View Full Version : Moe’s Taxonomic Nomenclature of Automags (Naming your Automag.)

03-16-2006, 03:49 AM
Here is how this started…

A new member, ahellers, asked what he would call his mag and he gave a description of it.

Ha Ha, that gives me an idea! (My nerd colors are showing)

We should figure out some set way to name customized mags. A sort of taxonomic nomenclature of Automags. :rofl:


the valve followed by most notable upgrade.

if you hurry up and post a set of rules to govern it, you could be hailed as the greatest mag nerd ever...

or made fun of for about 3 days... then again in 2 weeks when someone stumbles upon that post and revives it.. then again in 2 months... going on and on into eternity.

So here is my first attempt...

Moe’s Taxonomic Nomenclature of Automags (Naming your Automag.)

By: MoeMag

March 16, 2006

The Automag has been in existence for well over a decade, and in its time it has evolved into many different families and species of Automags. This is my attempt at organizing a convention for naming Automags appropriately bared upon their respective attributes. I by no means take this seriously, especially the use of Wild E. Coyote Latin, and thus present this as a gag, but who knows maybe it will be a hit. For further background to learn of the origins of this project, other than an excess of time and lack of a girlfriend, please refer to the following thread.
Those of you who take this with any seriousness, I am open to any suggestions in regards to the naming process.

First Name
To begin the primary component of the Automag is the valve assembly. This being so, the make and model of the valve should be held in high regard. Thus I dub the valve models as being the first name classifying an Automag. A Classic is any of the pre-RT valves that were made of stainless steel, built with the original A.I.R. valve design. A caveat to this designation would be a second name for sidearm, minimag, and rental, as these valves hold a distinction of their own.
Classicus, Classicus-minimus, Classicus-sideous, and finnaly the Classicus-stolen.

Following the classic valve is what has become known as the RT Classic. This valve is distinguished by its stainless steel construction and the application of the banjo bolt to make use of the gas through body. I thus dub it the RTous-clawhammer. (A “claw hammer banjo” is the pinnacle in hillbilly entertainment)

The introduction of the ReTro valve, later to become known as the pro-rt, is identified as generally being two colors, made of stainless steel, and having the RT trigger action of its predecessor, with increased compatibility with the original A.I.R. valve platform.
All incarnations of this valve will simply be known as, RTous.

The X-valve was a further evolution of RT valve. The use of lightweight high strength aluminum made this valve the pinnacle of AGD valves. An appropriate descriptive name would be the RT-aluminous, however the common name in this case is too widely accepted, thus it will be the Xous.

The only exception in which the valve type does not contribute to the first name will be in the case of the E-Mags and X-Mags. Their fist name will be Emagous or Xmagous.

Second Name(s)
The second name of an Automag should be one that denotes one of its basic components (body, bolt, on/off assembly, rail, and triggerframe) that varies the greatest from original Automag equipment. Original Automag equipment will be defined as having; a bead blasted power feed body, a level 7 bolt, valve specific original on/offs, any of the non-ULE rails, and single trigger carbon fiber trigger frame. An Automag equipped entirely of original Automag equipment will thus be called Originaum. Due to the extraordinary diversity of possible aftermarket and modifications, some individual creativity will be required.

EDIT: Being that the warp feed is a very distinctive innovation of AGD, The warp feed can be included after the primary upgrade as a second name as per this example (Classicus-minimus originaum warpus)

Following are some examples of widespread species of Automags.

(Classicus Originaum) A proclassic
(Classicus-minimus Originaum) A minimag
(Classicus LVLX) No, that is not classic valve # 105
(RTous-clawhammer Originaum) Original RT
(RTous Intelliframe) Pro RT with an Intelliframe.
(Classicus Hyperous) < started this whole thing
(Emagous Thunnus) Tuna customized E-Mag
(Emagous Devil/oculus) Devilmag, with eyes
(Xous tacunous) tac-one.
(Xous Kartious) x-valve with karta body

Any further distinctions for extensively modified guns or need for being specific for technical purposes should be made using an addendum in the following manner. However they do not qualify as being their own species, merely various races and individuals of that species.

(Xous Intelliframe, LVL10,ULE,ULT)
Valve Primary upgrade, addendums

It is very late and I want to go to sleep. :sleeping:
Please feel free to try and add to the list of Automag Species, and let me know if I made any mistakes. I hope that everyone gets a few laughs out of this. I sure did.

************************************************** **********************

The List of known species

(Classicus Originaum) A proclassic
(Classicus-minimus Originaum) A minimag
(Classicus LVLX) No, that is not classic valve # 105
(RTous-clawhammer Originaum) Original RT
(RTous Intelliframe) Pro RT with an Intelliframe.
(Classicus Hyperous) < started this whole thing
(Emagous Originaum) Stock e-mag
(Emagous Thunnus) Tuna customized E-Mag
(Emagous Devil oculus) Devilmag, with eyes
(Xous tacunous) tac-one.
(Xous Kartious) x-valve with karta body
(Classicus-minimus originaum warpus) This one speaks for itself.
(Xous Chimeraous)
(AClassicus-minimus E-less-magnous) A minimag with an E-valve.
(Classicus-micronimus Intelus) is that a ptp micromag?
(Emagous Exileous)
(Emagnous-Xous Thunnus)
(Xous logica-dallarahaum)

03-16-2006, 04:07 AM
minimag = ?


03-16-2006, 04:12 AM

That was my idea for minimags. Will add one to the examples.

03-16-2006, 05:14 AM
My emag = E-Magnus


03-16-2006, 06:08 AM
Emagous stockous

Stock emag, as of today.

soon to be Emagous Specopsis

(spec ops paintball emag)

03-16-2006, 07:17 AM
So I would have

Classicus-minimus originaum warpus

03-16-2006, 07:31 AM
i have an Xous Chimeraous shadow ule level 10 ult

...maybe you shouldn't have binomial nomenclature, and include some more names in there to cover body, rail and what not

03-16-2006, 07:35 AM
Xous Hyperous ( soon to be kartious in the name :D if i can find one :( )

03-16-2006, 08:23 AM
Xmagous Ninjitsius Xmodius fireblade ccm feedneck

pure black xmag (ninja :ninja: lol) with xmod software. i know, it doesn't really follow the rules, but i kinda like the sound of "xmodius"

btw, classicus-stolen LOL :rofl:

03-16-2006, 09:19 AM
A minimag with a dye frame and emag valve =? :confused:

03-16-2006, 09:26 AM
Minimus Evalvius?

03-16-2006, 09:37 AM
ninja C&C x-mag=????

03-16-2006, 09:49 AM
i have the original Classicus Hyperous. hehe one day it will evolve into a xous hyperous.

03-16-2006, 11:44 AM
A minimag with a dye frame and emag valve =? :confused:

A-typical. That must be due to inbreeding. :rofl:

how about...
(AClassicus-minimus E-less-magnous Californium) :eek:


ninja C&C x-mag=????

Like Josty's

(Xmagous Ninjitsius, C&C) but may I suggest "Ninjaum" for the spelling.

i have an Xous Chimeraous shadow ule level 10 ult

...maybe you shouldn't have binomial nomenclature, and include some more names in there to cover body, rail and what not

Any ideas? The binomial thing just seemed to work for the humor aspect of the whole thing. Perhaps we could color code them like resistors? or something

03-16-2006, 12:23 PM
Xous Kartous

soon to be an Xous Imagous customus :cool:

(X valve w/ imag upgrade in a home made aluminum trigger frame)

03-16-2006, 12:35 PM
Emagous Exilunus (exile bodied emag)

Classicus-micronimus Intelus (micromag with intelliframe)

I thought "Intelus" sounded better than "Intelliframe"

03-16-2006, 12:38 PM
Emagous Exileous

soon to become

Emagous Exileous Xmodious

03-16-2006, 01:02 PM
old schoolious Rtous eclipsous zgrippium

old school rt, z grip, eclipse kit.

03-16-2006, 01:28 PM
MoeMag, I have an ANS phase II valve on my classic = ?? -Thanks

edit: ANS Classicus maybe?

ANS-classicus ultratrigum-ygrippium

03-16-2006, 02:08 PM
(Xmagous Ninjitsius, C&C) but may I suggest "Ninjaum" for the spelling.

yea, i was wondering how to do "ninja". i figured to go with "ninjitsu" which is the actual martial art ninja use.... but whatever ;)

03-16-2006, 02:23 PM
Xous logic dallarahafule :D

xvalve, logic frame, and a dallara rail.

03-16-2006, 03:40 PM
A-typical. That must be due to inbreeding. :rofl:

how about...
(AClassicus-minimus E-less-magnous Californium) :eek:


I was thinking Minimus-Emagnous Dyeocious?

03-16-2006, 03:53 PM
i have a karta emag..from tuna..all black..so its also a ninja..

Emagous Thunnus Ninjuam Xous..when i get the xmod ill have to change it.. but i just call her Mesmerize..and my devilmag shall be Hypnotize..yes im a SOAD fan..

03-16-2006, 04:49 PM
I was thinking Minimus-Emagnous Dyeocious?

Dyeocious... not bad.

It sounds like “diocese” which is an anglicized pronunciation of the Greek word “Dioikesis” meaning administration. The modern usage of the word Diocese is often applied to organized religious groups.
I think that would be an excellent word for one of the ruling bodies of paintball that is Dye. :D
However the "Minimus-Emagnous" would lead me to believe you have a mini e-mag. Not quite accurate enough.

Okay gentlemen, I have to question the use of the term Ninja. Is this simply a designation for an all black gun!? I don’t call my black e-mag ninja… merely un-imaginative.
If so that is an addendum, not a species characteristic

The ANS PHASE II... :confused: good question.

The list in the first post is growing! :cheers:

03-16-2006, 04:53 PM
..you guys have way too much time on your hands...

Kinda reminds me of the "idea" sessions in the basement (70's show). :ninja:

03-16-2006, 05:12 PM
..you guys have way too much time on your hands...

Kinda reminds me of the "idea" sessions in the basement (70's show). :ninja:

Okay Red whats yours??? you know you want to :D

03-16-2006, 05:19 PM
hmm... how about an SFL?

03-16-2006, 05:25 PM
Don't forget the unmilled slug, milled custom slug, and the IT Crow bodies.... ;)

03-16-2006, 05:40 PM
hmm... how about an SFL?

Your the first one... make a name up, then I will see if it measures up to the Wild E. Coyote standards. :cool:

03-16-2006, 06:08 PM
Okay Red whats yours??? you know you want to :D

Awright jacka..... :D

Just for entertainment puposes only, that and to make you work at it for a minute...

I have a Warped, Hurricane reg'ed classic valve, on a V1 Alpha rail, with a powerlyte trigger frame and ULE warp body.....

03-16-2006, 06:27 PM
Hey MoeMag what about The Original 68 Automag heavy built with stainless steel which are your Classics now

Elder Magnus Steelium?

03-16-2006, 06:33 PM
Devilmag= stillius waitingus

03-16-2006, 06:57 PM
Moe, if I may...

Family - Automagii

Within which there are two sub families -
SF. Classicus (Those based on a Classic)
SF. Retros (Those based on an RT Valve)

SF. Classicus contains 5 genera
G. Classicus (AutoMag)
G. Minimus (MiniMag)
G. Sideous (SydeArm)
G. Stolenii (Rental)
G. Ansii (ANS Phase II)

SF. Retros contains 4 genera
G. Clawhammerii (RT Classic)
G. RTous (ReTro)
G. Emagous (E-Mag valve)
G. Xous (X Valve and level 10)

Might help clean up your taxanomy a bit through uses of Sub/Infera groups as well as having a standarized name for common (and not so common) groups of bodies.

plumus - ULE body
warpus - Warp ULE body (assumed warp left)
plumus plumus - ULE body + ULE accessories
ferrous - Non-minimag twistlock bodies
ferrous dexter - twistlock feed right
ferrous dexterii - twistlock powerfeed right
ferrous medi - twistlock centerfeed
ferrous medii - twistlock powerfeed center
ferrous sinsiter - twistlock feed left
ferrous sinisterii - twistlock powerfeed left
minimus - MiniMag twistlock body
micros - MicroMag body
plumus superior - SFL


Minimus minimus (Stock Minimag)
Classicus ferrous (Stock Automag)
Classicus plumus (ULE body Classic Mag)
Clawhammerii ferrous medii (RT Classic center Powerfeed)
Xous plumus intelii (Pro Custom ULE w/ Inteliframe)
Xous plumus hyperious (HyperFramed Pro Custom)
Xous plumus plumus (Pro Custom w/ full ULE kit, rail, frame, ULT, etc.)
Xous plumus graika (Pro Custom ULE w/ y-frame)
Xous plumus emagous (Pro Custom ULE w/ E-Mag lowers)
Emagous plumus superior (SFL E-Mag)
Xous minimus intelii (X Valve w/ Minimag body and inteliframe)
Xous magnum (Non-C&C X-Mag)
Xous magnum carvonii (C&C X-Mag)
Emagous ferrous (E-Mag w/ Twistlock body)
Xous plumus deamoni (Devil Mag)
Xous plumus deamonii (Devil Mag w/ eyes)

There really isn't much you can do with this since you end up with lots of sub species, however restricting the nomenclature to simply identifying Valve, Body, and one other feature will keep things reasonable I think.

03-16-2006, 08:37 PM
Moe, if I may...

Family - Automagii
...daaaang thats good :hail:

03-16-2006, 10:34 PM
Moe, if I may...

Absolutly you may.

Shear genius :hail:
will have to redo the rules.

Forgive me, but what is "plumus" refrencing in regards to ULE. sounds close to plumbus...Lead.
Edit: Its latin for Feather isnt it.

03-16-2006, 10:45 PM
Classicus-micronimus Intelus (micromag with intelliframe)

yes, that is a PTP micromag.

I think that the primary difference should be the naming factor other wise we end up with far too long names, body, frame, rail being the order.

Plus I don't think "ninja" matters since other colors don't factor in...

03-16-2006, 10:59 PM
Xous plumus superior perditor

SFL emag with xvalve and XMOD software

perditor is latin for destroyer ;)

EDIT: BTW threads like this are why i have to look at AO daily :clap: :cheers:

03-16-2006, 11:05 PM
Awright jacka..... :D

Just for entertainment puposes only, that and to make you work at it for a minute...

I have a Warped, Hurricane reg'ed classic valve, on a V1 Alpha rail, with a powerlyte trigger frame and ULE warp body.....

Classicus-hurricanium warpus alpharailium

03-17-2006, 02:14 AM
Forgive me, but what is "plumus" refrencing in regards to ULE. sounds close to plumbus...Lead.
Edit: Its latin for Feather isnt it.

Plumus is indeed latin for Feather. I suppose you could use plumis which is another form of feather.

EDIT: Or pinnii though it means more like a pin that you'd use to hold something, i.e. safety pin.

03-17-2006, 12:18 PM
Plumus is indeed latin for Feather. I suppose you could use plumis which is another form of feather.

EDIT: Or pinnii though it means more like a pin that you'd use to hold something, i.e. safety pin.

It’s amazing how words evolve.
When I read Plumus, I thought of pluma, the Spanish word for a writing pen (pin?), well a few hundred years ago pens were feathers, so that’s how I figured it out.

I think thats cool :headbang:

03-17-2006, 01:55 PM
It’s amazing how words evolve.
When I read Plumus, I thought of pluma, the Spanish word for a writing pen (pin?), well a few hundred years ago pens were feathers, so that’s how I figured it out.

I think thats cool :headbang:

ahh the wonders of etymology.

ok, name this...

x valve, ule body and rail, ult.

http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/1909/silvmag150rw.th.jpg (http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=silvmag150rw.jpg)

going by fenix' nomenclature, would it be Xous plumus plumus, or Xous plumus intelii? or something else?

also, should there be a distinction for pneumatic mags? electropneumatic? spydermags? pump mags? there are many, many variations in the automag.
actually, i believe there are more different types of automag than any other single marker in existence.


great thread! keep it going.

03-17-2006, 03:40 PM
ahh the wonders of etymology.

ok, name this...

x valve, ule body and rail, ult.

http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/1909/silvmag150rw.th.jpg (http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=silvmag150rw.jpg)

going by fenix' nomenclature, would it be Xous plumus plumus, or Xous plumus intelii? or something else?

also, should there be a distinction for pneumatic mags? electropneumatic? spydermags? pump mags? there are many, many variations in the automag.
actually, i believe there are more different types of automag than any other single marker in existence.


great thread! keep it going.

Xous plumus plumus would be in refference to ULE Body, ULE Rail, and ULT, no refference to frame.

Xous plumus plumus intelii would be the particular flavor of your beast (if I had to weigh in on the subject)

Minimus minimus arachnidae Minimag w/ Spyder Frame

Xous plumus pneumatis Pro Custom ULE w/ P-Frame

Since guns within the F. Automagii are assumed to be semi-auto there needn't be a special suffix for such things.

Pump Mag
Classicus ferrous litedae Classic w/ twistlock body and Pump kit

03-17-2006, 04:48 PM
i think i have an arpigee paradigmidous prometheus

03-18-2006, 01:43 AM
My brother said this was way too complicated. He said I should explain it as follows...

"Dude, have you ever seen those roadrunner cartoons? lets name our guns like that" :headbang:

Made me laugh. :rofl:

03-18-2006, 04:23 AM
There in lies one of the big problems with Taxonomy... it's cumbersome and from the outside looking in, doesn't make a whole lotta sense.

10-10-2006, 02:56 PM
RTous-Micromous Emagous-Gripous Omega-Railious Warpus, ULE-LVLX

Micromag RT Valve on Emag lowers with Omega Rail and Warpfeed with ULE body and Level 10 upgrades.

10-10-2006, 05:41 PM
Xous plumus plumus spyderhybridii

X-Valved, ULE'd Spydermag w/ eyes?

10-10-2006, 07:20 PM
if you hurry up and post a set of rules to govern it, you could be hailed as the greatest mag nerd ever...

or made fun of for about 3 days... then again in 2 weeks when someone stumbles upon that post and revives it.. then again in 2 months... going on and on into eternity.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10-10-2006, 08:24 PM
Hmm... I'll have to add this to my MCB sig:

"I don't just shoot a 'Mag, I shoot an Miro RTous Ultras Mechas Snatch ULE"

As in:
-MicroMag RT valve
-UMF Frame
-RPG Gripper (comming soon)
-ULE body

Hey, how would you classify a pneumag? Rtous Pneumaticus ULE, or something like that?

EDIT: I just read the added ones... I'm gonna have to change my nomentclature...

Lupis Fidelis
10-11-2006, 12:46 PM
Emagous Tacticous Warpus....

Tac 1 Warp left Emag.

Is that right?

Would I want to include ULE status for the body or drop forward?

:rofl: Great thread :rofl:

10-11-2006, 03:58 PM
Ruber Xous Pneumo-plumus Intellius
Red ULEd pneumag with x-valve and intelliframe.

Lividus Xous Pneumo-plumus Logicus
Blue-and-black ULEd pneumag with x-valve and Logic frame (soon to come)

10-11-2006, 04:32 PM
way to revive a thread that 7 months old.

10-11-2006, 09:51 PM
way to revive a thread that 7 months old.
And we should care why? It's not like it hurting anything. Ease up!

10-11-2006, 11:09 PM
Xous plumus deamoni

xvalve , ule body, devil mag frame ;D

chemical x
10-17-2006, 04:32 PM

I have two feeds for it.

ULE body, stock class feed, vert air. (dye 45 frame if it matters)
ULE warp left, Tstock and HPA on remote. with the same grip mentioned above.

10-17-2006, 06:59 PM
So mine would be RTous ferrous sinisterii framelessii

An rt valved powerfeed left twistlock with no frame at the moment.

10-18-2006, 12:38 AM
My favorite thread creation lives!!!

don miguel
10-26-2006, 07:13 PM
Rtous Classicus-minimus Originaum,

Minimag body, triggerframe and lvl7, w/ Rt micromag valve. :D

11-04-2006, 05:00 PM
challange smartmag valve, superbolt orgional delrin, one benchy grips, ule body ,freak kit pump kit, tstock, eclipse kit i call it sumthinwicked....... ;)

11-04-2006, 05:30 PM
This brings biology a whole new meaning!

What are the dominant and non dominant traits? :ninja:

Classicus Plumus Intelli

Soon to be
Classicus Plumus Plumus Intelli

11-05-2006, 01:25 AM
Xous Gatticcous Maximus