View Full Version : my day at work

12-15-2001, 06:55 PM
i reffed today at the field i work at. 2 interesting things happened to me today. i was reffing a private field when a few of their guys left early. after convincing my boss to let me play, it was on to the field. under one condition could i play, i had to use a rental, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was so bad. the gun was just so horrible. not to mention i had a regular hopper, not a revy. i was shooting so slow and the rentals there are so bad. the barrels are so much bigger than the paint, so it's almost impossible to get any type of range or accurate shot. oh well, one game i took out 8 of the 11 guys.

the other thing is so funny. we had a private field come in today in a nice big coach bus. it was about 50 inner city 12 year olds. the refs i were with today watched them come on to the field and we said to each other that they were going to be trouble. sure enough, within an hour, all 50 of them were brawling on one of the fields. hahahha, wish i was there. i was on the other side. oh well. i wish i could have thrown a few of them around.

on another note, there's these 2 girls that work there. they like to flirt with everyone. i guess i can't blame them. i know if i worked with nothing but chicks, i'd be flirting with them too. they're kinda cute too, to bad they're 17.

one last thing, why is it so hard to keep they're masks on? do they not understand, "keep your mask on!". i don't get it.