View Full Version : decisions need ao's help get mag or save up for ego?

02-27-2006, 05:12 PM
Ok well I just sold my excel and im stuck on what I should get for my next gun.

As of now I don’t own a paintball marker. I was thinking in building a nice mag but I was also thinking in saving up and getting a 05 ego. Now I don’t have a job yet :( (im 16) but my parental units wont let me get a job in till I get my grades up in global :tard: so I wont have any way in saving $$ to get an ego. I can but I would be able to get it probably till mid of this year’s paintball season and I don’t want to be marker less for that long.

I was thinking in building a nice ule mag and warping it :) but im stuck between the two.

I was wondering if you were in my position would you go and build a nice mag or wait 2-3 months marker less and save up to get a 05 ego?

help me out. what are your thoughts on the egos compared to the mags. I know much about mags but not allot about egos.


NOTE: I also want to add that I really like Electro’s and would like to get one but my father is getting a Viking after falling in love with my old Viking:D so when he gets his Viking ill have that for tournaments and backup and I think a mag would go with it go but still don’t know if a ego would be a better choice

02-27-2006, 05:37 PM
How about i build you a Mag that will pee all over your Dads Viking? Wont that be fun? :D :rofl:

02-27-2006, 05:41 PM
I think you should get which ever you really want even if it takes a little longer. Cause...if your going to "build a nice ULE RT" from scratch and warp it your going to spend pretty close to what the Egos going to cost you used.

02-27-2006, 06:09 PM
I think you should get which ever you really want even if it takes a little longer. Cause...if your going to "build a nice ULE RT" from scratch and warp it your going to spend pretty close to what the Egos going to cost you used.

very true. but are egos worth getting?? they are nice and light but if i were to get a ego im getting tadao for it and that will be an other 100 soo.

also if i was to get a mag i was planning on getting a vert mag and later on when i want to warp it if i still do im going to get you a ring for a rpg warp feedneck :)

11 Bravo
02-27-2006, 06:15 PM
Speedball, woodsball or both?

02-27-2006, 06:16 PM
Speedball or woodsball or both?

i mostally play speedball but this year im going to emr 2 times and i think me and my buds are going to play at our buds woods a few times to.

thats what i was also thinkin as well cause i can use the viking for my speedball gun and the mag for my rec fun gun / woods ball gun.

02-27-2006, 06:30 PM
Sure, they're great markers. Basically a well built Timmy. If that's what you like , it's a great choice. Don't feel like you need to 'upgrade' so fast either , it's a great marker out of the box and really needs nothing more.

02-27-2006, 06:37 PM
you dont NEED tadao for the ego, but, if your dead set on that, thats your deal. Anyway, i would say, if your not going the viking route, then, id reccomend picking up an older timmy, or a PM5. Both are amazing markers which can be had for $4-$500 used.

02-27-2006, 06:42 PM
ego for sure. who cares if you have to wait till mid season to get it you will love it. if you get the mag im 100% sure you will want something different then a mag if you are playing tourneys. go big or dont go at all.

02-27-2006, 07:20 PM
Ok well I just sold my excel and im stuck on what I should get for my next gun.

If you didnt like an excal you certainly are not going to be a fan of the ego. I believe that Ego's suck simply becuse they do not offer them in the old school eclipse splash.

Build a mag. I hear that Tuna does a fine job on the mechs. I am consdering him to build a sleeper classic mag for me.

Cow hunter
02-27-2006, 07:27 PM
if you're willing to fork over enough for an ego, why not get a used E or even an X mag? a used E-mag could go for around $500
/post count +1
//666 posts :eek:

02-27-2006, 07:29 PM
If you didnt like an excal you certainly are not going to be a fan of the ego. I believe that Ego's suck simply becuse they do not offer them in the old school eclipse splash.

Build a mag. I hear that Tuna does a fine job on the mechs. I am consdering him to build a sleeper classic mag for me.

yeah tuna dose some really good work. he made my emag last year and i LOVED IT.

but not sure i may just get one off airgun.com.

i have a feeling that if i wait and get an ego then after getting it they will drop in price being that the 06 will be out longer and probably loose a little value cause i see that all the time when new guns get older. i remeber when people were forking over over 800 for shockers and now i can get one for 500 easy.

hmm im probably going to rest on it tonight but as of now im probably going to give tuna a pm and see what he can do.

but i really want a y grip when are they coming back??

02-27-2006, 07:31 PM
If you play speed, get the ego. If you play woods get the Mag. OR, you could buy a used shocker, angel, timmy, DM, for around $700 that will work just fine.

02-27-2006, 07:31 PM
if you're willing to fork over enough for an ego, why not get a used E or even an X mag? a used E-mag could go for around $500
/post count +1
//666 posts :eek:

good point i saw a xmag selling on ao a little bit ago for 650 i almost shat myself :D

02-27-2006, 07:38 PM
Mag :cheers:

02-27-2006, 08:46 PM
I'd go steal your dads viking... Awesome guns vikings. If I ever buy another gun, it will be a viking, tadao'd

02-27-2006, 08:49 PM
I'd go steal your dads viking... Awesome guns vikings. If I ever buy another gun, it will be a viking, tadao'd

yeah i miss my old tadao viking

yeah hes playing but not like in tournaments soo im planning on useing it for tournaments and speedball. but thats when he gets it

02-28-2006, 07:46 PM
I'm currently selling a DYE Matrix and a ULE 3.2 Emag, and I'm thinking about selling my Ego (Just bought it a month ago, but I'm in college and don't get to play much). So shoot me a PM If you're interested. My Matrix and Emag are both listed in the markers b/s/t forum.

02-28-2006, 08:11 PM
I'm currently selling a DYE Matrix and a ULE 3.2 Emag, and I'm thinking about selling my Ego (Just bought it a month ago, but I'm in college and don't get to play much). So shoot me a PM If you're interested. My Matrix and Emag are both listed in the markers b/s/t forum.

i decided to get a mag. i didnt have the funs and i wouldent been able to save up anyway being that i have to help my dad but a hopper, tank, mask, pack and gun soo i just went with a mag


theres a thread about my experience outside of agd and pics of my new mag which should be here thursday :D

02-28-2006, 08:58 PM
And EGO owner just recently shot my classic RT mag, and he said that he really liked it and misses the days when he had one and it was the fastest thing on this side of the galaxy. And then he straight up offered to trade me for my X-mag, I obviously declined.

11 Bravo
02-28-2006, 11:28 PM
If you decide to go with an E/X Mag - We now have ramping! :wow:

02-28-2006, 11:32 PM
If you decide to go with an E/X Mag - We now have ramping! :wow:

really when did this come out??

no more 3.2??