View Full Version : Resale Myth?

03-04-2006, 07:32 PM
I've read alot of threads here and elsewhere about resale values being bad in paintball. At first, I sort of agreed. But after giving it more thought, I don't think it is.

I've tried to think of other sports where the resale value was better. I couldn't think of any. How much is an old softball bat worth? How bout an old pair of roller blades or running shoes? How about old hockey equipment? An old jock strap isn't worth much. :eek:

The only sport I can think of having better resale might be hunting/archery weapons. Other than that, can't think of any.

Not to mention, I recently went on Ebay looking for an Intelliframe. Found a guy selling this:


In case you can't open it, it's a Classic Mag body, with a chrome intellifeed, retro valve, and some other extras including a 12V Revy hopper wired for the intellifeed. Now, I bid more than I usually would on it because I was interested in the retro valve, intellifeed, and the Revy. I bid so much (I think like $169.50 or something like that) that I thought I'd actually win it :clap: . But no...8h left, I got outbid. Last time I checked, it was up to close to $185! I don't think that's bad at all. Sure, it's not what the guy probably has into it. You'll never get that back...but he might get $200 back which is pretty good in my opinion.

Too bad for me though...I spent the last couple days thinking of how cool the parts were going to look on my Minimag project :( . Oh well, better luck next time...

Cow hunter
03-04-2006, 08:06 PM
not much reslaes for original value anymore.....what you said, hunting stuff, and i cant think of another one....., no wait...... if you upgrde something for cheap and sell it for more maybe you could get original...... example, i bought my mag with an intelli on it, then i got a straight trade for a Z grip, i upgraded, adding to selling price, at no cost to me

Now, I bid more than I usually would on it because I was interested in the retro valve, intellifeed, and the Revy. I bid so much (I think like $169.50 or something like that) that I thought I'd actually win it . But no...8h left, I got outbid. Last time I checked, it was up to close to $185! .
thats why you should use esnipe....... itll put in a bid at the last second, until it wins or reaches the price you set

03-04-2006, 10:54 PM
it sold for $213 ...

thats about how much I paid for my first classic mag with standard feed and a carbon fiber frame and I think a crown point barrel and it didnt have any vert asa just a basic drop and bottomline... so yeah, resale has gone down. that was.. less than 2 years ago.

03-04-2006, 11:04 PM
I agree somewhat. The area that has taken the big hit is the high end electro guns. Guns that people payed $1000 or more fore two years ago sell for $300. Guns like mags & tippmanns hold some value usuall about 66% of new as a standard. I think that pumps like the phantom & most brass type PMI's etc hold the best value. They tend to sell within 75% of new or in some cases more.

03-04-2006, 11:52 PM
ya the resale of paintball goods is fairly good, and sometimes i think its crazy what some people are asking for their used markers compared to what they sell knew. I really only buy used gear now because i know i really wont lose any money if i decide to sell in a little while. Sometimes i even make some money buying and selling guns and whatnot.

03-05-2006, 12:04 AM
hell, I sold my classic mag with intelli and level 10 for 300$.

03-05-2006, 12:07 AM
Firearms is one that if you buy correctly they appreciate in value.

03-05-2006, 02:42 AM
not much reslaes for original value anymore.....what you said, hunting stuff, and i cant think of another one....., no wait...... if you upgrde something for cheap and sell it for more maybe you could get original...... example, i bought my mag with an intelli on it, then i got a straight trade for a Z grip, i upgraded, adding to selling price, at no cost to me

thats why you should use esnipe....... itll put in a bid at the last second, until it wins or reaches the price you set

Yeah, it sold for $213. That's pretty good as far as I'm concerned. Like I said, you'll never get what you have into it. It's pretty annoying when people do their "What's my Mag worth" posts and it's a gun they have $650 in and they're hoping to get $550. It just doesn't work like that. I figure a good rule of thumb is that if you buy a marker and put alot of upgrades into it, you might get back what you bought it for minus the upgrades. People aren't going to pay for your upgrades...they also aren't going to buy your gun for what you paid for it after you used it if it doesn't have any upgrades...they could just buy one new and upgrade it over time.

The older guns are doing okay. The new ones are less...but that's because they are so expensive new. The one thing that seems to be doing very well is the newer parts. E-Mag lowers are extremely expensive and in demand. And X-valves, you can pretty much get back almost all of what you paid for one...I've never seen one sell for less than $165, usually in the $220-$245 range.

I'm guilty of wanting too much as well. I'm trying to sell a few guns right now on my website...been trying to sell them for almost a year now. Just trying to get back a majority of what I paid for them...no luck. One is a pump, and that got a couple interested parties...but just shy of what I was willing to sell it for. The others, nothing.

But back to the gun in the ebay thing...it wasn't a matter of a last minute bid snipe...just got more expensive than I was willing to pay. I'm disappointed, but I wasn't willing to spend $213 for it. There's a great Mag I saw on there for $250...X-valve, intelliframe, ULE/ULT...looks awesome. But still probabaly out of the range of what I'm looking for. Oh well...as the season approaches, I'll be getting more and more opportunites to find some bargains :clap: :bounce:

03-05-2006, 08:43 AM
Well, there are a few trades that I know of that the resale value isn't too bad. My mom is a guitar perve and I could say from what I've seen, a guitar actually goes up in price even with frequent use.

In our buisness we sell surf boards. They are very sporatic. Unlike paintball, the people that would be buying a used surfboard want stuff that is big, slow and will last for ever. And therefore it has a different market. A really high performance model will just sit and the person selling it will slowly decrease the price until a local kid buys it up just for fun. A big longboard will come in in horid disrepair and sell for a higher price and in days because its what the people of the market are looking for.

My point is that the resale of a paintball gun will be much higher in the correct market. I bet it would be easy to sell a gun like a used tippmann for not too much under the advertised price, IF you have the correct audience. In this BST that wouldn't happen because the people here mostly want higher end stuff and know what the guns are worth. If you sold it on ebay you could get a lot. I put my pro/carbine on ebay with a mask I got CHEAP and two tanks. On here nobody would buy it for anywhere near $100 which is what I valued it at. On ebay kids that have never played see it and go "OMG t!ppm@nN" and buy it right up.

To tie this back in. If you put a Mag on this forum to sell you could sell it for what its worth. On ebay you are catering to the wrong audience and will get much less for it.

Just my two nickles.

03-05-2006, 12:42 PM
Resale in paintball is bad, relative to what it used to be. When I started out 13 years ago, one could often sell used gear with only a 5 to 10 percent loss. In some cases, people were even willing to pay full price for "like new" items, especially if the item was backordered (as mags were around here at the time). Of course, the advent of online shopping and trading lowered resale even more, and then saturation has even further diminished it, especially within the last year or so. So, whilst technically resale is still high, comparatively speaking, it certainly isn't at the level that some of us had been used to for most of the 90s.

As for guitars as mentioned in the post above, it depends on who made them, and what year it was made. Some manufactures drop 30 to 40 percent almost immediately, while most see around 10%. Ironically, usually the top-quality, custom made stuff gets hit the worse, since they fill mostly a niche market. However, the long term value on select instruments does increase, sometimes drastically. And, as you mentioned, sometimes the more wear the have, the better. Nothing wrong with being a guitar perve...

03-05-2006, 08:32 PM
What I meant was that she bought two really nice old Fenders that are collecters items and I know that they will go up in value even if they die. I'm glad she's a guitar perve. That means that one day they will be handed down to me and so forth.

03-07-2006, 01:51 PM
I tell ya, resale can't be that bad...I put in a very generous bid ($52.99) for a used Intelliframe and the next day, with 4-5 days still left on the auction...OUTBID. NUTZ! I thought for sure this time I would have bid enough to win it. Dang. I'm sure the guy that listed it is happy...a day after he lists it it's up to like $54.99. :headbang: I still think some of the Mag parts have some of the best resale out there. Cocker and Spyder parts are essentially worthless compared to Mag parts. And the other big thing is motorized hoppers. Halos and the like fetch a very decent price used.