany of different upgrade paths for tourny or scernerio.

02-27-2006, 11:22 PM
Nope, Its the differnce bewteen someone who knows and someone who doesn't; one who is deeply invested and another who is not.

Honestly I think the high end marker is a bad idea. How about an all allunimum version of the classic mag in four different colors? Maybe red, clear, blue and black. Sell them for 300 msrp and map at 250-275.

Get into a market that most companies are not; low end guns that are high quality in a number of different colors. Offer a litany of different upgrade paths for tourny or scernerio.
it wont happen. you cant just throw out a number and say "lets make a mag to sell for $XXX", it depends on the cost of the parts, machining time, and the other hundreds of expenses. classic valves arent that much less expensive to machine than x-valves. mags require very high tolerances and quality materials, and AGD isnt likely to turn out a product lacking in quality. its not like a blowback which doesnt require great tolerances.

03-03-2006, 12:19 AM
Nope, Its the differnce bewteen someone who knows and someone who doesn't; one who is deeply invested and another who is not.

Honestly I think the high end marker is a bad idea. How about an all allunimum version of the classic mag in four different colors? Maybe red, clear, blue and black. Sell them for 300 msrp and map at 250-275.

Get into a market that most companies are not; low end guns that are high quality in a number of different colors. Offer a litany of different upgrade paths for tourny or scernerio.

He does have a point. That point is, there is yet to be a company that has cornered the market on low-end guns that are high quality. Tippmann has pretty much been the only one. I would love to see someone come along that would force companies like BE or VL to either make better markers or get out of the way.

But, Slade is probably right...quality costs more to make...trying to force BE and VL out of the way is going to be tough given their huge pocketbook and distribution.

But just think about it. How good for the sport would it be if a kid could go to Wal Mart and buy a very basic Mag for $100. It would be quality and easy to maintain. AGD could then make like 250 accessories for it to make the real money. It's a thougt... :spit_take

03-03-2006, 01:17 PM
it wont happen. you cant just throw out a number and say "lets make a mag to sell for $XXX", it depends on the cost of the parts, machining time, and the other hundreds of expenses.

Wait a second. Companies do this all the time. You sit down and attempt to forecast sales and determine your costs. If your lucky you come out on top. Of course there are hundreds of line item expenses, that is how the buisness world works.

Sometimes I don't get AO. You would rather sit back and allow things to remain status quo? Lets do some thangs, shake **** up! Atleast that is what AGD did in the past...

But, Slade is probably right...quality costs more to make.

You right, however there has to be an excellent marketing push. Let the consumers know how good the prodcuts are and tehy will buy. Lets be honest, how many piece of crap markers to consumer buy every year? Its about time they have an alternative.

03-03-2006, 03:22 PM
Wait a second. Companies do this all the time. You sit down and attempt to forecast sales and determine your costs. If your lucky you come out on top. Of course there are hundreds of line item expenses, that is how the buisness world works.

Sometimes I don't get AO. You would rather sit back and allow things to remain status quo? Lets do some thangs, shake **** up! Atleast that is what AGD did in the past...
companies think things through, analyze the production costs vs. MSRP and potential market, etc. what people on this forum are doing is saying "make an aluminum classic mag for $300". it cant be done. there is a limit to how much costs can be cut, and mags require higher quality material and much tighter tolerances than the cheap markers on the market, like blowbacks.

03-03-2006, 06:18 PM
It kinda depends. It it were just another spool valve/electro penumatic/ et cetera then no, odds are I wouldn't. If it wasn't better than an 06 borg, quest, or any other gun in tha price range, I wouldn't get it, simple as that.

Edit: I think we're all thinking about this the wrong way. With the new interest in stock class playing AGD should bring back the pump kit, and sell pre-milled rails. As well as special stock class feeds. Pump kit on a sydarm would be pretty cool too. But my biggest dream for AGD is for them to come out with a ULE'd, X-valved, ULT'd sydarm. I know its totally impractical and only four people would buy them... but I would be one of those four.

GT also raises a good point. The pro classic kind of tried to do this, but coming in only black, and being a single triggered mech kind of turned new players off of it.

The tach-one was a step in teh right direction. As of now tippmann pretty much owns mil-sim scenairos. Why can't it be the mag? When I think about what kind of qualities I would want in a scenario gun the mag has them all.

03-04-2006, 01:28 AM
For some reason I thought this poll was, "Would you buy a new Emag from AGD". I guess I just seen what I wanted see. I must have mad cow. Anyway I voted negatory and that still stands I guess. I was plenty happy with the RT. I didn't want/need the Emag till after the X's were being disc. My first impression of the Xmag was that it was ugly. It has grown on me since then, but I like emags on down the best. Now I find myself going backwards I just bought a Minimag and I'm truely thinking about a pump. If AGD made a new super marker I'd most likely end up with one someday used maybe, but all the ones before hand are already super in my eyes. I'm not one to jump the gun and buy right away.