View Full Version : I would like some feeding statistics

12-16-2001, 01:38 PM
This post may belong in the Tech Forum, and if so please move it there. Otherwise I would like to know if there are signifigant differences between the P/F and the S/F. Can these problems be remmedied by a motorized hopper and Superbolt? Are there other modifications available that could solve any of these problems? Or should I just forget those and invest in a P/F body?

12-16-2001, 03:02 PM
If you want to steer clear of any chopping/feed problems go for a P/F. The main difference is, on s/f it is a straight tube. Blowback(the air pushed through the feed tube)has more of an effect on s/f b/c it is a straight line. With p/w it stops the paint from flying the wrong way. There arent many ways to fix the problems you would have with standard feed.

Go with power feed!!!