View Full Version : I thought paypal was supposed to protect buyers?!?!

03-12-2006, 07:22 PM
well about a month ago i bought a tank off ebay, a 5 month old tank. Well when i got it i found out that the burst disk was blown, and also it needed a new spring kit. So 30 bucks later i fixed it because i needed to use it that weekend. Well i went to file a claim with paypal, showed them the reciepts and everything. Well it finally got resolved and they ruled against me stating that the final value of the tank has not changed, and that fixing of broken parts is not covered. So what is this b.s. people have to pay fees to paypal so they can screw you in the end :mad:

03-12-2006, 07:28 PM
Well if it was advertised as a working tank, eBay is the one to complain to not Paypal.

03-12-2006, 07:28 PM
well about a month ago i bought a tank off ebay, a 5 month old tank. Well when i got it i found out that the burst disk was blown, and also it needed a new spring kit. So 30 bucks later i fixed it because i needed to use it that weekend. Well i went to file a claim with paypal, showed them the reciepts and everything. Well it finally got resolved and they ruled against me stating that the final value of the tank has not changed, and that fixing of broken parts is not covered. So what is this b.s. people have to pay fees to paypal so they can screw you in the end :mad:
talk to the seller first, then file an "item not received as advertised" claim with ebay, and give negative feedback.

theres been a few threads on here about this, aparently paypal/ebay just arent up to the standards they claim.

03-12-2006, 07:30 PM
well about a month ago i bought a tank off ebay, a 5 month old tank. Well when i got it i found out that the burst disk was blown, and also it needed a new spring kit. So 30 bucks later i fixed it because i needed to use it that weekend. Well i went to file a claim with paypal, showed them the reciepts and everything. Well it finally got resolved and they ruled against me stating that the final value of the tank has not changed, and that fixing of broken parts is not covered. So what is this b.s. people have to pay fees to paypal so they can screw you in the end :mad:

Did the seller offer Paypal Buyer Protection on the auction?

03-12-2006, 07:56 PM
well about a month ago i bought a tank off ebay, a 5 month old tank. Well when i got it i found out that the burst disk was blown, and also it needed a new spring kit. So 30 bucks later i fixed it because i needed to use it that weekend. Well i went to file a claim with paypal, showed them the reciepts and everything. Well it finally got resolved and they ruled against me stating that the final value of the tank has not changed, and that fixing of broken parts is not covered. So what is this b.s. people have to pay fees to paypal so they can screw you in the end :mad:

I was there. It could have been a coincidence it all failed at that time. Kind of hard to prove.

03-12-2006, 08:00 PM
Honestly it probably wouldn't have mattered.

I got ripped off with a halo one time $100, after the 30 some days it took them for investigation they ruled for me. Well he didn't have $100 in his account so I saw no money. They just revoked his paypal privilege's until he paid.

Protect yourself cause ebay and paypal wont

03-12-2006, 08:15 PM
It let go filling it. To me it could have been fine before hand when the seller sold it. Trader protection goes both ways. It was too bad it happened, but when they let go they let go. To me getting bent out of shape and possibly getting neg feedback on my Ebay account isn't worth 25-30 bucks for something that may or may not been the sellers fault IMHO.

03-12-2006, 08:33 PM
ya i contacted him about it too and hes just like :cuss: and called me a lier. I would of been fine if it was just the burst disk, but the reg needed parts too.

The buyer did not offer the paypal protection either. BTW when you file a claim for an item through ebay, it goes to paypal anyways.

Cow hunter
03-12-2006, 09:05 PM
is it possible it had pressure in it during shipping, and on the plane it set off the burst disk?

03-12-2006, 10:20 PM
is it possible it had pressure in it during shipping, and on the plane it set off the burst disk?
it is possible, but since most standard shipping is by ground, its doubtful. If it had been on a plane, it would still be his fault in the end so i still get screwed over.

Oh and i wasnt planning on filing negative feedback until he did to me claiming that i filed a false statement with paypal. Even tho it said that repairs are not covered, and thats what it was.

03-12-2006, 11:20 PM
There is always two sides to every story. It would be interesting to know the sellers. Chalk it up as a learning experience. :)

03-12-2006, 11:25 PM
Paypal and Ebay are a bunch of crooks. Everyone working for them is a loser who doesn't care for the customer. You have to understand that using either if not both puts you at risk for these things. People who think ebay or paypal would ever stick up for them are naive. Use ebay and paypal at your own risk.

Recon by Fire
03-12-2006, 11:46 PM
YOU are your own best protection for online deals. Don't put your trust in that somebody else will be looking out for you. PayPal will really only be concerned if a purchase was made and shipment never took place. It's not their job to be a complaint department, just charge high percentages :mad:

03-13-2006, 12:11 AM
Knowing the Beav, He most likely jumped on his computer contacted the seller accusing and demanding refund. The seller then took a defensive stance and everything got blown out of perportion. Am I right?

Temo Vryce
03-13-2006, 06:55 AM
Scope of Support.
You're blaiming Pay-Pal and eBay but none of you are are looking at why the claim was ruled against the buyer. These people try to help out but they have rules that they have to follow to ensure that people don't abuse the system. I'm sorry that things turned out this way for you BeaverEater, but you have to undertand that you can't always win. It's a hard leason to learn but it's one that everyone has to learn.

03-13-2006, 07:16 AM
Scope of Support.
You're blaiming Pay-Pal and eBay but none of you are are looking at why the claim was ruled against the buyer. These people try to help out but they have rules that they have to follow to ensure that people don't abuse the system. I'm sorry that things turned out this way for you BeaverEater, but you have to undertand that you can't always win. It's a hard leason to learn but it's one that everyone has to learn.

I have to disagree with you here.
They do not look at the Fact very well. In the case I mention above they ruled against me when the seller provided a tracking number. Well the tracking number was for something he shipped to freggin Virginia, im in IL. They reversed there finding after a few not so nice emails but they are still a joke

03-13-2006, 02:47 PM
Nock on wood. I've never really had problems with on line buying and selling. I keep the communication lines open ask and answer questions, speedy payments and shipping. Everybody that I have ever delt with have been pretty honest. One time I won an auction for a piece of electrical equipment. The seller emailed me back and claimed he had dropped it, couldn't guarantee it and felt better not selling it. So I didn't get it and thanked him for telling me. I think people just post all the bad stories and there is far more good ones that just get forgotten. The 25-30 bucks that was spent is not such a ordeal. Now you are set and should have any problems what so ever. Unless I buy it new, I rebuild most things I get. Tanks especially. Say your at a tournament and you have a good chance at taking a win when all of a sudden something goes down. Even if you can fix it or you have a spare it effects the psyche enough not to be at 100%. Consider it a small blessing it didn't happen on the tourny field in a big game and just let it go.

03-13-2006, 06:18 PM
Knowing the Beav, He most likely jumped on his computer contacted the seller accusing and demanding refund. The seller then took a defensive stance and everything got blown out of perportion. Am I right?
no i told him the parts that were blown, asked if there was any problems with the tank before hand and hoped that we could solve this, about 2 weeks later he emailed me back and told me to like F*** off.

And ya out of all my buying and selling this was the first to go wrong and it wasnt really that big of a deal. I just got screwed out of 30 bucks. It was just the fact that paypal claimed protection along with ebay and they pretty much dropped the ball. And it seems that they have been doing this a lot lately.

03-13-2006, 07:17 PM
Everybody that I have ever delt with have been pretty honest. One time I won an auction for a piece of electrical equipment. The seller emailed me back and claimed he had dropped it, couldn't guarantee it and felt better not selling it. So I didn't get it and thanked him for telling me.
you do realize that essentially meant the auction went for less than he wanted and he decided to sell it another way/locally, right?

almost all my transactions have gone fine. there was one thing with a cocker where the guy put "working" in the title of the auction, then said in the auction "internals may need some tuning" which i took to mean timing... what he meant was the gun was leaking like he took a hammer to the front block. i had to get a valve tool to fix it, and basically just took the loss instead of getting bad feedback, since i got it for a pretty decent price and he was canadian and couldnt speak english well.

03-13-2006, 10:13 PM
you do realize that essentially meant the auction went for less than he wanted and he decided to sell it another way/locally, right?

almost all my transactions have gone fine. there was one thing with a cocker where the guy put "working" in the title of the auction, then said in the auction "internals may need some tuning" which i took to mean timing... what he meant was the gun was leaking like he took a hammer to the front block. i had to get a valve tool to fix it, and basically just took the loss instead of getting bad feedback, since i got it for a pretty decent price and he was canadian and couldnt speak english well.

Well since I used the buy it now option and believe me it was very high,"I doubt it".

03-13-2006, 10:20 PM
Well since I used the buy it now option and believe me it was very high,"I doubt it".
then thats a rare occurance. theres been a lot of auctions ended for "breaking the item"