View Full Version : leaks befor the shot. why ?

02-26-2006, 10:22 PM
My minimag leaks first if I slowly pull the trigger. If I squeez the trigger the air leaks
down the barrel befor the marker actually fires. Can someone please tell me how to fix
this problem. Thanks ! pbbrain :confused:

03-02-2006, 11:24 PM
Umm... it's called short stroking. You're new to the 'mag world, aren't you?

Short stroking is when the sear only partially fires the marker. It will always do that, you just have to learn to shoot it. Autocockers also do this.

03-03-2006, 05:01 AM
Umm... it's called short stroking. You're new to the 'mag world, aren't you?

Short stroking is when the sear only partially fires the marker. It will always do that, you just have to learn to shoot it. Autocockers also do this.

I had replaced an oring like another kind person suggested and it helped some but still
does it if I'm slow on the pull. Thanks for letting me know that that's what automags do.
I was going nuts trying to fix the unfixable.

03-03-2006, 08:29 PM
Pardon me if this lovely little tidbit was moved here, but should this not be in another forum? I'd hardly call this "Historic"...