View Full Version : Leaving the Mag Ranks

03-07-2006, 04:42 PM
Sorry guys, im leavin ya all. Ive been a devoted magger for years now, had my level seven, did the e-mag thing, got my level seven BACK. a great deal on an impulse has pulled me in however. I'll be putting the good old warp feed on it, gotta keep some AO spirit flowin!

See ya at castle conquest ten!

03-07-2006, 04:46 PM
If you're going to leave mags, you should at least do it for something halfway decent ;)

03-07-2006, 04:48 PM
lmao, your leaving mags for an impy. Damn kid, if your gonna leave you might as well go with a better gun. I can think of a number of guns that are better than imps. No reason to downgrade man.

03-07-2006, 04:57 PM
The gimy impy. Even if it was the last marker on earth :rolleyes: :rofl:

03-07-2006, 07:45 PM
should i make a welcome back thread now?

03-07-2006, 07:46 PM
should i make a welcome back thread now?


03-07-2006, 07:59 PM
I really kind of expected better from AO'ers than oh...you are leaving for that...those suck! , etc, etc...

There is nothing wrong with an Imp. It can be set up to shoot legal as well as anything out there. Maybe they aren't in style right now but once they were the hotness...just like mags just less # of years ago. :D

03-07-2006, 08:00 PM
Yeah sure thats true but there are better options out there.

03-07-2006, 08:03 PM
I really kind of expected better from AO'ers than oh...you are leaving for that...those suck! , etc, etc...

There is nothing wrong with an Imp. It can be set up to shoot legal as well as anything out there. Maybe they aren't in style right now but once they were the hotness...just like mags just less # of years ago. :D
i have a tournament legal impulse and an emag. guess what i shoot :p

03-07-2006, 08:09 PM
Yeah sure thats true but there are better options out there.

I am sorry, but I have to disagree on that point. The best option is the marker you are most comfotable shooting. Whether it be the setup, the weight, how you feel it looks to you, how much of an investment you are willing to dive into a bunker with...whatever. There isn't one single thing that makes any modern eye or vision equipped mid-high end marker better than another beyond ergonomics for the particular user. They all are capable of shooting 15BPS, and can all shoot 300FPS.

03-07-2006, 08:43 PM
As far as markers go, they are not all created equal.

Some things aside from the 15 bps/300fps features one would consider are:

Quality, reliability, durability, craftsmanship, ease of maintenance, ease of disassembly, upgradability, and value(among other things like cosmetic/looks, brand loyalty, etc).

He could have bought any number of markers and been better off(ie Viking, Cyborg, DM4/5, PM)

If you expected better from AO, I hate to disappoint. I will always be the first to recommend someone choosing a marker that doesnt fit the features listed above. And an imp doenst fit.

I see.

Well as far as upgradability the Imp is almost as endless as a cocker. There are many many performance upgrades available. It hardly gets any easier to disassemble and maintain. I think you would be hard pressed to find more value given the current prices these markers are available for. Its body is just waiting for a mill to get ahold of....

I am not like a huge Impy fan boy. I don't even own one anymore, but I tell you this. The field I have reffed for the past several years got a used Vision Imp to use as a loaner. It was purchased shortly after Vision Imps came out. This marker has been equipped with a revi, and has been used, abused, neglected, week after week of terrible things happening to it followed by getting layed on the floor of a trailer and not used again until next week.
The ONLY maintainance it sees is a battery from time to time and sometimes maybe a squeegie. It works as well today as it ever has.
There are very few markers that would stand up to that.

As I said in FULL above. There is nothing any one marker *truly has over another that doesn't come down to personal preference. All markers require some work from time to time. All markers have weaknesses and strengths that people like to pretend makes one better than another, but lets face it. They are all designed to do the same exact thing. They all fire inconsistant spheres of wax.

*add on edit-I am assuming that you realize I am generalizing all the major brands of mid to high end markers.

I guess to really hit the nail on the head....if you really think about it as far as true PERFORMANCE upgrades, the mag is about the least upgradable of all. The best marker available from the factory is as good performance wise as it can possibly be. You make accessories that certainly improve the look and feel of mags, but don't truly have any performance gain whatsoever(other than the Eframe that I am uncertain if you make).

03-07-2006, 08:55 PM
imps perform just as well as any other gun, it just comes down to profile, gas efficiency and maintenance(lack of maintenance). Had my imp, took it all apart, slapped it back together, no leaks. Came to me unlubed, worked just fine. On imps, half the battle is a feedneck and a trigger you like. The other half is weight reduction, reg consistancy(maxflos are great guns, but they lack the first part of the other half, ie: they are heavy as a brick) and proper tuning, lpr, tapeworm

03-07-2006, 08:59 PM
good choice. before i got my proto i went from a mag to an imp and never looked back. the imp out performes the mag by far. better in just about every category. in our last tourney we play in my brother was still shooting his imp and its very fast. now hes upgrading to a PM6. i would recomend an imp over a mag of any kind any day. good choice!!!

03-07-2006, 09:05 PM
Theres my point.

Why buy an Imp, when you are going to upgrade to a superior marker anyway. Go straight to the Proto. Its better in every aspect as far as electros go.

Now there you make a point I can agree with. If you want to have out of the box performance w/o having to do anything else then you have to choose the higher priced, better equipped markers. But if you are looking at spending the same money then equal performance can be had from almost anything.

03-07-2006, 09:08 PM
Theres my point.

Why buy an Imp, when you are going to upgrade to a superior marker anyway. Go straight to the Proto. Its better in every aspect as far as electros go.
the reason why we went to an imp was because we were new to tourney's and wanted a fast reliable gun, and at the time (about 2-3 years ago) that gun fit right in. if you are going to just play the occasional tourney then the imp will do the job. BUT if you are going to play alot of tourneys then i would pay the extra money and get a DM/PM. i personaly loved my imp and still do but i wanted something different and most of the UWW team shoots pm5's so i thought i would also. now since we are getting KILLER deals for PM6's there are 4-5 ppl getting rid of there pm5's to get pm6's.

Cow hunter
03-07-2006, 10:03 PM
hell be back, once you go mag, you never go anywhere else, well at least not for too long.....

03-08-2006, 01:54 AM
I really kind of expected better from AO'ers than oh...you are leaving for that...those suck! , etc, etc...

There is nothing wrong with an Imp. It can be set up to shoot legal as well as anything out there. Maybe they aren't in style right now but once they were the hotness...just like mags just less # of years ago. :D

Humm, it doesn't shoot legal out of the box?

I guess my thoughts on this thread is such. I kind of think of AO as a fraternity. Most of us are frat brothers and a sister or two in arms when it comes to mag ownership. You have gotta know if someone posts something like, "I'm buying something else" we are going to razz them. I don't see the harm in a little fun. I don't think anyone should take a little joshing around as an attack on the person who started the thread or someone that maybe isn't sporting mag colors anymore. That is plan silly. The first couple of posts where in good hummor then it turns into something it wasn't in the first place a debate over this and that. Why does it always end up this way? If I offended someone by my earlier post then I'm sorry. Now wheres the keg? And did somebody order the pizza? :p

03-08-2006, 10:05 AM
I if could have found a decent used emag for the price i paid for the impusle ($250) came with locking feed neck and a tank stock everything else vision ready. Id have gone for that, I loved my e-mag when i had it! my e mag was bone stock with a freak and one insert and i sold it for $500, i bought it for $500 with a warp. I still have the warp and it'll be going on my impy, that'll turn heads, i guarantee!

I might come back to the mags, never know. Ive shot many impulses and have always liked them. When i was in coillege i used to go over to the HSW office and play HALO with them on their big screens. I got to shoot the maker of the i-frames impulse, you want to talk about easy to hit 18 bps? A child could do it with that marker! I was imensly impressed with the markers then. My friend was one of the first to buy an impulse, I helped him customize his and i like the prospects of customizing one myself.

My mag was mine and mine alone, i cant tell you how manu hours i spent polishing and messing with stuff, im anticipating doing the same with my imp. its kinda strange the relationship you develop with a marker after going throught hell and back with it. :cry: ill miss my mag, and will still proudly wear the crown of "mag ***" wherever I go!