View Full Version : the "attitude"

03-08-2006, 04:10 PM
My area has been into paintball for a while now but we are just getting into "the attitude". I really don't like it. A lot of the people that I ball with used to all get together every other weekend to play some outlaw woods ball at one of 4 location. That was some good stuff. Everybody had a good time and soforth. Then I just had to ruin it.

I don't know why but over the summer I decided to build a paintball field. Now this field was going to be nothing special just a few bunkers set up on some of my families land behind my house. I started having the guys come over to play and they all changed. The got all "agg"(I guess thats what you call it) They started a paintball team, got new markers and shed the camo. But the attitude has changed too. I am getting more and more people show up and only I run the place. We have random people show up to watch. Many of the people playing are starting to fuss about, arguing and even in the later times CHEATING which was not heard of back on the woods field. And now nobody wants to play woodsball. I personally like the woods a lot better than my crappy bunker field. Only a select few of us(the ones who never went AGG) still like to play the woods and want to.

Why has the attitude changed so much. I mean, has speedball changed us that much. I guess we just evolved a little late but we became worse instead of better after the evolution. I mean, we did get better at paintballing but we lost our roots. I would say that back in the woods maybe one person would cheat daily, people would call themselves out off spray and the like but...I don't know but I don't like it.

My rant, thank you for reading, comment if you wish.

Just to mix things up I am going to play speedball this saturday with a ghillie suit on :D

03-08-2006, 04:21 PM
wow that might slow you down a little bit, but it will be interesting. I paintball at fields behind peoples houses, two of them that I know of in my area. one of them is a 2 acre lot in the woods where we roped off, and set up bunkers, spools, brush bunkers, a few trenches, wood piles, and paths, its really fun and its like speedball and woodsball mixed. usually about 7 or 8 man teams... I just think maybe you should have a no tolerance policy if someone cheats kick them out

Cow hunter
03-08-2006, 04:23 PM
not trying to hijack your thread, but this is exactly whats happening at near me. we have a couple fields in backyards, not exactly speedball, ghettoball is a better term. but almost everyone got new guns in the last 2 weeks, none as good as my mag mind you, and things are changing....... i pretty much started out playing speedball and in the last two months, since i joined a team at a field 45 min away, everyone went from "lol, speedball is dumb" to, "hey, join our team, were gonna play tournaments"..... i end up bieng the gun tech because im the only one that can fis an ion/cocker/$400 spyder clone :tard:

the agg attitude is spreading, its bugging the hell out of me, and making me question if i should keep saving for a speedball field, not if everyone is going to act stupid and cheat, bring friends ect.

03-08-2006, 05:38 PM
not trying to hijack your thread, but this is exactly whats happening at near me. we have a couple fields in backyards, not exactly speedball, ghettoball is a better term. but almost everyone got new guns in the last 2 weeks, none as good as my mag mind you, and things are changing....... i pretty much started out playing speedball and in the last two months, since i joined a team at a field 45 min away, everyone went from "lol, speedball is dumb" to, "hey, join our team, were gonna play tournaments"..... i end up bieng the gun tech because im the only one that can fis an ion/cocker/$400 spyder clone :tard:

the agg attitude is spreading, its bugging the hell out of me, and making me question if i should keep saving for a speedball field, not if everyone is going to act stupid and cheat, bring friends ect.
/\I started a rant thread, this is good/\
You hit the nail on the head exactly. I have a ghetto ball field and I end up teching all the guns that people don't know how to use.

I am actually on the team. There are 6-7(I don't even know) of us and we are a speedball team. They all have the full on AGG gear with "sik muppet mowing gats" and there I am wearing cammo soon to be with a full woodsballed out minimag(hopefully). Then it turns out that I can tech all their guns(eccept the WAS board) better than them. I hope this game will be fun.

03-08-2006, 06:18 PM
It is your back yard. Take control and take charge. Address the problem and if it pursists eliminate the problem or problems. Attitudes are made to be squished.

Cow hunter
03-08-2006, 06:29 PM
/\I started a rant thread, this is good/\
You hit the nail on the head exactly. I have a ghetto ball field and I end up teching all the guns that people don't know how to use.

I am actually on the team. There are 6-7(I don't even know) of us and we are a speedball team. They all have the full on AGG gear with "sik muppet mowing gats" and there I am wearing cammo soon to be with a full woodsballed out minimag(hopefully). Then it turns out that I can tech all their guns(eccept the WAS board) better than them. I hope this game will be fun.
the team i play on are all good guys, all 9 of them, that work hard for their guns, but i have to go 45min (hour and a half in traffic) to play, but i know all the field staff, and theres a certified mag tech there, and its good CHEAP prices, with no specified closing time. i love it, but they only get together every so often to play against one team or another. for those of you who know the yukon school, their team is kick arse!

the backyard here is another scenario completley, im ALWAYS the guy to bug when the gun is broken, everyone follows me into bunkers, they do NO research or work for their guns, one bought a $400 spyder clone that "does 27bps" i laughed so hard i could hardly hit him for buying a spyder clone! then the one person who actually calls me for a suggestion looks far into getting a mag, i even worked on getting him all the mag gear, the next day he comes to me with a broken ion.

03-08-2006, 10:41 PM
i used to play strictly woodsball, with a little mixed speedball/woodsball. i loved it.
then maybe 3 years ago, i tried real speedball, airball, that sorta stuff, and loved it. i'm much better at real speedball than woodsball, but i kinda hate the attitude popular with the little agg speedball kiddies.
whereas the attitude of all the woodsballers is great, and they are awsome to play with/against.

basically i like speedball, but i'll always be down for a nice game of woodsball.

03-08-2006, 11:03 PM
AO has been a "mother figure" to me. I've never been involved with another paintball forum as much as this. See I always play at my friends land out in the country. We're all a bunch of friends and dont go to regular fields much (except for scenarios). I've never actually seen or heard "agg" in person but I always think whenever I see a ridiculous pbnation thread, I think to myself "Do they know that they are being made fun of on on all the big paintball forums?". But then I realize that pbnation is the forum. Its a said think only having AO. What other forums are like AO??

03-09-2006, 01:40 AM
I thought about this as well recently because I joined Spec Ops Brigade. The very day I joined, I was on pbreview or pbnation and some kid started a thread about how silly Spec Ops was and that it was bad for paintball to make is seem "military". Now I admit, Spec Ops is a little over the top, but they have a nice website and I like their game log function and game locator function.

But these kids that were making fun of it were pretty much saying that people playing in the woods had no skills. That it was just a bunch of old geezers and birthday parties. Being and old geezer...that stung. :ninja:

03-09-2006, 02:21 AM
Wow did they really make fun of woodsballers like that? I am pretty active on that forum, and I gotta say, that's pretty insulting. Why would any woodsballer have any less skill than a speedballer? Can the speedballer happen to run any faster? Dive any better? Shoot any better?

I find that kind of "wow those other guys suck" attitude to be quite ignorant and absolutely reeking of stupidity. Of course someone else sucks, thats the way life is, some are better and some are worse. But there is absolutely no need to hate them for being worse than you. Theres obviously someone better than those kids on pbnation, and i doubt they'd like being called a noob without any real chance to back it up. Horrible fools they are.

03-09-2006, 05:47 AM
I havent played paintball in about 8 years now. i used to play in really rugged fields in south africa where i grew up. i now live in canada and am about to buy a new gun. my 68 automag classic is a bit beaten and worn. anyways ive played my fare share of speedball but give me one of those yuppie kiddies who think they are so hot. we will drop them off in africa where the native poor people are illegally sifting for gold at the back of the field and we will see how tuff they are at the end after running from me in the african heat lol.

you guys talk about *ghetto fields* .At the paintball field i used to visit regularly you could literally take a beer onto the field with you if you werent finished before the game started. i guess its a different world here and i respect how most modern fields are the opposite when it comes to safety and that is good. but i doubt ill ever find playing fields as fun as the south african bush.kudos :cheers:

03-09-2006, 07:03 AM
I thought about this as well recently because I joined Spec Ops Brigade. The very day I joined, I was on pbreview or pbnation and some kid started a thread about how silly Spec Ops was and that it was bad for paintball to make is seem "military". Now I admit, Spec Ops is a little over the top, but they have a nice website and I like their game log function and game locator function.

But these kids that were making fun of it were pretty much saying that people playing in the woods had no skills. That it was just a bunch of old geezers and birthday parties. Being and old geezer...that stung. :ninja:
I say that we get a group of experienced woodsballers together and take their punk asses down. Of course that means we would have to have a pumper to just to show them how stupid they are.

Welcome to the forum KingSting :clap:

Cow hunter
03-09-2006, 07:08 AM
I say that we get a group of experienced woodsballers together and take their punk asses down. Of course that means we would have to have a pumper to just to show them how stupid they are.

Welcome to the forum KingSting :clap:
like full camo, with spec-ops guns, and go take down some agg speedballers? :D

dave p
03-09-2006, 07:30 AM
I thought about this as well recently because I joined Spec Ops Brigade. The very day I joined, I was on pbreview or pbnation and some kid started a thread about how silly Spec Ops was and that it was bad for paintball to make is seem "military". Now I admit, Spec Ops is a little over the top, but they have a nice website and I like their game log function and game locator function.

But these kids that were making fun of it were pretty much saying that people playing in the woods had no skills. That it was just a bunch of old geezers and birthday parties. Being and old geezer...that stung. :ninja:

yeah, the military image is bad for paintball. so much worse than the e thug, contract killa, face shootin wanna be street gangsta, no respect, no manners, no honor, foul mouthed always cheatin image that is prevalent now.

03-09-2006, 07:50 AM
yeah, the military image is bad for paintball. so much worse than the e thug, contract killa, face shootin wanna be street gangsta, no respect, no manners, no honor, foul mouthed always cheatin image that is prevalent now.
That is so true.............

03-09-2006, 06:00 PM
yeah, the military image is bad for paintball. so much worse than the e thug, contract killa, face shootin wanna be street gangsta, no respect, no manners, no honor, foul mouthed always cheatin image that is prevalent now.
One of the most true things I have heard in a while[heavy sarchasm]

03-09-2006, 09:09 PM
ive actually had a field at my house(full 5-man airfield) that we would have people come to practice on.

sure we had already "made the switch" before this time, but we found ways to keep things under control.


we had a very strict cheating policy. we were hosting team practice sessions, and its really ridiculous to cheat in them anyway, but we outlawed cheating. we even kicked off an entire team and never invited them back for cheating/ disorderly conduct.


we had special safeguards such as a no shooting zone for staging, strict barrel condom/ mask rule, as well as having whoever was not playing at the time help to referee the games.


in general, it was invite only. we would only have guys we knew, or if they wanted to bring someone else, they had to vouch for them until we were comfortable with them.


everything ran pretty smoothly, we only had the one major problem and it was an isolated incident with 1 team. what you really need to do because it is your field, you have to establish that you are in charge and make people respect you. if not, then let them know that they wont get the opportunity to play on the field that you kindly made.

figure id add another lil story on to this:

this past weekend at a tournament, one of the players on my sister team was doing really good while at the center 50 bunker. some guys from another team were standing next to me an commented on how he was doing. they couldnt believe me when i told them that this was the first time the guy had even played on a speedball field, let alone in a tournament. goes to show how skills are skills, no matter where you play.

03-10-2006, 07:08 AM
I try all those two. My little field is just a practice field for some friends and by invite only. Or at least it used to be. Now random people have been showing up and when I came home from a 30 day vacation I found many of my bunkers destroyed and others moved around quite a bit. That really P's me off.

And you said about kicking people off, at my field the "we" is ME

03-10-2006, 06:55 PM
yeah, the military image is bad for paintball. so much worse than the e thug, contract killa, face shootin wanna be street gangsta, no respect, no manners, no honor, foul mouthed always cheatin image that is prevalent now.
You know where thats going?? My pbnation (only made it so i could TRY to find a good deal on a sw!tch) signature. ITs gonna be sweet. And I plan on starting flame wars

03-10-2006, 08:02 PM
This is exactly what happened to the group I started with. It was actually a youth group that just got into paintball. The arms race is what killed us. Everybody had to have the most deadly thing on the field. the people with the expensive guns thought they were top s***, they started cheating, built a tiny spool field and gave up woods...I had to get out. There's nowhere to play straight-up recball here anymore. I even got sucked into speedball for awhile but I got sick of being told to play back. I miss going out into the grass and disappearing, instead I'm hauling a** to a tiny bunker and trying to fight two people firing 22 a second off of me while me "teamates" up front scream "WHERE ARE THEY? YOU GOTTA TALK!" Here's an idea. Get out of the fetal position and draw a little heat so I can shoot somebody. One kid at a tourney had the nerve to ask me why I kept getting shot in the first thirty seconds of the game, and I told him "Because I'm trying to kill these b*******, not bore 'em to death!" The general attitude has just gone to crap since I started playing. It just became the 'in' thing to do. This youth group started playing with about a total roster of 30 people, generally getting about twelve to play on a given day...Now they don't even have an exact count, but they think it's somewhere around 150 with about 10-20 on a given day...all this since 2003. what I used to think was a godsend for our town has turned into a plague. kids are totally obsessed with paintball, buying expensive guns and not maintaining them...vandalism has become almost commonplace...All this started from 10 kids playing with Brass Eagle Eradicators (Disposables!) in a basement barely big enough for a one-on-one.