View Full Version : Emag Battery Problem!

12-15-2001, 06:45 PM
Its more of a Battery charger problem i should say. I plug the battery charger w/o the battery in the charger and the green light comes on. Okay, maybe its suppose to do that so I plug my battery in there and a red light comes on and think kool its working. I let it charge for 2 hrs come back and the green light is on so i'm gtg...

We'll we play 5 games today and in the 5th i run out of battery juice. At this point i'm pretty confused cause it charged for 2 hrs and the green light was on. So i start to play with the charger and battery and i noticed after i put the battery in the charger and the red light comes on after about 1 minute that light goes green. Did this 4 times and something must be wrong cause the battery is dead, i know this for a fact cause my EMAG says so. Not even enough juice to shoot it.

I'm assuming the charger itself is not doing its job and charging my battery but dispaying a green light like it is, anyone have this problem before and know how to fix it?

The emag just came back from AGD (last thurs.) to have the version upgraded and a quick go thru of the gun but i didn't send the battery or charger.

12-16-2001, 03:18 PM
that happened to my emag battery too. My battery didn't work and the charger didn't work and the replacement battery didn't work. I've got everything fixed now though, except for the battery.

12-16-2001, 03:35 PM
At the tech class Tom recommended leaving the battery on the charger for a few hours after the light turns green. A six hour battery charge is probably what your looking at providing something isn't genuinely defective. It might be wise to let it charge over night if it's brand new, and do the six hour deal on subsequent recharges.

12-16-2001, 07:59 PM
I'll try the 6 hr thing. I may have fixed it earlier, looks like it might be charging now.

The voltage regulator was bent and touching a capictor. I wouldn't think this would have anything to do with it but once i put it back together the red stayed on for over an hour while it charged up. We'll see for sure next time i play.
