View Full Version : Why not use a regular reg instead of the xvalve?

03-11-2006, 04:24 PM
I noticed that Everyone uses just the valve to tune there gun. How about putting a hyper 2 or aka reg on and using that? :confused:

Stealth Fighter
03-11-2006, 04:28 PM
You will starve the valve resulting in shoot down.

03-11-2006, 04:29 PM
a) the valve is a regulator
b) if you double regulate it, shootdown occurs
c) any regulator you could put on would be not up to par as the x valve

03-11-2006, 04:33 PM
c) any regulator you could put on would be not up to par as the x valve

What he said.

03-11-2006, 06:50 PM
a) the valve is a regulator
b) if you double regulate it, shootdown occurs
c) any regulator you could put on would be not up to par as the x valve

I'll agree with this, with one caveat, for the purpose of running a mag and keeping the internals of the x-valve, you won't find any better than what's already there.

paint magnet
03-11-2006, 07:04 PM
What's the point? Any reg you put on there would be larger and heavier...and how exactly were you planning on running a gun that needs 600 psi with a reg that tops out at 300?

03-11-2006, 10:11 PM
I'll agree with this, with one caveat, for the purpose of running a mag and keeping the internals of the x-valve, you won't find any better than what's already there.

YES!!! My useful post count is now +1

03-11-2006, 10:31 PM
If you want, feel free to gut your xvalve and run your sw33t hyper 2/aka reg. It's very easy to do.

Sure, you'll have turned your xvalve into a fancy classic valve, but if thats what you want by all means do it!

03-11-2006, 11:03 PM
People used to do it to classic valves so they could run c02 better. It would just be better to keep the x valve and have the bounce factor.

03-13-2006, 12:41 PM
The valve is also the regulator. I have heard of, and seen a pictue of once, an end plug for the RT/E/X valves. Basically you remove the velocity adjuster, spring and regulator piston from the back of the valve and replace it with a plug. Then you run an external regulator such as CP, Palmers or what ever you prefer with the line from the regulator going into the same spot as before. I don't know if there is any real benefit but is has been done.

Just my $0.02 :cool:

03-20-2006, 11:56 PM
Sorry for the late response..

Im thinking like turning the valve up all the way, and putting a hyper2/aka reg on to keep a more consistan flow. The hyper2/aka reg are clearly the best. :D

Although i dont own an automag anymore, i plan on getting one once i get more money. :)

03-21-2006, 12:05 AM
p.s. you dont know how an xvalve works, do you? Your recharge rate will be MUCH higher with the retro valve design. The regulator supplies the chamber with an unregulated amount of air (usually about 800psi but depends on your tanks output) until the chamber pressure reaches about 400 psi or however much it uses for the velocity you're shooting at..
Unless I've messed that up.

Unless you really really want to waste a whole lot of money I'd just run your mag like everyone else does ;)

03-21-2006, 04:31 PM
if this was a good idea, people would do it. But the valve on a 'mag is already a regulator, so adding another one doesn't do anything good for it. It just starves the marker, as others have said. You wouldn't add two regs to a 'cocker, so why would you add a second reg to a 'mag?

Of course, some people have experimented with gutting the 'mag valve and using a fatty as the only reg. There's some info about it here (http://automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=188630).

03-21-2006, 05:18 PM
Look up something called "Pressure drop across the line" and you'll realize why the reg is so close to the dump chamber.

03-21-2006, 05:42 PM
a hyper2/aka reg on to keep a more consistan flow.


Are you kidding?!? The X-Valve, which others have already pointed out, is a regulator. And the fastest regulator available in paintball.

Double regulating helps when the pressure drop before the primary regulator when charging affects the regulator output.

Now, if you can find a 10,000psi to 1,000 psi regulator and deliver 10,000 psi to that secondary regulator, you may indeed increase the consistency of the X-Valve.

Seems a bit difficult to get 10,000psi fills though. :p

The hyper2/aka reg are clearly the best. :D

For what they are, perhaps. But they're useless for a Mag.

03-22-2006, 02:07 PM
ummmmmm.... im just wondering why would you want to do this?!?!
like was already pointed out in like 9 different posts the x valve is aregualtor and putting a reg on it would just smotehr it so...................
Dont Do IT?!?!?!?!?

03-27-2006, 03:39 PM

Are you kidding?!? The X-Valve, which others have already pointed out, is a regulator. And the fastest regulator available in paintball.

Double regulating helps when the pressure drop before the primary regulator when charging affects the regulator output.

Now, if you can find a 10,000psi to 1,000 psi regulator and deliver 10,000 psi to that secondary regulator, you may indeed increase the consistency of the X-Valve.

Seems a bit difficult to get 10,000psi fills though. :p

For what they are, perhaps. But they're useless for a Mag.
Theres no need to shoot more then 20bps, its pointless. My idea/point is that it would be more consistant. :)

03-27-2006, 04:19 PM
What your not understanding is that the back half of an Xvalve is already the best suited regulator for a mag. Its Designed that way and will not change until something better comes along.

For a mag the Xvalve regulator is perfectly consistent and you will never experience any shootdown or really any problems as long as you have high pressure running to it.

I'm sure those other regs work great and are very consistent when running them on a gun without an internal regulator (like an Ion or Stacked tube or anything)

but with an Xvalved mag, your just complicating a perfect system

03-27-2006, 04:20 PM
Theres no need to shoot more then 20bps, its pointless. My idea/point is that it would be more consistant. :)

It has nothing to do with shooting 20 bps. It's all about the size of the Automag dumpchamber and the pressure required in the chamber.

NOTHING is faster than the Automag regulators and they need a minimum of 500-600 psi input to fire.

Reread my post. you would NOT get any more consistency. Not unless you can proove that the replacement regulator is more consistent. And if it is, you'd gain the consistency by gutting the Automag valve, not by double regulating.