View Full Version : need help fast~~~

03-12-2006, 10:00 PM
i have some very bad toughts

those of you who have a mag and a high end electro( say trix or shocker) are you still as good with your mech then you are with your electro
i have very bad thought about buying my mag that i just bought now i think i am going to suck and get bunkered by everyone only becuase i cant shoot as fast as tem i wish elecro guns were never made sometimes only becuase now there is a lot of conflicts going around where people are saying m better then you becuase i can shoot faster then you i need help if there is a paintball siciotrist(butchered that word) in the house please talk

thank you for reading this it means a lot to me

03-12-2006, 10:03 PM
strategist maybe?

the secret to paintball is this: If you shoot 15 bps, you have 15 opportunities to miss, plus mech helps you get better if your just blasting away without aiming then your not going to get very far,

personally I still love pump or side arm games they are the most fun


03-12-2006, 10:08 PM
i no but i miss electro but i dont want to use a lot of paint, i no if i can shoot 15bps i will shoot 15 bps do you catch my drift i dono i think i will just play hard and kick some *** with a mech. i am thinking of getting stickers made that say my mech just beat yourr electro

what do you think

03-12-2006, 10:15 PM
I think I shoot my LVL 7 & ULE mags better than my electro's.

03-12-2006, 10:16 PM
Staying awake in English class perhaps?

/Just a thought
//I really do mean well.

03-12-2006, 10:16 PM
but are you as good using bpoth guns

03-12-2006, 10:17 PM
but are you as good using your mag as you are using an electro

Cow hunter
03-12-2006, 10:22 PM
I think I shoot my LVL 7 & ULE mags better than my electro's.
agreed, properly tuned its not difficult to hit 10-15 bps on a mech mag, i know i can on my RT ULE (Z grip, x valve, ULT, LVL10)

i also find the Z grip to not only be head turningly unique, but it feels great for playing speedball.

yesterday i was bieng made fun of for shooting my mag, three kids, shooting a G7 fly, an Ego, and a PM6, all say "you'd get ****ed in speedball with that POS" so i say "oh really, lets do a one on one" the guy with the PM6 tries to take me in Xball, every time burning my bunker, attempting to bunker me, but every time, of the 4 games, i win......

03-12-2006, 10:25 PM
My high end electro gives me maybe a 1% advantage in playing level over my mechanical mag. I doubt even that much. Theres not a massive difference to me when I switch one out for the other. Being bunkered is not because of a lack of firepower and except in the extreme should make absolutely zero difference.

03-12-2006, 10:26 PM
agreed, properly tuned its not difficult to hit 10-15 bps on a mech mag, i know i can on my RT ULE (Z grip, x valve, ULT, LVL10)

The quantitative portion of this is based on?

03-12-2006, 10:28 PM
ok well i guess having a mech mag isnt going to be so bad :dance: but whats a ult

03-12-2006, 10:31 PM
Don’t be worried. I did the same thing when I got my first mag.

Trust me my mag I have now shoots ropes I swear it’s as fast or close to an ion shooting at mrof

I have to get a vid up of my mag, I just got done tuning and its supper fast :)

03-12-2006, 10:35 PM
what kind of mag and what type of trigger frame i am having problems with mine with shoot down i can shoot4-5 shots then the level 10 lets air out but no ball shoots and it isnt a complete shot its just a pshtttt then the next shot i will shoot 2 balls an then i will get 4-5 more shots then the same thing hapens so i dono what the hells wrong

03-12-2006, 10:37 PM
Do us a favor, and dont post here any more...


03-12-2006, 10:39 PM
ult = ultra light trigger (upgrade) it shortens the trigger pull making it easier to shoot quicker.. its like a 40 dollar upgrade


edit: come on behemoth, hes a forum noob. Arrogance is an excuse in his case, if your going to flame him dont do it from the site but :mad: him so that he corrects his mistakes, like

If you ever double post again Ill _____ off your __________ and _____ it/them down your _____

instead of telling them to leave, its more productive to the forums I think

03-12-2006, 10:40 PM
behemouth(or whatever the hell your name is)-do me a favor and not post in my threads unless you can help me out you POS no one wants you here was there really any point in posting that it didnt effect me at all and now all i want to do is kill you becuase you said that becuase it was so worthless

03-12-2006, 10:41 PM
do me a favor and not post in my threads unless you can help me out you POS no one wants you here was there really any point in posting that it didnt effect me at all and now all i want to do is kill you becuase you said that becuase it was so worthless

You're threatening my life?

Over a post.

Grow a pair, paco.

03-12-2006, 10:43 PM
behemoth-you have been reported

and the ult is that the trigger pull kit agd manufactures or no if not can you send me a link to it

03-12-2006, 10:45 PM
behemoth-you have been reported

and the ult is that the trigger pull kit agd manufactures or no if not can you send me a link to it

I didnt do anything but make a joke, you're the one threatening my life.

Besides, you're the neophyte, go do cartwheels into oncoming traffic.

03-12-2006, 10:45 PM
its manufactured by agd, and by the way I believe threatening someones life *kidding or not* is also an offense, he really didnt do anything wrong he just said something inappropriate

Besides, you're the neophyte, go do cartwheels into oncoming traffic.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clap: :clap:

Wow Im almost tearing up :cheers: behemoth, may I call you god? :hail:

03-12-2006, 10:46 PM
behemoth-get out of here or i will report you again for spamming my thread

03-12-2006, 10:47 PM
behemoth-get out of here or i will report you again for spamming my thread

Spamming? I'm politely arguing.

03-12-2006, 10:48 PM
if your going to talk in here could you at least help me out

03-12-2006, 10:50 PM
if your going to talk in here could you at least help me out

Not even jesus could help you, son.

03-12-2006, 10:53 PM
I'm not going to blow AO smoke up yer butt so...

If the people your playing against are of equal playing skill as you but are shooting electros than you are most likely going to get smoked...big time.

You will have to make up for a slower rate of fire with smarter play , better movement and superior snap shooting skills. Until you get there I would be prepared to take some punishment.

"IF" your lucky , the people your play against will be crutching on thier rate of fire and give you some room to out play them and even the odds some.

Good luck and don't be afraid to get shot out, play your game...learn as much as you can and most importantly , have fun.

03-12-2006, 10:56 PM
I'm not going to blow AO smoke up yer butt so...

If the people your playing against are of equal playing skill as you but are shooting electros than you are most likely going to get smoked...big time.

You will have to make up for a slower rate of fire with smarter play , better movement and superior snap shooting skills. Until you get there I would be prepared to take some punishment.

"IF" your lucky , the people your play against will be crutching on thier rate of fire and give you some room to out play them and even the odds some.

Good luck and don't be afraid to get shot out, play your game...learn as much as you can and most importantly , have fun.

I said jesus couldnt, but apparently jay can...

03-12-2006, 10:58 PM
i try to make a thread that would benifit me and some others but all you AO mother ****ers do is hate on people. pbnation is way better ten here becuase i being a 2k4 meber get respect from other people and i do not get made fun of for making threads that benifit other people so thanks a lot and have a ****ing great *** day i hope you all die you*****es burn in......hell

03-12-2006, 10:59 PM
i try to make a thread that would benifit me and some others but all you AO mother ****ers do is hate on people. pbnation is way better ten here becuase i being a 2k4 meber get respect from other people and i do not get made fun of for making threads that benifit other people so thanks a lot and have a ****ing great *** day i hope you all die you*****es burn in......hell

Let me take this time to say:


Wow. Ok. I'm done.

03-12-2006, 11:00 PM
**** you you should of never been born your mom doesnt like you peice of **** **** off

03-12-2006, 11:01 PM
why is it when i try to do somethingood for me and other people i always get shot down. can someone please answer me that

03-12-2006, 11:01 PM
fat ***

03-12-2006, 11:14 PM
ok wow... anger management dude. If you think that respecting a 2-year (if that) senority of when you decided to put down an email at a particular forum is qualification for commanding respect, wow are you in the wrong forum. I don't see how judging someone on arbitrary "join dates" makes a forum better than when you judge based upon the intelligence of the actual post. Look around the forum, how many threads do you really see with people with your attitude. :rolleyes:

On your topic:

- As other people have said, if you're in a straight firefight with someone of equal skill, you will be at an inherent disadvantage just due to the volume of paint being flung. Of course that's from an absolute measure of advantage/disadvantage; the real difference might be noticable depending on the situation but usually not that great.

- Because most people will not be at exactly the same level as you and with today's upcoming generation that uses speed as a filler for other skills, I find you can usually outmaneuver/outsmart/play better ball than people who just rely on the speed of the marker.

Last thing, when asking a question that "benefits everyone", frigging use the search button. Think about it, with an inherent loss in BPS for mech mags, do you HONESTLY think that you are the first person ever to think about this, or worry about this problem? Before getting on your high horse and claiming that you are doing "something good" for the forum, consider the fact that you might actually be repeating a previously done thread...

:dance: :dance: FTW

Edit: and holy cowbells dude, eat a squirrel or something. 3 useless posts in a minute...wow.

03-12-2006, 11:18 PM
Atleast he's on the right track to getting himself banned, then we wont have to put up with him anymore.

03-12-2006, 11:23 PM
ult = ultra light trigger (upgrade) it shortens the trigger pull making it easier to shoot quicker.. its like a 40 dollar upgrade


edit: come on behemoth, hes a forum noob. Arrogance is an excuse in his case, if your going to flame him dont do it from the site but :mad: him so that he corrects his mistakes, like

If you ever double post again Ill _____ off your __________ and _____ it/them down your _____

instead of telling them to leave, its more productive to the forums I think

The ULT doesn't shortent he pull, it lightens it.
Get your facts straight.

03-12-2006, 11:25 PM
its manufactured by agd, and by the way I believe threatening someones life *kidding or not* is also an offense, he really didnt do anything wrong he just said something inappropriate

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clap: :clap:

Wow Im almost tearing up :cheers: behemoth, may I call you god? :hail:

Yes, infact, thats all you may now refer to me as.

03-12-2006, 11:33 PM

this got ugly in record time. :)

(Man it's hard not tearing that 15bps on a Mech comment to shreads....serenity now.... :) )

03-12-2006, 11:41 PM
to be honest

if you are planning on playing 5 man or bigger speed ball maches ALOT then the mag wasent the best choice. it will still be able to compeat but you wont be able to EASIALLY lay down paint like a electric gun can

to be honest with you i dont think speed matters.

i was just at a tournament today and we saw a ALL PUMP TEAM (remember this is a 7 man speed ball tourny) they beat a team with dm6's i SWARE. also the team i play on are buds with tippmann effect (nvp) and they use tippmanns and they did really good.

only advantage of speed is if you have crapy aim you can pray that one of the paintballs in your rope will hit the person.

03-12-2006, 11:42 PM
Ha ha ha ha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is the funniest forum argument I've ever heard (or... read?)! Sorry he's pissing you off, agd123, behemoth just gets like that sometimes (judging from what I've read in other threads he's posted in). Anywho, don't take him too seriously, he's probably just pushing your buttons 'cause you're freaking out so much.

Going to your original post, if a 'mag is too slow for you, Tuna (www.tunamart.com) and some others sell Emag lowers. This'll make it interchangable between mech/elec by the pull of a switch. I think Tuna sells them new for $400. Some people here can flash them for pretty cheap, and I believe they're making Predator boards for them (or planning too, or maybe a totally different board. I don't really feel like going back to look for it right now, but I do remember they will be selling for something like $160).

Or Luke (www.lukescustoms.com) does SpyderMag modifications for pretty cheap (converting a Spyder e-frame to work on a mag). It's like $200 for a Spyder frame already modded, $130 for a Dragun frame, and I think $300 or so for a Mokal.

By the way, PneuMag and ULT options are available, if you want to stay mech. I've never tried a Pneumag, but I hear great things, and the ULT is just awesome (and fairly easy to walk after some practice).

Hope I helped a bit! :shooting:

03-12-2006, 11:50 PM
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ok, agd123, here goes:

1. Lighten up bro, it was just a joke... No sense in getting yourself banned over this. Remember, "arguing on the internet is like the special olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded." ...sry, couldn't help myself...

2. I don't care what you think, even if you're one of the best players out there, a high end gun doesn't make you a better player, hard work and practice does. Trust me, I've been owned by vets with phantoms... :ninja:

03-13-2006, 03:12 PM
I'm glad somepeople get it...

03-13-2006, 04:23 PM
i have some very bad toughts

those of you who have a mag and a high end electro( say trix or shocker) are you still as good with your mech then you are with your electro
i have very bad thought about buying my mag that i just bought now i think i am going to suck and get bunkered by everyone only becuase i cant shoot as fast as tem i wish elecro guns were never made sometimes only becuase now there is a lot of conflicts going around where people are saying m better then you becuase i can shoot faster then you i need help if there is a paintball siciotrist(butchered that word) in the house please talk

thank you for reading this it means a lot to me

Every time you don't use a period an english teacher dies.

Honestly, if you want any respect at all, and answers to your questions you need to treat us with a little too. I actually found it painful to read that.

You obviously need to do a little self reflecting and hoepfully realize that ROF and everyone else thinking your cool does not make you a good paintballer.

Practice, a good attitude, and eventually skill will make you a good paintballer, not 23 bps.

While I think behemoth was being a little harsh, you were acting like a 12 year old, did I get your age right? Perhaps you'd be better off back at PBN.

03-13-2006, 04:34 PM
Futher illustrating the nescessity of my comments :)

03-13-2006, 04:44 PM
While I think behemoth was being a little harsh, you were acting like a 12 year old, did I get your age right? Perhaps you'd be better off back at PBN.

I would have to agree on the part of acting childish.

Besides, you're the neophyte, go do cartwheels into oncoming traffic.

This wasn't harsh, it was genius. :rofl:

03-13-2006, 04:47 PM
i have some very bad toughts

those of you who have a mag and a high end electro( say trix or shocker) are you still as good with your mech then you are with your electro
i have very bad thought about buying my mag that i just bought now i think i am going to suck and get bunkered by everyone only becuase i cant shoot as fast as tem i wish elecro guns were never made sometimes only becuase now there is a lot of conflicts going around where people are saying m better then you becuase i can shoot faster then you i need help if there is a paintball siciotrist(butchered that word) in the house please talk

thank you for reading this it means a lot to me

Do what I do:

Play team practice with a pump marker - get destroyed

Play team practice with a mag - get destroyed

Play team practice with a PM5 - get destroyed

Realize you need a better gun

/Or something...

03-13-2006, 04:51 PM
Futher illustrating the nescessity of my comments :)

:eek: necessity. :rofl:

03-13-2006, 05:13 PM
:eek: necessity. :rofl:

Seig Heil, Oh Spelling Nazi...

03-13-2006, 05:16 PM
i have some very bad toughts

Are you still as good with your mech then you are with your electro?

thank you for reading this it means a lot to me

To answer this question seriously. It doesn't matter much to me using a mech or electro. I've used mech mag for a very long time. Yes, they will be out gunned by the high end electros, but that just means you have to play not only harder, but smarter than your opponents. You are going to be the underdog alot of the time at first. Practice and learning skills of the game is the best advice and will help you no matter if your playing with a mech or an electro. A good attitude, humble begins, and desire to be better will get you futher in this game with more respect than being a self proclaimed catolog pro.

03-13-2006, 05:21 PM
Seig Heil, Oh Spelling Nazi...

:wow: Sieg Heil" :rofl:

03-13-2006, 05:29 PM
:wow: Sieg Heil" :rofl:

Sorry, I'm runnin on little sleep :D

03-13-2006, 07:59 PM
The only time the electro gun will outgun a mech mag on the field, is during the breakout. Ramping and other assisted mode of firing can be advantageous for shooting lanes during movement, but there are disadvantages of shooting fast as well. You inevitably have to load your hopper sooner and more often. Inopportune loading can mean missed opportunities on the field.

03-13-2006, 08:14 PM
The only time the electro gun will outgun a mech mag on the field, is during the breakout. Ramping and other assisted mode of firing can be advantageous for shooting lanes during movement, but there are disadvantages of shooting fast as well. You inevitably have to load your hopper sooner and more often. Inopportune loading can mean missed opportunities on the field.

I bet you $1000 I can shoot faster w/ an electro WHILE reloading then you can on a mech. ;)

Therefore....you still lose. :D

03-13-2006, 08:18 PM
so doesnt mean I cant crawl my way up a snake and snipe you in the face w/ a pirahna

03-13-2006, 08:20 PM
so doesnt mean I cant crawl my way up a snake and snipe you in the face w/ a pirahna


Who or what are you talking about?

03-13-2006, 08:25 PM
I bet you $1000 I can shoot faster w/ an electro WHILE reloading then you can on a mech. ;)

Therefore....you still lose. :D

Yes, you can shoot faster, but for that moment, your concentration is not 100% on your target(s). That alone means you could be missing something going on somewhere on the field. Honestly, most of the time when you are shooting at someone in a bunker, the difference between 10 - 12 bps and 15 bps is not a great amount. You would be hard pressed to leave the bunker safely, nor would you want to. In either instance, if you were the shooter, you would feel quite confident making a move while the other player was hiding away from the incoming paint.

The electro guns with ramping do have the advantage in certain instances, but once settled into the game, the playing field levels out quite a bit. :)

03-13-2006, 08:42 PM
Yes, you can shoot faster, but for that moment, your concentration is not 100% on your target(s). That alone means you could be missing something going on somewhere on the field. Honestly, most of the time when you are shooting at someone in a bunker, the difference between 10 - 12 bps and 15 bps is not a great amount. You would be hard pressed to leave the bunker safely, nor would you want to. In either instance, if you were the shooter, you would feel quite confident making a move while the other player was hiding away from the incoming paint.

The electro guns with ramping do have the advantage in certain instances, but once settled into the game, the playing field levels out quite a bit. :)

Not true. I never take my eyes off the field while reloading...good players never do.

I'm also not saying a few bps is a great difference but I'm going to shoot 15 a HECK of alot easier than you are with a 'legal' mag. You'd be lucky to break 6-8 max during most situations on the feild tilting the 'focus' card in my favor again should you deciede to try anything faster.

And FYI , shooting at a bunker w/ a high ROF does no one any good regardless of what gun your using. The major difference (during a game) is snap shooting. Your 2-3 shots to my 8-10 IS a huge advantage....whether you believe it or not.

Just so you know , your talking to a guy that plays pump regularly. I am VERY aware of the difference ROF makes in all aspects of the game no matter how good you are. The key is knowing how its an advantage and how to take advantage of it.

03-13-2006, 08:47 PM
Oh , BTW....

I play exclusively stock class pump...imagine reloading paint AND air a half dozen times a game. ;)

Unlike many of these 'pump guys' using bulk air and loader. :confused:

(no insult to anyone intended :) )

03-13-2006, 08:48 PM
Not true. I never take my eyes off the field while reloading...good players never do.

I'm also not saying a few bps is a great difference but I'm going to shoot 15 a HECK of alot easier than you are with a 'legal' mag. You'd be lucky to break 6-8 max during most situations on the feild tilting the 'focus' card in my favor again should you deciede to try anything faster.

And FYI , shooting at a bunker w/ a high ROF does no one any good regardless of what gun your using. The major difference (during a game) is snap shooting. Your 2-3 shots to my 8-10 IS a huge advantage....whether you believe it or not.

Just so you know , your talking to a guy that plays pump regularly. I am VERY aware of the difference ROF makes in all aspects of the game no matter how good you are. The key is knowing how its an advantage and how to take advantage of it.

Yes, and you have a better idea of the limitations of ROF than most people. I switch between pump, semi, and electro. There is an advantage to ROF with skill. ROF without skill, well I like shooting people like that with a pump :)

03-13-2006, 09:09 PM
i try to make a thread that would benifit me and some others but all you AO mother ****ers do is hate on people. pbnation is way better ten here becuase i being a 2k4 meber get respect from other people and i do not get made fun of for making threads that benifit other people so thanks a lot and have a ****ing great *** day i hope you all die you*****es burn in......hell
Is it me, or does this seem like what we on AO hate most about pbn?
Lay off the cussing. Cussing is a great way to get banned, a great way to get ignored, a great way to make yourself seem like an 8 year old, but not such a good way to make friends or prove a point.

And you should definately get a mech... lay off the speed for awhile and refresh your basic skills.

03-13-2006, 09:20 PM
It defineately seems like the quality of posts has gone downhill. I haven't been here forever like some people, but when I was getting into mags, I had no trouble whatsoever researching and learning what I needed to on my own. Search is there for a reason, and unlike on pbnation it actually works. Everyday here there is a new thread with someone with under 20 posts asking a question that they could easily answer themselves by research before anyone replies to their thread. Please keep AO the best paintball forum on the net. I already have to wade through vomit to find info on pbnation, I don't want AO to end up the same way.

/rant over, just think before you post

You'll have fun with your mech mag. Unless your opponent is ramping, you won't be outgunned. Many people do fine playing pump, mech is no great handycap.

03-13-2006, 09:26 PM
for AGD123 and Behemoth
http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/1125/stillaretard5gg.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
No offense to behemoth
and AGD123
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8020/youwintheprize0jz.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

(sorry about posting both pics, but they are valid in this instance)

Cow hunter
03-13-2006, 09:29 PM
It defineately seems like the quality of posts has gone downhill. I haven't been here forever like some people, but when I was getting into mags, I had no trouble whatsoever researching and learning what I needed to on my own. Search is there for a reason, and unlike on pbnation it actually works. Everyday here there is a new thread with someone with under 20 posts asking a question that they could easily answer themselves by research before anyone replies to their thread. Please keep AO the best paintball forum on the net. I already have to wade through vomit to find info on pbnation, I don't want AO to end up the same way.

/rant over, just think before you post

You'll have fun with your mech mag. Unless your opponent is ramping, you won't be outgunned. Many people do fine playing pump, mech is no great handycap.
there should be a sticky for people new to AO dedicated on how to use search

03-13-2006, 09:33 PM
You guys no need for argueeing on the internet...."argueeing on the internet is just like running in the special olympics---------even if you win you are still retarded."

03-13-2006, 09:44 PM
You guys no need for argueeing on the internet...."argueeing on the internet is just like running in the special olympics---------even if you win you are still retarded."


03-13-2006, 10:03 PM

You're the last person who should be posting anything like that.

03-13-2006, 10:14 PM
You're the last person who should be posting anything like that.

dude im not starting anything with you i posted it cause the kid that i quoted said it and i posted the pic for him.

i have nothing to do with you and whoever you feel like bugging

03-13-2006, 10:19 PM
dude im not starting anything with you i posted it cause the kid that i quoted said it and i posted the pic for him.

i have nothing to do with you and whoever you feel like bugging

Yeah you do, You're the one i feel like bugging. Considering it's the right thing to do and all..

03-13-2006, 10:26 PM
behemoth, if anyone gets picked on besides AGD123 it should be me. I posted the same pic on page 2, but I think you fellas missed it/didnt read down that far. Anyways, I think you scared AGD123 off this forum untill he matures a bit, so nice work. :headbang: "He wins the Prize" (see my post on page 2)

03-13-2006, 10:28 PM
sooooo who wants to annoy him on aim?
I think im gonna send him that picture

03-13-2006, 10:28 PM
behemoth, if anyone gets picked on besides AGD123 it should be me. I posted the same pic on page 2, but I think you fellas missed it/didnt read down that far. Anyways, I think you scared AGD123 off this forum untill he matures a bit, so nice work. :headbang: "He wins the Prize" (see my post on page 2)

Nah, ATM goes way back, everyone hates him, he's really a sad excuse for life...

03-13-2006, 10:36 PM
Nah, ATM goes way back, everyone hates him, he's really a sad excuse for life...

please prove to me that EVERYONE hates me.

or did you imply EVERYONE to be you. automaggot, Indignant and you know the rest...

and do you think everyone just loves you. If you do i would re-think that.

03-13-2006, 10:39 PM
personally i dont have a problem with either of you
now agd123 and mmaglpc are a different story

03-13-2006, 10:39 PM
Nah, ATM goes way back, everyone hates him, he's really a sad excuse for life...
I doubt everyone hates him, I really cant recal anything he said that was so horrible, and Ive been here scince july of 2002. Granted for a year or two I only lurked/trolled, so i may not remember.

03-13-2006, 10:40 PM
personally i dont have a problem with either of you
now agd123 and mmaglpc are a different story
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I know exactly what/who you mean!

03-13-2006, 10:51 PM
please prove to me that EVERYONE hates me.

or did you imply EVERYONE to be you. automaggot, Indignant and you know the rest...

and do you think everyone just loves you. If you do i would re-think that.

I haven't been posting, so you can shut up, you toolbox.

03-13-2006, 11:01 PM
I haven't been posting, so you can shut up, you toolbox.

i know and i thank you. You have been very grown up about it.

but never said anything about you post on my threads. i just stated who hates me and i know you do.

03-13-2006, 11:12 PM
The only time the electro gun will outgun a mech mag on the field, is during the breakout. Ramping and other assisted mode of firing can be advantageous for shooting lanes during movement, but there are disadvantages of shooting fast as well. You inevitably have to load your hopper sooner and more often. Inopportune loading can mean missed opportunities on the field.

I bet you beleive that to. I can blow away the Rts with the Emag in semi auto fire and you guys have mechanically assisted bounce were as I don't in E mode. How long can you sustain a rate of fire with out breaks and finger fatigue? Even with out enhancements electro is going to be faster in the long run. Reloading you say? My eyes never leave the field, the gun doesn't come down reloading and it is much easier to maintain a constant rate of fire one handed with the emag than the Rts. I love my mech mags, but for tournament purposes I'd much rather have the Emag. Using the RTs means I really have to step it up to be competative and by the end of the day my rate of fire is down and I'm getting tired from fatigue. Some of it can be advoided using the Emag over the RTs. I'm old enough to be some of the younger guy's Dad. Lord knows I feel it daily. I'll take any advantage I can when it come to the win.

03-14-2006, 06:20 AM
I don't have any "bounce" on my retro mag. It has a bit of trigger kick, but you would be hard pressed to get it to bounce freely.

Length of time pulling at high rates of speed is my disadvantage but you only need a high rate of fire for very short time frames, usually on the break, and if a player makes a run. You only need a burst to get enough balls in the air ahead of him so that he runs into the stream. That is where ramping has the advantage. Even snap shooting doesn't necessitate ramping. Yes you can get more shots when out, but if you snap out that long, you are defeating the purpose of the snap shot and are putting yourself in jeapordy. Basically a snap is designed to get out, take a couple of shots, get back in before the other player can react. Even a ramping gun requires more than two or three trigger pulls before it starts to ramp.

When I was playing with Miami Effect against Detroit Strange last year, the shocker I had didn't have ramping, nor was the trigger light. I could shoot my retro mag much faster. Was I outgunned? Nope. I shot quite a few Strange players.

I don't dispute the use of ramping guns and I know of the advantages and disadvantages. I use a predator Angel and an Emag for most of my tournament play due to the ability to lane off the break. I usually play the position of control on our side of the field, so on the break I get to turn and lay paint. Without ramping, i would be less effective.