View Full Version : lvlx not sticking

02-27-2006, 02:55 PM
ok... im using a high pressure tank (i know for sure and it is full), xvalve, ult, lvlx

here is what is happening:

the level 10 is firing but at a low pressure... if im even describing it right. its like the gun is on full auto but its not firing as hard as it should be. its like the bolt wont stay where it is supposed to. does this mean there is a busted o-ring or something?

11 Bravo
02-27-2006, 04:10 PM
Be more specific as to what your problem is.
The pressure going into the gun should be 800 or so. If your bottle is full and you are only getting 450 psi, you need to check the bottles reg. Maybe you have a lp bottle?

02-27-2006, 04:22 PM
Be more specific as to what your problem is.
The pressure going into the gun should be 800 or so. If your bottle is full and you are only getting 450 psi, you need to check the bottles reg. Maybe you have a lp bottle?

i know you are trying to help but i am not stupid. i have a high pressure tank. it obviously is leaking from somewhere if a full 800-850psi of pressure isnt going through the gun and staying there. i would like to know what would cause this leak. since the lvlx isnt sticking i thought there might be a problem with it leaking somewhere within it.

11 Bravo
02-27-2006, 04:50 PM
Well #%%# you. Figure it out yourself, but if you want help you should explain what the problem is instead of just saying my lvl 10 isnt leaking. What the hell is anyone gonna deduct from that. Read what you posted and see where I came up with my last post. Also if you have an 850 psi tank and its leaking down to 450 quickly, you have a hell of a leak and if you cant find it- you are stupid. :tard:

Last suggestion you get from me. Good luck.

02-27-2006, 04:51 PM
Can you please be much more specific. You don't want the bolt to stick, bolt stick is undesirable. So with a thread title like that, and then a post basically saying look at the thread title, how the hell are we supposed to know whats wrong with your mag?

You're saying that you have a gauge on your gas thru, and that its reading 450psi. You are also saying you're using an HP bottle thats outputting 850psi. If you have a leak between your gauge and your bottle that is dropping 400 psi, you would know it. That is a massive drop in pressure, as anyone will tell you, and that would be a very very noticeable leak. You may have a faulty gauge. If your bottle has a preset HP reg, it may be faulty. If its an adjustable reg, you may need to adjust it. Are you 100% sure its preset to 850, and not a preset LP reg? I am assuming you are using HPA of course. Is the bottle full?

What type of mag valve are you using? Classic, xvalve, retro? Is this problem recent, or is it a sudden problem? I have to admit, I am not even sure what the problem is, the title and post are so vague. Please post more information so we can help you.

02-27-2006, 06:01 PM
ok new description in first post

02-27-2006, 07:26 PM
Ok, let's start with the basics. When you air the gun up, do you hear a leak?
Do you have a pressure gauge between your tank and the x valve? (mentioned by Ace12ga, but I dont see it mentioned in your posts.) If you do, what does that gauge read when the gun is aired up?
What kind of tank do you have?

Cow hunter
02-27-2006, 07:42 PM
maybe what you mean is
1) shootdown
2) the valve isnt getting enough air
3) the bolt moves too slow, almost sluggish like
4) the bolt is sticking

02-28-2006, 01:09 AM
Ok, let's start with the basics. When you air the gun up, do you hear a leak?
Do you have a pressure gauge between your tank and the x valve? (mentioned by Ace12ga, but I dont see it mentioned in your posts.) If you do, what does that gauge read when the gun is aired up?
What kind of tank do you have?

i dont have my gun with me atm so ill get back to this thread after the 3rd