View Full Version : Broken Legs

03-06-2006, 09:22 PM
hey AO ,

well the thursday, i got the last of my parts to finish my mag in the mail, after i assembled my mag i had to go to the farm and fix fence, well on the way home i hit a patch of ice and flipped my rhino 660, i feel out and the roll-barr shattered both my legs, well i can't get to use my gun and i havn't been on ao for awhile, o im asking for any sggestioins to pass the 6 weeks of being couped up but still sumhow stay related to paintball :( this is so depressing lol

ps if u sent me a pm i deleted it and ull have to post here becuz i had a ton of pms sent and i didn; :(

:dance: haning in there!!! :D

03-06-2006, 09:28 PM
That blows.

Fibula/Tibia, or Femur?

/Whos up for wheelchair paintball?!

03-06-2006, 09:31 PM
hey AO ,

well the thursday, i got the last of my parts to finish my mag in the mail, after i assembled my mag i had to go to the farm and fix fence, well on the way home i hit a patch of ice and flipped my rhino 660, i feel out and the roll-barr shattered both my legs, well i can't get to use my gun and i havn't been on ao for awhile, o im asking for any sggestioins to pass the 6 weeks of being couped up but still sumhow stay related to paintball :( this is so depressing lol

ps if u sent me a pm i deleted it and ull have to post here becuz i had a ton of pms sent and i didn; :(

:dance: haning in there!!! :D

Yikes... get well quick.

When I broke my femur, I spent a lot of time playing Age of Empires II

03-06-2006, 09:32 PM
Yikes... get well quick.

When I broke my femur, I spent a lot of time playing Age of Empires II

Gah, Femurs would suck.

I've broken 9 bones in total.

Fibula/Tibia and 3 toes in one accident

There was 12weeks spent laid up...

03-06-2006, 09:39 PM
Gah, Femurs would suck.


No kidding, femurs are absolute beasts. I'd hate to see the accident that'd break one :(

Anyway, yeah...videogames will be your new best friend.

03-06-2006, 09:42 PM
Anyway, yeah...videogames will be your new best friend.
try to do a little exercise here and there. do curls and whatnot. but yea I would get the card thing to blockbuster so you can rent as many games as you want for x amount of money

03-06-2006, 09:43 PM
hey AO ,

well the thursday, i got the last of my parts to finish my mag in the mail, after i assembled my mag i had to go to the farm and fix fence, well on the way home i hit a patch of ice and flipped my rhino 660, i feel out and the roll-barr shattered both my legs, well i can't get to use my gun and i havn't been on ao for awhile, o im asking for any sggestioins to pass the 6 weeks of being couped up but still sumhow stay related to paintball :( this is so depressing lol

ps if u sent me a pm i deleted it and ull have to post here becuz i had a ton of pms sent and i didn; :(

:dance: haning in there!!! :D

jesus...thank god it wasn't your dome piece...

Best wishes on a quick recovery...

You can start flame wars on PBN, and sit back and watch the foold argue with eachother...always good for kicks...

03-06-2006, 09:49 PM
I would start tinkering with my gun a little bit, you know just have fun with it, and my condolences on your legs, I pray for a speedy recovery for you.

03-06-2006, 09:53 PM

theirs nothing like being in the new trend and having 9000 friends....

03-06-2006, 09:53 PM
zee ur the man, i'm sry that had to happen the day you got my x valve! we have a lot of halo ahead of us ey?

03-06-2006, 09:53 PM
Once you get accustomed to it all... try pnuemagging your frame.

You can hobble over to a work bench, and sit on a stool for a while :)

03-06-2006, 09:56 PM
Sorry to hear that about your legs. Do you have to have surgury to get anything fixed?! If so, you can spend a few days on some good drugs and you won't really care what you are doing!!! As far as suggestions on what to do, I remember when I was laid up because of ankle surgery and there was nothing to do except surf the web and sleep. If you have a good internet connection and a decent computer, you can download Starseige Tribes and play it. The original full version is available for a free download and it is a blast to play. It is one of those online first person shooters where you are divided up into teams and you usually play CTF. Here is a link for you:

Click here and go to the bottom and download where it states full game (free download) (http://www.sierra.com/file_list.do?gamePlatformId=286)

Get better soon!!

EDIT: I forgot to warn you about needing to go to the bathroom. Get a bed pan or something you can use when you wake up in the middle of the night and have to pee really bad. It sucks to try to make it to the bathroom when you have to pee that bad and you can't make it there quickly :dance:

03-06-2006, 09:56 PM
Once you get accustomed to it all... try pnuemagging your frame.

You can hobble over to a <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=31&k=work%20bench" onmouseover="window.status='work bench'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">work bench</a>, and sit on a stool for a while
friggin genius
also try to milk this as much as possible

03-07-2006, 12:44 AM
Ouch! Games are good and tinkering is as well. I guess you could read if thats your thing.

03-07-2006, 01:06 AM
Bud, I can relate to that. Due to my current job, I'm in a place with no paintball, and I've been here for 5 months and have another 6 to 7 months to go with but one 2 week reprieve. How have I been feeding the hunger? Lots of reading online. I've been learning more and more about how things work and what kind of neat stuff is available out there to play with. Got a project I'm working on with a friend in Kentucky, and helping out with that by doing research online and purchasing needed parts. Mostly though, I've been staying sane with forums.

I think you've got it worse than I do bud, and for that I'm truly feel for you. However, if you feel like it, you can at least go to a field and watch people play in front of you, while I've just got the same old videos. Hang in there bud, and think of this as a perfect opportunity to save up $$$ for that spiffy new doodad you've been wanting, or more paint to fling the next day you're out.

03-07-2006, 01:18 AM
If you have a decent computer you can buy the game Half-Life (steam.com) and then download Digital Paintball 2.1 from digitalpaintball.net That way yo can sorta play...?

Or play those Greg Hastings games for Xbox if you have one...

I ithnk you should seriously consider wheelchair paintball. :headbang:

Maybe not...

Baby Huey
03-07-2006, 02:57 AM
You could read through the Bible in that time. If you dont have one I would like to send you one. Let me know. Get well soon and God Bless.

03-07-2006, 04:16 AM
You could read through the Bible in that time. If you dont have one I would like to send you one. Let me know. Get well soon and God Bless.

Because the bible is paintball related?

03-07-2006, 04:53 AM
Because the bible is paintball related?

david and goliath :: phantom and matrix. :p

Get well soon man, and don't go insane before then. What i can suggest to spend you time is buy a set of metal files from ebay, and a sluggo body from AGD, then see if you can carve yourself a nice karta body. :D

um... try to invent a new paintball gun design. Its easy to make a small variation of current designs, but it get more and more difficult as you get into more unique designs. Once you get a good design, compare it to the today's flagships to see if your design can compete. It's amazing how much time I have spent doing this. :(

Happy healing, get well soon, and try not to get addicted to video games.

Cow hunter
03-07-2006, 07:07 AM
i think videogames are the way to go, if you have halo2 live, youre set for awhile...... or go try star wars KOTOR:II, theres 65 hours.....

must be terrible to have broken legs, my friend just shattered his femur, and hes useless for anything but videogames...... anyway good luck feeling better

03-07-2006, 08:39 AM
Aw man, that sucks. I've never broken a bone, but I know what it's like to be kept off the field for a while. I couldn't play for like a month or two after I had surgery on my... ok nm, we won't get into that. :rolleyes:

Now, think of this as an opportunity! Yes, an opportunity to master the fine art of selling refrigerators, chewing tabbaco, and dogs over the phone. That's right, prank calling. It's the perfect way to hang out with friends when you're intoxicated. Be careful though, prank calling is illegal in some areas!

In all seriousness, I'd read a book and relax. Video games are great too, but don't waste away on them. Do a lot of different things. Try some excercises, read, play some vid games, etc. That'll keep your mind and body active so you don't go stir crazy. Get better soon!

03-07-2006, 09:10 AM
Next time: Seatbelt.

Get well soon. Count your blessings, because you're INCREADIBLY lucky.

03-07-2006, 09:37 AM
walk it off.

or play video games with your friendly jobless hippy

03-07-2006, 10:14 AM
Hope your leg gets better soon as well. My suggestion for your free time, turn your mag in to a penu-mag or Spyder-mag and play a lot of Digital Paintball. http://www.digitalpaintball.net has a nice new screen shot of their half-life 2 version of DPB. ;)

03-07-2006, 10:17 AM
walk it off.

or play video games with your friendly jobless hippy

I hope thats not me, because i work 2 jobs, go to school, and am very conservative

zee come back

03-07-2006, 10:19 AM
Zeevann, glad your ok man and get well soon. I think your best bet is a laptop and video games and lots of magazines. :)

03-07-2006, 10:43 AM
How's the Rhino? :rofl:

Glad to hear you are ok from such a nasty accident.

I just got a Rhino 660, awesome machine, and was actually thinking about installing leg braces just in case of a flip. Maybe even a screen and side nets. It's easier to go over than you'd hope... I do wear my seatbelt and a helmet when riding it.

Got any pictures of your Rhino? :D

03-07-2006, 11:16 AM
I've found that frequent masturbation helps out a lot

That sucks dude, hope you're fine once you recover.

Baby Huey
03-07-2006, 11:19 AM
Because the bible is paintball related?

My fault. When I read his post I did not pick up the "stay related to paintball" (it was 3am). When I had both my knee recon'd at the same time that is what I did. On paintball, build another gun. Spend your time in the B/S/T threads on several forums, find a bunch of cheap parts and when you are done send away for a custom anno. Get better soon and God BLess.

03-07-2006, 01:17 PM
I would definately suggest video games are spending time learning stuff by going through old threads on AO. You could watch a bunch of movies too, paintball related or not. I would probably get someone to go to border's for me and pick up a few fiction books. Glad your ok and get back to paintballing soon

03-07-2006, 01:48 PM
wow i didn't expect this many replies.....THX :D this made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!

well im not exactly sure of exactly wat is broke lol cuz ive been drugged up everytime ive seen a doctor.but from what my friends said its busted in 4 places on my left leg one like all the way up then 2 making a "V" and a spot where it shattered.... on my right legs its just a long break i guess and i got 2 pins in there so i can pivit on that foot....

i wish i could try tickering with my guns and pneumaging it bt im out of cash do to other things.... plus i can't work at the farm nemore and the rentz arn't all for the paintball thing, and i havn't seen my gun sense i got home its been moved sumwhere :mad: well im gonna see what i can do but i think im gonna get that 360 going again and start some halo 2 again.... if u have an xbox live gamertag post it up onb here maybe we can play a lil :headbang:

thx again for all the replies AO is making this an OK expirence :p

03-07-2006, 01:57 PM
darvocet, percocet, vicodin, demerol, oxycontin, tylox.... you'll be loving the opium derivatives....

03-07-2006, 02:05 PM
zeevann: Glad to see your okay. I'm like the rest of AO, videogames will help you get through it. Or you can read a book :D Or have a couple of "lady friends" over and get some sympathy :D

Whenever I get my 360 I'll make sure to PM you my gamertag for some Halo2 :shooting:


03-07-2006, 02:16 PM
mmmm demoral that made me so happy ;)

bunny u better do that!!!!!! i need halo friends asap :p

03-07-2006, 03:28 PM
I hope thats not me, because i work 2 jobs, go to school, and am very conservative

zee come back
it was a joke.

plus everyone knows hippies dont have jobs

03-07-2006, 05:53 PM
mine is Th3_GrandMaster

03-07-2006, 09:49 PM
Buy an old cocker and upgrade it. Buy a cheap trashed out 97 and fix her up like new! Sorry to hear this. And i thought tearing my MCL's was bad!

03-08-2006, 12:14 AM
I broke both the tibula and fibula during a skiing accident (used skiblades, bindings didnt come off :tard: )

All I did was eat and watch TV. Couldn't sit down at a computer

03-08-2006, 04:04 PM
You could read through the Bible in that time. If you dont have one I would like to send you one. Let me know. Get well soon and God Bless.

hope you get well soon. at least it wasnt worse.

03-08-2006, 11:41 PM
That sucks...

My buddy just broke (?) his femur in boot camp last month. He was climbing the rope wall and a comrad bumped into him at the top and he fell off and landed on his kees. He leaves again this weekend, so, I guess it wasn't so bad.

But, ya, when your all locked up, video games gain new meaning. If you want paintball related, GH Max'd is really good, IMO. Much better than the first (but $900 for a Spyder TLX that's faster and more accurate than an E-Blade 'Cocker? Yeah. It isn't totally realistic)

03-09-2006, 10:14 PM
get better quick bro

03-09-2006, 11:11 PM
Ok heres a suggestion.

step one, get air.
have somebody pick up a scuba tank cheep or rent one for a week or so. (youll also need a fill niple, but you can find these for like $40, also maybe grab some hose so you can refill from seated possision, or lay tank on side in cradle or counter)
step two, reball.
you can pick up about 140 for like 35.00
step three, build range
Heres the setup, Hang a blanket for the celing infront of a door down a hall way os some where you get some good room. next cardboard boxes, set some up at varying distances and heights.
step four, targets
Dollarstore is your best friend, nothing breakable, but anything cool to shoot. (maybe breakable if you laydown a tarp.
step five, pickup.
handheld vacume, grab one with an extendable handle or some such and a large opening. just wheel and vacume to pick up your reball. wash them after about five or so uses.

total cost is like about 150 if you rent the tank or about 220 if you buy.
this may seem hard but thats what friends and parents are for :)

reball will not damage your walls if set at around 230-250 fps. if you don't have a crono you can get a feel for it as it is just a little slow.

sorry about the spelling :)

03-09-2006, 11:22 PM
Ok heres a suggestion.

step one, get air.
have somebody pick up a scuba tank cheep or rent one for a week or so. (youll also need a fill niple, but you can find these for like $40, also maybe grab some hose so you can refill from seated possision, or lay tank on side in cradle or counter)
step two, reball.
you can pick up about 140 for like 35.00
step three, build range
Heres the setup, Hang a blanket for the celing infront of a door down a hall way os some where you get some good room. next cardboard boxes, set some up at varying distances and heights.
step four, targets
Dollarstore is your best friend, nothing breakable, but anything cool to shoot. (maybe breakable if you laydown a tarp.
step five, pickup.
handheld vacume, grab one with an extendable handle or some such and a large opening. just wheel and vacume to pick up your reball. wash them after about five or so uses.

total cost is like about 150 if you rent the tank or about 220 if you buy.
this may seem hard but thats what friends and parents are for :)

reball will not damage your walls if set at around 230-250 fps. if you don't have a crono you can get a feel for it as it is just a little slow.

sorry about the spelling :)

my legs are in working order, but i'm gonna do this anyway haha