View Full Version : Am I the only guy here that tries to convince the rich kids . . .

03-13-2006, 10:49 PM
that my mag is really the new manual Shocker? :D I did this to a kid yesterday. I had some kid convinced that my classic powerfeed mag was a Shocker :D :dance:

03-13-2006, 10:53 PM

03-13-2006, 11:09 PM

03-13-2006, 11:22 PM
not LMAO, but this is lame.
EDIT: I withdraw my previous comment thus it has been deleted. While this is douchetastic, I assumed you convinsed the kid to buy based on this false premise. My comment was based on this, so it was overly harsh based on the situation at hand.

Yes you are the only one who...

03-13-2006, 11:43 PM
Why would you want to promote SP? Alot of us get asked what kind of shocker is that? But nobody tries to convince them it is. That's just in bad form. :nono:

03-13-2006, 11:53 PM
See, I'm wanting to try that the other way around. Shave down the plastic body into a roughly AGD ULE shape, paint a "valve" on the back, and try to convince ppl it's a mag...

...heresy, i know...

03-14-2006, 12:27 AM
last time i went paintballing i got tons of "what kind of gun is that" i was like "its an E-mag made by airgun designs" "basically an electronic automag" "yea thats an x-valve, amazing piece of technology" "yea the warpfeed is a sweet invention, it a'slso made by airgun designs" "yea thats a flatline tank also made by airgun designs"

i should just sew this on the back of my shirt


<3 AGD

03-14-2006, 12:32 AM
last time i went paintballing i got tons of "what kind of gun is that" i was like "its an E-mag made by airgun designs" "basically an electronic automag" "yea thats an x-valve, amazing piece of technology" "yea the warpfeed is a sweet invention, it a'slso made by airgun designs" "yea thats a flatline tank also made by airgun designs"
that reminds me of a whiteboard....
i cant find it right now but its shows soeobdy explaining everything aobut their phantom and then this kid is like" its an angel and its green... and stuff"

03-14-2006, 12:42 AM
that reminds me of a whiteboard....
i cant find it right now but its shows soeobdy explaining everything aobut their phantom and then this kid is like" its an angel and its green... and stuff"

:rofl: Yeah that was a good one...

03-14-2006, 12:44 AM
that reminds me of a whiteboard....
i cant find it right now but its shows soeobdy explaining everything aobut their phantom and then this kid is like" its an angel and its green... and stuff"

it's bandit explaining every aspect of his VSC phantom to a "tourny" guy shooting a green phantom. Tha tone is great

03-14-2006, 12:59 AM
I have had someone ask me if the feed tube on my VSC phantom was a sight or a scope. That wasn't nearly as bad as someone kid confusing my E-Mag with a Shocker....almost slapped the taste out of his mouth.

03-14-2006, 02:25 AM
it's bandit explaining every aspect of his VSC phantom to a "tourny" guy shooting a green phantom. Tha tone is great
yea i never really picked up on their names
and im really really really tired

03-14-2006, 02:41 AM
i should just sew this on the back of my shirt

{Wicked Badass AGD Patch}

<3 AGD
Whoa. Where did that come from and are there any more of them around? I totally need that on the German flectar jacket I use for woodsballing. PM me?

03-14-2006, 02:46 AM

03-14-2006, 02:52 AM
I had dye stickies on my gun and I had this kid going that it was a new DYE edition shocker!!!

Sad really.

03-14-2006, 02:52 AM
It's Bandit explaining every aspect of his VSC phantom to a "tourney" guy shooting a green Angel. The tone is great


*Edit for Picture*


03-14-2006, 02:57 AM
I had dye stickies on my gun and I had this kid going that it was a new DYE edition shocker!!!

Sad really.

I play woodsball from time to time with a group at my school. I board and we're not allowed to have cars on campus so I don't get to the field nearly often enough but this is ok. One kid saw the stock dye grips on my rt ule and thought it was the new dye "dmx", lol.

03-14-2006, 10:18 AM
I play woodsball from time to time with a group at my school. I board and we're not allowed to have cars on campus so I don't get to the field nearly often enough but this is ok. One kid saw the stock dye grips on my rt ule and thought it was the new dye "dmx", lol.

kids theses days :nono: AGD should make toy cars or something to get them started on the right track at a young age :p

03-14-2006, 10:28 AM

Any idea how big that patch is?

03-14-2006, 10:36 AM
Any idea how big that patch is?

its pretty big, like 4X6 inches i think

03-14-2006, 01:21 PM
on the topic of the patch, i've always wondered about the slogan. is it "because quality always shoots straight" or "because quality shoots straight, always"?

and i've had a few people ask what parts i put on my shocker to look like that. but more often than not cause i live not too far from AGD i get more people commenting on how they haven't seen an emag in a while.

03-14-2006, 01:47 PM
last time i went paintballing i got tons of "what kind of gun is that" i was like "its an E-mag made by airgun designs" "basically an electronic automag" "yea thats an x-valve, amazing piece of technology" "yea the warpfeed is a sweet invention, it a'slso made by airgun designs" "yea thats a flatline tank also made by airgun designs"

I had the exact same reaction the other night when I took my emag to a local indoor place. Tons of kids asking me what it was. I think my favorite moments were:

A kid asked me what kind of regulator I was using, I told him none, it was built into the valve. Eyes bug out.

The ref that wanted to hold it, picked it up and said:

"Wow, I thought these were supposed to be heavy!" (I have an RPG Exile body and Shadow Rail), when he held it up, he said: "OMG, what a low profile, I need one of these!"

I can't wait to show up with my warp attached next time.

The best thing though, was that I was expecting comments on how I should upgrade to something newer, but nothing like that was said at all. There were just so may comments on what great markers AGD makes.

Made a Daddy proud!

03-14-2006, 01:53 PM
on the topic of the patch, i've always wondered about the slogan. is it "because quality always shoots straight" or "because quality shoots straight, always"?

and i've had a few people ask what parts i put on my shocker to look like that. but more often than not cause i live not too far from AGD i get more people commenting on how they haven't seen an emag in a while.
it is quality always shoots straight. Follow the banner left to right. It is shaped like it is flapping in the wind, but you still read it from left to right.

Cow hunter
03-14-2006, 03:31 PM
ive gotten all the comments before too, all the blah about, weight, profile, shocker, ect.....
the most reactions are from the Z-grip though....

i must get some of those patches!!!

have to get my camera goin! i made a folding table with an AGD logo in the center

03-14-2006, 03:42 PM

*Edit for Picture*

the sad thing is that cartoon is so true... and really funny

03-14-2006, 06:15 PM
And somehow I never noticed that section of the store. Oh well, gotta get one now, but it's not worth doing just a $7 order... What else do I need? :shooting:

03-14-2006, 07:20 PM
Ahh, Angels, so many features no one really knows what they do.

So does the Talk function disable the Shoot function? Probably not good for scenario ball... :rofl:

03-14-2006, 09:41 PM
That might be funny, but honesltly you can't say thats true. I know my guns {well most} inside and out. I guess I own a variety or guns, mags, nerve, imps, spyders, you name it I know it.

03-14-2006, 10:01 PM

and my favorite


03-14-2006, 10:28 PM
Some kid once asked me "When did they start making Shockers with powers feeds?"

I shot him a look and said it was a rare prototype. He told all of his friends and they were all so afraid of me. The field owner and a couple refs and I all had a good laugh.

Ahh... newbs. Heck, I'm surprised they even knew what power feed is!

03-16-2006, 03:29 PM
That might be funny, but honesltly you can't say thats true. I know my guns {well most} inside and out. I guess I own a variety or guns, mags, nerve, imps, spyders, you name it I know it.
I didnt mean to offend anyone when I said its true I just meant that some people, not all people, just go out and buy a gun based on there reputation. I have never shot an angel so i cant judge its performance or whatever....

03-16-2006, 04:28 PM
Why do you all find it so funny that the Mag is such an anachronism that few even know what it is? Do you think that's the sign of a healthy product line? Do you think people ever asked an Ion owner what he's shooting?

Uggh. Pay no attention to those flames and keep fiddling - everything's fine.

03-16-2006, 04:31 PM
I shoot an ion and i have people asking me all the time what im shooting. lol

03-16-2006, 04:46 PM
this is a huge problem, except i never used to get it in stamford. At paintball madness in stamford, ct, the only posters on the wall are of mags and ule's and x valves! its great!!

03-16-2006, 04:53 PM
I shoot an ion and i have people asking me all the time what im shooting. lol

Do you lie all the time, or only when it helps you make a point?

03-16-2006, 05:17 PM
Do you lie all the time, or only when it helps you make a point?

I was being serious but ok......

03-16-2006, 09:52 PM
it's bandit explaining every aspect of his VSC phantom to a "tourny" guy shooting a green phantom. Tha tone is great

you mean green angel?

03-16-2006, 09:59 PM
Why do you all find it so funny that the Mag is such an anachronism that few even know what it is? Do you think that's the sign of a healthy product line? Do you think people ever asked an Ion owner what he's shooting?

Uggh. Pay no attention to those flames and keep fiddling - everything's fine.

I find it funny because most of the tourney ballers around me hate Automags with a passion (seriously), but very few actually know mine is one (I mean, c'mon. Polished body? Anti chop? That can't be a 'mag! at least that's waht they think...)

I seldom admit what I'm shooting until after a few games, so I, or my gun, don't get harped on.

Cow hunter
03-16-2006, 10:33 PM
this is a huge problem, except i never used to get it in stamford. At paintball madness in stamford, ct, the only posters on the wall are of mags and ule's and x valves! its great!!
OH RLY?! been going for a bit, and i have to disagree..... i will admit it was the only place ive ever seen other mags, the ref had one (shaved sear, uber fast) and another guy had a minimag(chromed out)

03-17-2006, 06:54 AM
OH RLY?! been going for a bit, and i have to disagree..... i will admit it was the only place ive ever seen other mags, the ref had one (shaved sear, uber fast) and another guy had a minimag(chromed out)

It used to have the posters-note the i used to go there