View Full Version : What can I do?

Doc Holiday
12-15-2001, 12:10 PM
Hi all, this is my first time posting to this board.

I own a Mini-Mag right now, it's a little old I think because it doesn't even have any stars on the A.I.R. Valve. I kind of like the thing, i mean it's light, simple, and can be made smaller than any other marker I know of. Here's the trouble, I just don't know how I can stay competative with it. I mean, it's a powerfeed body and it has the regular A.I.R valve. I'm installing a Mako E-Grip for it but even still I worry a bit about it breaking balls (Especially the brittle ones you find at some tourneys). I currently have a Freak Barrel for it but i'm concerned with the ROF issue.
I know that you should make every shot count, but let's face facts... those of us who have played tourney's know that if you can't keep up ROF wise then you are going to have a tough time. I'm sure the e-frame will help in the ROF area if I can get it adjusted and working properly but what about shoot down? Now, I could just buy a Retro Valve but that could damage the solenoid on the e-grip. The other thing is that i'm getting the e-grip for free. The valve is $300. If i'm going to shell out that kind of money, wouldn't it be better to add a few hundred dollars and get something like the Matrix?
I'll be honest, i've had my mag and my cocker for the same amount of time and I almost always use my cocker and leave the mag as a back up. Mostly because the mag has been stock and the single trigger just doesn't do it for me.
I guess what i'm wondering is this. Do you think the Mako frame will help and what suggestions do you have that would help me so that i'd want to play with my mag instead of wanting to sell it.
Thanks in advance for those of you that post with useful replies.

Please don't get me wrong, I like my Mini-Mag but it just seems like it might cost too much to try and upgrade it to compete with other markers that are coming better equipped stock.

Mr. K, I believe you make an excellent product. I'm not bashing it, but I really am at somewhat of a loss for what to do... any advice?

Thanks all,

12-15-2001, 01:49 PM
the mako frame will up your bps quite a bit. you will also never chop again b/c you can't shortstroke an e-frame. you will not notice shootdown until you reach around 12bps. not many people can do more than 10bps, even if they say they can.

i would suggest a superbolt. this would greatly reduce the kickback on the mag, as the superbolt is half the weight.

if you are breaking paint, not chopping, and you want this to stop, maybe invest in an AGD foamie bolt. that could help.

Doc Holiday
12-15-2001, 03:16 PM
You mentioned the superbolt first, then the agd foamie bolt. Will the superbolt not help with breaking balls (No i'm not chopping them, they are bustin on the way out the barrel when it does happen.

Thanks for your suggestions... anyone else care to chime in?

12-15-2001, 05:16 PM
You mention that the Retro is $300. They are about $279 from places like www.nationalpb.com and several places offer the "go retro" program where you can send in your old stock air valve and get a new retro for $199. That is worth considering. With the money you save there you can get an intelliframe with double finger blade trigger. Nice feel, especially with a retro. This setup will get you to a rate of fire that can actually outshoot a 12 volt revvy once you get used to the trigger.

What length of barrel are you using? Focus on the non ported length of the barrel here. A slightly longer barrel may be more efficient for you meaning that you can reduce the firing pressure a bit to get the same velocity. If the non-ported section of your barrel is less than 8 or even 10 inches you may want to go just a bit longer. This is easier on paint. Also be sure your paint to barrel match is good. It may be that you are using too tight a bore for your paint. Ideal bore should make ball stick just barely in barrel and still easily allow you to blow ball through.

Either AGD superbolt or AGD foamie should be easier on paint than standard bolts.

Unless you are sponsored and have to use a certain paint you may just want to switch paint. Some stuff is far more fragile than you may really need. I'd rather risk a bounce or two from time to time than constantly have a barrel and breach full of goop.

12-15-2001, 10:57 PM
it could also be your nubin. if htat's in to far or backwords, you'll break in the barrel.