View Full Version : After 2 years, 10 days, 1 hour thirteen minutes....

03-15-2006, 06:17 PM
That has been the countdown of me getting a mag. On monday I conducted a trade with our forum friend peewee. I traded off my BKO with Fatty and UL to get this wonderful minimag with armson and lx. I am soooooooo(needs more o's) happy with it. I am not using smilies because they don't show as much emotion as I need to express. First thing I went and filled my tank to get a few shots to make sure everything was right.

My thoughts so far on mags:

Performance. With just the level 10 I saw so much change from using guns with no type of anti chop. It was amazing. Everybody shows themselves putting fingers in the breach and fireing but w0w. It was pretty sweet. I went out and shot it with some paint. I had a warp on it and that made it just sing. I now I just need a hopper that works. Because my hopper didn't work I got to see LX kick in. It did just as it should and reset on the ball. How awesome it was. I was also pleasently surprised at how fast I could pull on the stock single trigger. It felt like about 4-5 bps with my pointer finger and maybe 6 with my middle. A great performer.

Looks I am very happy with how it looked. From the picks he gave me I couldn't tell, but it has a blue splash(what I call it) rail and VA that match the forgrip. Also the polished minimag body is just sick looking. I think it is the coolest looking gun I have ever seen(in person that it).

Overall Again this is a wow. I thought that this would be sick to own a mag. The time on the top is since I first pulled my Pro/Carbine out of the package 2 years ago. It was my first gun. Now what I really like about this is how well the PF right fits in with the warp. I less than three it a lot. Now I get to see how it performs in a game.

Don't notice my mouth in the picture. It will scare you. My dad was talking to me when he took the picture. I will get pics up of the gun a little later.

03-15-2006, 06:28 PM

I fixed your link. Congrats on the mag. May it serve you well. ;)

03-15-2006, 06:47 PM
Sounds good man. I love how every pic of your "gun" is always (same with the pic of you and your BKO) you holding the gun to where you cant see the gun well. You should really set the gun down and take some pics of it.

03-15-2006, 07:27 PM
Sounds good man. I love how every pic of your "gun" is always (same with the pic of you and your BKO) you holding the gun to where you can see the gun well. You should really set the gun down and take some pics of it.

Chaos has a point. Your photogenic and all, but we like seeing more of the mag. LOL... It took me just shy of 12 years to finally get around getting a minimag. I've wanted one since April of 94. I just got mine a couple of weeks ago. The Mini seems to have been worth the wait. :headbang: Hope to play some good ol'rec ball with mine this year when I'm not using the Emag to vanquish players on the air field or using the Classic RT to level the opposition at some senerio game.

03-15-2006, 07:33 PM
I have some more pics getting upoaded but 56k is pretty dang slow. I have some good shots of both sides. I sure hope it serves me well. What an awesome piece of machinery.

03-15-2006, 08:24 PM
It took me 4 years to get a mag.

gratz on your mag. :)

03-15-2006, 08:37 PM
I'm so psyched to have this thing. The second my dad told me it had arrived I started shaking and going into hysterical fits. Now I have calmed down and only have to stroke it, pet it and massage it once every 20 minutes.

03-15-2006, 09:12 PM
man that rail and foregrip are nice. i love it.

03-15-2006, 09:28 PM
Wow Buzz your pictures look a heck of alot clearer than mine did. I hope it serves you well. I miss it already :cry: . But your BKO will be getting put to good use. Thanks again.

03-16-2006, 01:04 AM
I've got the same expansion chamber on my Mag (which started life as a MiniMag)


03-16-2006, 07:06 AM
phazeshifter, does the expansion chamber limit the flow at all. It seems like it would.

03-16-2006, 07:16 AM
phazeshifter, does the expansion chamber limit the flow at all. It seems like it would.
No it doesn't, actually. Expansion chambers are set up in order for CO2 to go through chambers so that the liquid stays trapped while the gas escapes and makes it to the gun. Running HPA means that the air will just go through the expansion chamber.

03-16-2006, 07:19 AM
Oh, Okay. I read somewhere about the tiny holes in the x chamber are made for co2 to expand through but they will restrict the flow of hpa. What ever. As long as it works.