View Full Version : My ramping board

03-13-2006, 07:26 PM
I managed to convince myself recently that I wanted and needed a ramping board to compete. It has to do with intense local competition, a force upward in local "divisions", and a backplayer who needs a lesson that he needs to be more than just a fancy board.

I put it in my marker, walked outside of the shop and fired a few hoppers at insane rates of fire. I walked back inside, took it back out of my marker, threw it back in the packaging, wrote "replacement back player" (no offense, I know better), and threw it in my bag. I then showed my backplayer the next day for laughs.

I don't know.. this marker going at insane rates of fire in my hand.... somehow it just was not what I wanted I guess.

03-13-2006, 07:29 PM
Did your backman get the hint lol?

03-13-2006, 07:50 PM
Good backplayers do more than shoot lots of paint.

No offense taken.

03-13-2006, 08:03 PM
I really find ramping modes of fire distasteful... It used to be cool watching someone who is really good at walking the trigger getting high bps how of their marker. ramping makes you just shrug. :sleeping:

03-13-2006, 08:07 PM
Good backplayers do more than shoot lots of paint.

No offense taken.

I have a back player who doesn't always understand that

03-13-2006, 08:11 PM
I have a back player who doesn't always understand that

A lot of people don't understand what makes a good backplayer. Lots of people take the position seriously for granted until they don't have a good one. Some folks just shouldn't be backplayers....sound like maybe you have one of those.

I tell ya this, not a single team with some high profile front man could be w/o an astounding back man covering his A. :cool:

03-13-2006, 08:23 PM
I don't know.. this marker going at insane rates of fire in my hand.... somehow it just was not what I wanted I guess.

Dude....you really scared me there for a second.

Welcome back from the dark side...don't tinker over there too long , it eats good people up for lunch.


03-13-2006, 08:38 PM
A lot of people don't understand what makes a good backplayer. Lots of people take the position seriously for granted until they don't have a good one. Some folks just shouldn't be backplayers....sound like maybe you have one of those.

I tell ya this, not a single team with some high profile front man could be w/o an astounding back man covering his A. :cool:

I have had very good back men in the past. Because I tend to be able to "fend for myself" more than our other front players, and because I sometimes do odd things (lateral movement rather than forward) we have put the most inexperienced backplayer behind me. Its kind of a I can cope with his mistakes more readily type thing. I have threatened to play back before, but having done it I simply do not do so well. Its hard trying to teach someone... I picked this kid for the team over objections of my teammates, he has a bit of an attitude issue and arrogance that I have to check from time to time (I'm more arrogant than he is and it works out, I remind him from time to time). He has great base skills, and will normally listen. I just get frustrated because... well it takes time for him to learn what I have gotten used to knowing naturally, and having back players who did. As long as he thinks I could replace him (we have more than enough front players) I can keep him listening.

03-13-2006, 08:39 PM
I don't know.. this marker going at insane rates of fire in my hand.... somehow it just was not what I wanted I guess.
Can I get an Amen. That was bee-eee-ae-you-tiful. I would say that. Only 2 people on my 5 man speedball team use ramping and I really don't see any help of it. I have been using an electro with straight forward semi and I kinda liked it. I really hated it until I got the warp right then it purred like a kitten. But still I would rather have something slower so I can go a whole day on less than 1000 rounds. It just seems like a waste to me. I don't like it even when I am shooting pennies.

Cow hunter
03-13-2006, 08:57 PM
Can I get an Amen. That was bee-eee-ae-you-tiful. I would say that. Only 2 people on my 5 man speedball team use ramping and I really don't see any help of it. I have been using an electro with straight forward semi and I kinda liked it. I really hated it until I got the warp right then it purred like a kitten. But still I would rather have something slower so I can go a whole day on less than 1000 rounds. It just seems like a waste to me. I don't like it even when I am shooting pennies.
fast is nice, but not great, i remember bieng told by some back players they had tourney's where they carried a whole case on their back in a pyramid pack, and some games they used all of it to cover their front players

03-13-2006, 10:06 PM
Didn't you get rid of your Devil Mag for that reason itself? Ramping and legal hooplah?

03-14-2006, 03:18 AM
A lot of people don't understand what makes a good backplayer. Lots of people take the position seriously for granted until they don't have a good one. Some folks just shouldn't be backplayers....sound like maybe you have one of those.

I tell ya this, not a single team with some high profile front man could be w/o an astounding back man covering his A. :cool:
I gotta say, as a frontman, that I respect you back guys. Having a backman who really knows how to lay down some good cover is awesome - frees me up to go to work and take people out. It sucks being pinned down while your backman sits there with his thumb up his ***, so you gotta appreciate the good ones.

03-14-2006, 04:25 AM
Like was said about guys that can get high BPS off of Semi mode… the guy at my shop can do 20+. He does this three-finger thing, absolutely incredible. He is FASTER than ramping. And yes he is a back player. He calls himself a mobile gun platform. :headbang:

03-14-2006, 07:04 AM
I could always his some high bps on my BKO. I had it timed at around 15-17 bps but while playing I find there to be no way to do that. To go that fast I would like to have the gun in these weird positions to make it so I could move my fingers as fast as possible. I think I can get around 10 in games. But still thats all you need. I have these two teammates. The backman has a raven nexin(sp) and he pulls like 5 for a slow hopper. He gets just as many players out as my front man shooting 18 on a ramping shocker. I don't see why they have the need.

03-14-2006, 09:31 AM
I could always his some high bps on my BKO. I had it timed at around 15-17 bps but while playing I find there to be no way to do that. To go that fast I would like to have the gun in these weird positions to make it so I could move my fingers as fast as possible. I think I can get around 10 in games. But still thats all you need. I have these two teammates. The backman has a raven nexin(sp) and he pulls like 5 for a slow hopper. He gets just as many players out as my front man shooting 18 on a ramping shocker. I don't see why they have the need.

If your backplayer is scoring as many eliminations as your front player theres a problem. I tend to do that when I play back because my lack of ability as a back player causes my front players to get eliminated, I then play "front" style in the back and deal with there rushing players. I find it great when I have a backplayer trying to advance on my strong position. It tends to go badly for them :D