View Full Version : Im back in the mag family !!!

02-28-2006, 12:52 AM
well since last summer i have been out of the mag family and in with aka. i sold my emag and ion and bought a 04 viking then got tadao on it. then traded the viking (kept the tadao) and got a 02 excal. i just sold the excal two days ago and now im back in the mag family

i just bought a mag off ebay!!

but i want to share how my experience was outside of the mag world. i got into aka because of my AO bud sneakyhacker420 he shared to me one day a movie of his tadao'd 04 featherlight jmj swirl viking and i fell in love with it. ever seeing that movie i got into aka. i bought a 04 viking and tadao'd it. and upgraded it. i must say even for the wait and size comeing from a mech and emag before it was really nice. the viking shoot really fast. never had problems with the gun breaking. eyes breaking (well had one problem with the was board re-setting it self but that was fix'd after i got tadao). i was able to get about a case of paint off my 71 4500 tank. smooth shooting. very reliable gun. easy to clean. basiclly a mag but with hammer and two side tube design. comeing from mags im used to the weight of stock minimags and i addapted to the weight of th viking well. it didnt mind me. it acully felt like holding a dm4. dm4 i SLIGHTY lighter than my viking. tadao was nuts on it. I actually got it to 22 bps in nxp uncapped with eyes on over my local feilds crono :D NO LIE. the ref the was watching and he was stund. well after owning the viking for a few months and reading soo much about the excaliburs i thought i had to try one out. soo i traded my viking (kepted my tadao board and no rider feedneck) and traded for a 02 excalibur. 03 and old vikings and excals are 3 pounds on the dot and 04 vikings and excaliburs are 2.5 pounds. the excal was heavyer but nothing deady. the excal didnt meet up iwth the 22 bps but it was quite fast for a closed bolt gun and VERY VERY SMOOTH. when you shoot it was like the ball was being shoot out of a flatline barrel in a way. it just went smoothly in the air. the excal i think was a little better on aim but not by much. after owning both a viking and excal i have to say that they are both very nice markers.

if anyone that has a mag but wants to try out a other marker i would go with a nice 04 viking to start out with then go and get a excal to join it. they both are amazing guns and evey mag fan will love a viking and excal in which the act like a mag cause all you have to do is just drop a few drops of oil in the reg and fire a few times and your ready to go.

i just sent out the $ for my mag (pics below!!) and i cant wait to go back to a mech mag. only thing im going to regret about leaving aka (for now ;) ) is that im going to miss the very very good efficiency and the fast shooting of the viking as well as the electronic shooting but more the others than that.

well here she is, not sure what im going to name her yet

x-valve level 10, stock on/off, y grip :D, red ule body with black ule feedneck, rt pro rail and bicycle fore grip, j&j ceramic barrel, duckbill.



and you wont belive how much i paid for this baby

$355 damn do i like finding deals on mags :D

i still have 150 left in paypal from selling my excal and $$ i have left over from selling other things way back.

im going to save that and help my father get or should i say get myself an other viking :) my fahter wants to come to open play with me and my buds and i thought i can get him a viking plus i can use it as my speedball/ tourny gun and ill have my mag for rec/woods/ fun gun

well thanks for reading and cant wait to be getting this mag (which should be here by the weekend

02-28-2006, 11:45 AM
I was able to put a ball up somebody's barrel with my old excal. Awesome guns. I just traded to get one back.

Nice snag, although I personally don't like the front grip rail on the RT's without the sight rail, just looks unbalanced to me...

So I'll soon have an E-mag, Excalibur, Freestyle, and BKO on the electronic side and a Micro-mag and Blazer on the mechanical side. All I'm missing is an Epic to round out the mechs...

02-28-2006, 03:10 PM
I was able to put a ball up somebody's barrel with my old excal. Awesome guns. I just traded to get one back.

Nice snag, although I personally don't like the front grip rail on the RT's without the sight rail, just looks unbalanced to me...

So I'll soon have an E-mag, Excalibur, Freestyle, and BKO on the electronic side and a Micro-mag and Blazer on the mechanical side. All I'm missing is an Epic to round out the mechs...

ooo man do i love blazer's

if they were a little cheaper or easier to get used ill get one. :)

i really dont like the rt rails in general and im thinking in getting a ule minimag or even sell my rail and body and get a Dallara body and rail if they are still being made? or if i can find one.

02-28-2006, 10:46 PM
glad your back. :)

i think i need to come back too.....
ever since getting rid of my micromag ive just missed it and have been wanting to get a mag, so maybe i should go back home to the mags too.

02-28-2006, 11:13 PM
glad your back. :)

i think i need to come back too.....
ever since getting rid of my micromag ive just missed it and have been wanting to get a mag, so maybe i should go back home to the mags too.

yeah when i had my viking i was like mmm i miss my mag. even though i loved and still love vikings to this day. really theres no way you CAN NOT have a mag. im going to probably have at least one mag as long as i paintball. if i change guns im keeping my mag :)

02-28-2006, 11:17 PM
Noooooooooooooooooo! That Excal was so friggin cool. You should definitely get the PTP Pneu frame when it comes out if you want to stay mech. From what Jay said over on pbn recently, they're finally going into production. Realistically it will probably be a small batch and they will be kind of expensive. Still, if you miss that fast shooting...

02-28-2006, 11:25 PM
Noooooooooooooooooo! That Excal was so friggin cool. You should definitely get the PTP Pneu frame when it comes out if you want to stay mech. From what Jay said over on pbn recently, they're finally going into production. Realistically it will probably be a small batch and they will be kind of expensive. Still, if you miss that fast shooting...

nooooo way jay is really make them now


i have 150 left in paypal :) hehe

yeah my father is getting into paintball and im going to get him a viking soo ill have a mag and a viking to join it soon

02-28-2006, 11:44 PM
Nice looking mag. How do you like the Y frame?

03-02-2006, 04:00 PM
I got my mag today :)


To my amazement it also has ult!!!

But the downside didn’t come with level 10 carriers :(

But hey for 355 that’s really good for a full ule mag with ult and j&j ceramic barrel

03-02-2006, 05:33 PM
I got my mag today :)


To my amazement it also has ult!!!

But the downside didn’t come with level 10 carriers :(

But hey for 355 that’s really good for a full ule mag with ult and j&j ceramic barrel

its really not that great of a deal.

decent, but not a steal.