View Full Version : Blow Back Problems

12-16-2001, 02:10 AM
Hi, im running a vert feed mag with a hyperframe on it. There is a good deal of blow back on it, and i would like to know if the super bolt, or any other bolt would reduce blowback. Also i am worring about the blow back because im thinking that that is the reason that it is chopping. Can anyone offer soem addvice to help blowback and chopping. thanks.

12-16-2001, 09:12 AM
The AGD superbolt is lighter and thereby yes, reduces blowback on your gun....im not as intelligent in the superbolt department as others are, so you might wanna get some more info from other people.

12-16-2001, 09:16 AM
Actually the weight of the superbolt doesn't have much to do with the reduced blowback. The long nose design does though. You could also go with the long nose steel bolt. You would not get the weight advantages of the superbolt with that though.

12-16-2001, 03:13 PM
Yeam right now we are using a long nose bolt, and it STILL has bootie loads of blowback, which is kinda disapointing because if we had powerfeed that would be one thing, but we are using vert feed, so they like to hop up all over the place. Any other sugestions, other bolt manufacturers?

12-17-2001, 12:49 PM
Blowback on vertical feeds has been a concern and Tom has mentioned that the folks developing the new Halo loaders have been working on that. Warps push the balls into the breach and therefore should reduce the effects of blowback for ya. Power feed bodies work better because the blowback effect just bounces the ball off the power feed plug and back into the breach instead of pushing it back against all the stacked paintballs waiting to load.

Is it possible that you are using too tight a bore in the barrel you have? It seems like this could create more back pressure if too tight. I have a power feed RT with a long nosed bolt and a 12 volt revvy. Blowback is not a problem in this setup.

12-17-2001, 03:29 PM
Blowback also gets worse as your bolt or barrel wears. If it doesn't seal well into the barrel air leaks around the outside. Also if the powertube spacer were too long it might fire the air before the bolt is seated in the barrel. Just a couple of ideas that might help, good luck.