View Full Version : We need an AO day...... bad!

03-06-2006, 12:24 AM
We need an AO day...... bad. I feel like AO has cabin fever. We have been couped up to long on just the boards; getting on each others nerves, etc.... Maybe we need some kind of summer meet up north. I would love to get out of the 100+ days in texas to play in the cool 90's.

Who of the old guard wants to plan one up. I know you guys are watching. :ninja:

Carbon Blue
03-06-2006, 12:52 AM

03-06-2006, 12:55 AM
i say we meet in like...connecticut...haha, but i agree, or if it would really be too hard to get everyone congregated, just have an ao day in several places on the same day and then have vids and pics posted after on the forum, that would make for more cool stories/games i think, like AO northeast, AO Southeast, AO california, AO north, AO south, it could be pretty sick

03-06-2006, 06:52 AM
I'm going up to Texas in a week... I am sort of around Beaumont and Sour Lake if any wanted to know.
I just looked at your name, and it said Houston...So I just figured it's not THAT far of a drive...

*edit* shall I say "down" to texas...

03-06-2006, 08:00 AM
We should have an AO "Pilgrimage". Like to Skirrmish in PA. That place is one of the biggest and oldest pb fields in the country. Maybe the AO Army can invade one of those mega-big-games.

03-06-2006, 09:12 AM
We should have an AO "Pilgrimage". Like to Skirrmish in PA. That place is one of the biggest and oldest pb fields in the country. Maybe the AO Army can invade one of those mega-big-games.

Good idea, I'm game. As long as it's over spring break or even the summer that is.

03-06-2006, 09:25 AM
Good idea, I'm game. As long as it's over spring break or even the summer that is.

Anytime before June23 is out, im getting married that day and I would get my butt kicked if I planned anything else that didnt involve the wedding. How does June 24th sounds? LOL (just kidding)

Seriously, we should discuss this idea further. Skirmish is used to taking large groups. They are pricey, but we could get a decent discount on paint per/case if we bought in bulk. I believe there are also a few hotels and dinners nearbye, but I could check that out.

03-06-2006, 09:27 AM
July 15th and 16th is a big game.

24-hour scenario game. $49.00 per person, pre-registered


03-06-2006, 09:53 AM
Anytime before June23 is out, im getting married that day and I would get my butt kicked if I planned anything else that didnt involve the wedding. How does June 24th sounds? LOL (just kidding)

Congrats to you and the future Mrs. Evil.

03-06-2006, 10:09 AM
Congrats to you and the future Mrs. Evil.

Thanks bro. :D Second time's a charm.

03-06-2006, 10:21 AM
I'll throw this out there for you guys -

The management at Outdoor Adventures, Bowie MD has expressed a lot of interest in getting a wider variety of groups down to the fields & are offering quite a bit of flexibility with pricing, field accomodations (and food), and other benefits. They have already gone as far as having pump days (we've got guys coming from as far as MI for that one) specifically to bring in new/different styles of players.

If people here are interested, I can get Jim, the field producer, to get on & talk details with you guys. Just an offer....www.oapaintball.com

03-06-2006, 10:43 AM
I'll throw this out there for you guys -

The management at Outdoor Adventures, Bowie MD has expressed a lot of interest in getting a wider variety of groups down to the fields & are offering quite a bit of flexibility with pricing, field accomodations (and food), and other benefits. They have already gone as far as having pump days (we've got guys coming from as far as MI for that one) specifically to bring in new/different styles of players.

If people here are interested, I can get Jim, the field producer, to get on & talk details with you guys. Just an offer....www.oapaintball.com

Hmmm, interesting. You play there regularly?

03-06-2006, 11:27 AM
Thanks bro. :D Second time's a charm.

So, didn't learn your lesson yet. Huh? :rofl:


03-06-2006, 11:53 AM
I may be a little biased - since I'm on the home field scenario team (www.knightstalkerspaintball.com), but I've been playing at OA since 1992. They are standup guys & the owner is one of the original professional paintballers from back in the day - Lee Draper (used to be with Bad Company when they were national champions). He knows more about the business of paintball than just about anyone I've ever met & the stories he tells are absolutely amazing - playing with Bob Long, Tom Kaye & testing out some of the original/prototype equipment for SmartParts & others.

Seriously though, they are definitely interested in hosting something for you guys & I can put the right people in contact in you'd like.....

03-06-2006, 12:44 PM
Congrats BigEvil as well as DirtyBunny, both are getting married soon.

03-06-2006, 12:58 PM
I like where this is going. Bump it to the top for more views and posts. I was thinking maybe something like a megameet. Maybe a tech class? Anyone know if TK is still intrested in doing something like this?

03-06-2006, 02:08 PM
Congrats BigEvil as well as DirtyBunny, both are getting married soon.

Thanks. I am finished. Stick the fork in my life, its over :D (well, my bad spending habits anyhow)

Yes, AO MEGA-MEET!!! Let the AO army decend on some unleary paintball feild. The sounds of our chuffing lvl10s will be so deafening that it will reek havoc on and confuse our opponents.

03-06-2006, 02:19 PM
July 15th and 16th is a big game.

24-hour scenario game. $49.00 per person, pre-registered

That sounds really cool. As do some of the other idea's. I am in for Skirmish in PA I have seen them in a couple magazines and have always wanted to go there. There is also the field in Joilet, IL. That is only a 5 hour drive for me. The whole idea sounds like a fun time. :cheers:

03-06-2006, 02:31 PM
That sounds really cool. As do some of the other idea's. I am in for Skirmish in PA I have seen them in a couple magazines and have always wanted to go there. There is also the field in Joilet, IL. That is only a 5 hour drive for me. The whole idea sounds like a fun time. :cheers:

So the question becomes.: do we have enough time to orgaize something, and get enough people from around the country to be able to make plans to show up?

Cow hunter
03-06-2006, 03:19 PM
i think a poll for fields would be good..... but im all for the skirmish idea

03-06-2006, 04:13 PM
Maybe a mega Ao day in Illinios somewhere near AGD. Play and pillage,arrrrr :argh: :D

03-06-2006, 06:47 PM
*if the turn out is big enough*,
what are the odds of Tom being there and what Factory support could this draw? :dance: :dance:

03-06-2006, 06:51 PM
*if the turn out is big enough*,
what are the odds of Tom being there and what Factory support could this draw? :dance: :dance:

Probably, ZERO for both.

Unless of course, there were dinosaurs to be dug up. Then the odds increase drastically. LOL. To some, mags are dinosaurs, so maybe if we bury a few...... :D

03-06-2006, 07:13 PM
Probably, ZERO for both.

Unless of course, there were dinosaurs to be dug up. Then the odds increase drastically. LOL. To some, mags are dinosaurs, so maybe if we bury a few...... :D

This AO day shall be Shatnerball 06. :D There better be one this year! Mags everywhere, Tom is there stacking the odds in his favor :rolleyes: , William Shatner is there (I play on his side. Sorry Tom) :ninja: and AGD booth is up and running. Everything a Mag enthusiast could want... :bounce:

03-06-2006, 07:21 PM
You know.. if you let us execute one forum member at each AO day... :p

03-06-2006, 07:33 PM
You know.. if you let us execute one forum member at each AO day... :p

then in 3 weeks AO would be Paintball-fourm.com

03-06-2006, 07:48 PM
You know.. if you let us execute one forum member at each AO day... :p

Will we get to vote?

I'd be down for anywhere in the midwest...skirmish would be great, but somewhere in illinois would probably work as well...

We need someone to take charge and make plans as well...

03-06-2006, 09:03 PM
Will we get to vote?


03-06-2006, 10:02 PM
You know.. if you let us execute one forum member at each AO day... :p

:eek: Oh crap, Time to break out my other automags! The kind that goes boom... :ninja:

03-06-2006, 10:32 PM
What was that book called? The one where their on the island and start bumping one another off? "Lord of the Flies", that's it. OMG AO is an cyber island! "GT" is right we need to get out! I'm getting a tad nutty sitting around this glowing screen. All I need to set me over the edge is one of them owls...

03-07-2006, 12:17 AM
If i can get my stepdad to take me i will go wherever the BIG AO meet happens. I bet i could also rustle up quite a few other maggers from aorund here to play as well.


03-07-2006, 12:37 AM
I am doing an AO-AZ day here in 2 weeks. I don’t think I am going to have much turnout however. The problem is that those of us who want to do this are spread too far and thin. :(

Most airlines have specials to places like LA, Orlando, and San Diego because of the amusement parks, so perhaps somewhere like that would be cool. The trip could also be justified further by going to the local attractions. As far as somewhere centrally located, Chicago could be nice. I have never been there. I hear the food is good, but I don’t think I would like wind too much.

Also to really get some attendance, we should have it at least a few months off… say July at the earliest.

Too bad Mr. Kaye has moved on to other interests, because having an official AGD presence would make the trip really worth it.


Those of you that are cooped up due to cold winters… perhaps I could set up a “winter visitor” paintball day next year. Arizona is really nice in the winter. We only had 3 or 4 nights of freezing this winter. Usually the highs have been in the high 60’s and lows of mid 40’s. The scenery is nice too… how many of you have seen a cactus?

It’s too late for that this year though. By the time it could be set up I will be cooped up inside due to the triple digits. NO JOKE, I have seen asphalt melt out here.

03-07-2006, 01:45 AM
any of u guys going to the owners group this year??? could that be a sorta ao day?

03-07-2006, 09:26 AM
any of u guys going to the owners group this year??? could that be a sorta ao day?
Maybe, but if Lohman is going to be exicuting Ao members one by one I might not!

03-07-2006, 09:42 AM
Maybe, but if Lohman is going to be exicuting Ao members one by one I might not!

You have to read this longer (short) story...we read it in one of my English classes...

It's good, and IMHO it's a classic

The Lottery (http://www.englishclub.com/reading/story-lottery.htm)

and now to make this post relevent...

Anybody wanna step up and make up a poll for fields? We need some kind of "head honcho(sp?)" Come on, someone from the old gaurd maybe?

Cow hunter
03-07-2006, 03:25 PM
Anybody wanna step up and make up a poll for fields? We need some kind of "head honcho(sp?)" Come on, someone from the old gaurd maybe?
shouldnt we decide on which fields to poll for first?
my list so far

any other suggestions?

03-07-2006, 07:38 PM
anyone interested in raiding Oklahoma D.Day?

03-07-2006, 08:34 PM
anyone interested in raiding Oklahoma D.Day?
That thought crossed my mind.

I also am tempted to say Michigan Monster Game.

03-07-2006, 08:42 PM
a nice trip to socal in the summer? we can invade sc village?? hhmm beaches, women, women, women, ooh yeah and we can all go to disneyland!!!

03-08-2006, 09:15 AM
How about somewhere in illinois, possibly around Wheeling, we could all stop by and raid AGD while we are there! :argh:

...or atleast try and get a tour of the place. ;)

03-08-2006, 09:52 AM
I think if we can get a group of 20 or more, than a big game would be our best bet. We would be able to play on the same side at least. Plus, it would be easier to accomodate a large group.

Ive run my share or these types of 'events'. Paintball outings are the absolute worste to put together. If 30 people say they are coming, we would be lucky if 9 show up. Factor in a trip accross country, and make that about 3.

IF anyone is serious about this, lets first
-see if there is interest.
-narrow the date and location down to two places.

Since im in NY, im partial to Skirmish in PA. I am being completely inconsiderate to anyone past the Mississippi, but hey, I'm selfish I admit it.

Next, we would have to find out about lodging, payment info and such.

THEN the fun part. Getting everyone to pay ahead of time. For something like this, it is a must. We would have to have a solid commitment from anyone who wants to attend. If not, then whats the point wasting our time?

03-08-2006, 10:44 AM
a nice trip to socal in the summer? we can invade sc village?? hhmm beaches, women, women, women, ooh yeah and we can all go to disneyland!!!

I like your thinking. :cheers:

paintball, women, and disneyland. :dance:

03-08-2006, 11:00 AM
I like your thinking. :cheers:

paintball, women, and disneyland. :dance:

If we are going to pursue that line of thought... then I say screw Cali. Lets go to VEGAS!!!

03-08-2006, 11:02 AM
I think if we can get a group of 20 or more, than a big game would be our best bet. We would be able to play on the same side at least. Plus, it would be easier to accomodate a large group.

Ive run my share or these types of 'events'. Paintball outings are the absolute worste to put together. If 30 people say they are coming, we would be lucky if 9 show up. Factor in a trip accross country, and make that about 3.

IF anyone is serious about this, lets first
-see if there is interest.
-narrow the date and location down to two places.

Since im in NY, im partial to Skirmish in PA. I am being completely inconsiderate to anyone past the Mississippi, but hey, I'm selfish I admit it.

Next, we would have to find out about lodging, payment info and such.

THEN the fun part. Getting everyone to pay ahead of time. For something like this, it is a must. We would have to have a solid commitment from anyone who wants to attend. If not, then whats the point wasting our time?

I ma intrested.

03-08-2006, 08:15 PM
depending on where it is i will go, and if its not during June 22nd - July 17th

03-08-2006, 10:50 PM
I think we should try to keep at the Oklahoma D-Day. AO could have their own team. I belive its from July 5th to the 11th.

03-09-2006, 08:57 AM
Too bad this is sooo close, or Id say lets go sack the castle.

Can you imagine 100 mag toting AO'ers going after that thing? I'd like to see Tom in front leading the charge with his two sydarms blazing.

03-09-2006, 04:50 PM
I think we should try to keep at the Oklahoma D-Day. AO could have their own team. I belive its from July 5th to the 11th.

Actually, it's june 5th-11th...That would be an awesome game to have AO day(s) at

03-09-2006, 05:34 PM
What we need to do is meet up in California, then have a giganto raod trip hitting every field we can find for three solid months, where we will finally end our journey in Main.

Recon by Fire
03-10-2006, 02:52 AM
I'd love to attend a AO-mega meet; I haven't been to an AO event since 2003. Scheduling is my problem. I would recommend having it out in Joliet, IL. It is close enough to easily draw an AGD and maybe TK presence.

03-10-2006, 03:04 AM
I'd love to attend a AO-mega meet; I haven't been to an AO event since 2003. Scheduling is my problem. I would recommend having it out in Joliet, IL. It is close enough to easily draw an AGD and maybe TK presence.

I'd second that and I have a surefire plan to get Tom there. I say we all pick up KFC spread the bones around the grounds and tell Tom we found dino bones. He is sure to come! :D

03-10-2006, 10:15 PM
If we are going to pursue that line of thought... then I say screw Cali. Lets go to VEGAS!!!

vegas..new hooters casino..and wgn superstaions arena paintball league..we can swarm the competition!!!! or we can just get as drunk as possible!!!! are there fields in vegas??? any big names come to mind?

03-11-2006, 07:23 PM
i vote for texas, but obviously everyone wants their respective state, i say we do the region thing, NSEW. but who will organize it all? i dont know, but if they do they should get a case of paint or something. any companies wanna sponsor an AO event/s?

03-11-2006, 09:49 PM
vegas..new hooters casinoand wgn superstaions arena paintball league..we can swarm the competition!!!! or we can just get as drunk as possible!!!! are there fields in vegas??? any big names come to mind?

I am game for that! Automag team on TV BOOYAAA :headbang:

03-11-2006, 11:29 PM
We should have an AO "Pilgrimage". Like to Skirrmish in PA. That place is one of the biggest and oldest pb fields in the country. Maybe the AO Army can invade one of those mega-big-games.

Why not have a pilgrimage to Airgun H.O.???? :P

With so many PB manufactures in that state there must be a field to meet up at and play... :)