View Full Version : a team with a purpose

03-16-2006, 05:14 PM

read..discuss here..

This gives you a little history, our goals, and a little sense of what it was like and how quickly the illness hit me:

At 36 I taught salsa five nights a week, played football every Sunday; I had a great group of friends. I was the owner of a new video game company and had been on the cover of two business journals in my first six months of business. I was literally at the top of my physical, social and business game. I was “Chris the ever young!” my friends would say. Best of all, I had just met the woman who would later become my wife.

At 37 I was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s disease. A neurological disease made famous or infamous by Katherine Hepburn, Mohammed Ali, and Michael J Fox. This disease touches 60,000 new lives a year in the US alone. During my diagnosis, the doctor said about my dancing “I would find another line of work”. I was not surprisingly, shocked, confused, crushed. At my 38th birthday party I had to be helped across the room by my wife and others that I had dipped, spun and twirled less than a year prior.

But what Parkinson’s didn’t know was that mother once said “if you’re still breathing you can try”! I learned all that I could about my illness and its treatment. Through the love and support of my family, my wife, my friends, and the incredible staff at Johns Hopkins, I improved until I was dancing and playing paintball again (a sport which I love as does my wife). Many people can’t even tell I have the disease. But despite my outward appearance and my ability to compete in my sport, I am reminded by my illness every day that the clock is ticking and I must make the most of my time as an athlete and role model. I knew that I had to do something while I could…

Team Tremor
Today, I am the co-captain (with my wife) of Tremor, a 7 man National Professional Paintball League (NPPL) (www.nppl.tv) team from Maryland named in honor of my illness and our cause.

We will be competing next year in Division II of both the NPPL and Millennium Series(www.millennium-series.com) as not only do we want to compete at the highest level our skills will allow, the NPPL and Millennium are the world’s premier paintball series and we want to put our message on the international stage.

We want to give a portion of everything that we win or make merchandising the team to Parkinson’s research. The team will be professionally run to represent the sponsors and our cause. We have field coaches, player skill coaches, and a personnel manager in our management team.

This is our mission statement:

We are Team Tremor.

We are a group of players, sponsors, and supporters that share a set of common goals.

To raise awareness, support, and contributions toward Parkinson's disease research and its cure through the sport of paintball

To contribute a portion of all team earnings through competition or merchandising to Parkinson’s disease research

To give the disabled and underprivileged a voice in our sport and to create opportunities for them to enjoy the game at whatever levels their abilities will allow

To encourage all paintball players to create, in their communities, Positive Change Through Paintball

To be ambassadors for our sponsors and the sport that we love and to emulate and respect those who made the game what is today.

To show young people that commitment, effort, determination, and a dream can take them anywhere they want to go…then help them get there.

To be professional in all that we do.

To win.
Our team is dedicated to the highest levels of professionalism both on and off camera. To make sure that we represent our sponsors properly at all times, I will provide professional media training to all team members. I am an award winning public speaker, video game, and simulation designer by trade and have received professional media training four times during my career.

We have begun a rigorous training schedule that started in July and will continue until the start of the season in Huntington Beach 2006. Our sincere goal is to be a top 20 Div. II team from the start of the season. Our goal is to out practice and out work the majority of Div. II teams in the league. Rick Hartman will be our coach, Derrick Mitchell, will be our assistant coach. We believe that this work ethic, training regimen, and our experience (I have been a player since 1991) will get us were we need to be.

03-16-2006, 07:17 PM
I think that this is great!! What a great way to finally get some good publicity for the sport, and more importantly support a good cause. And calling the team "Tremor" named after the effects of the illness is kinda funny. I hope that they are successful in their missions to be a good team, and to help find a cure or better treatment for Parkinsons. Really cool!!!

03-16-2006, 08:16 PM
My hat is off to you.
Go get 'em :shooting:

03-16-2006, 08:22 PM
im envious of your heart.just reading this has made me want to be a better person nevermind what youre actually doing.i take life for granted alot.i guess because i dont have soemthing horrible dangling over my head each day i wake up that i dont appreciate the gift of life like i should.

thanx for sharing your story

03-16-2006, 08:33 PM
yeah i found the story on pbn..the guy is co captian to team tremor..

03-16-2006, 09:48 PM
thats awsome.

oh, and thats a great name, hahaha.

03-17-2006, 12:51 AM
(this isn't rudz's team. this is an article about team tremor.)

but yeah.

03-17-2006, 01:12 AM
Sure i may get flamed for this... BUT diseases are a way that nature controlls the population of the planet... Has anyone ever heard of Carrying capacity? We live in a defined amount of space, with and exponentially expanding population... more kids making more kids... The earth can only support so much life... as human cities expand and expel indeginous flora and fauna out of their natural habitat, nature will fight back... IE katrina, tsunamis, animal attacks and diseases wrought from "contaminated animals".. what ever the form... nature is getting pissed. Sit back and think a minute about how your grand children's grand children's world will be, if they have a world to live in at all... But then again most people dont have the capability to think that far ahead...

03-17-2006, 01:46 AM
Sure i may get flamed for this... BUT diseases are a way that nature controlls the population of the planet... Has anyone ever heard of Carrying capacity? We live in a defined amount of space, with and exponentially expanding population... more kids making more kids... The earth can only support so much life... as human cities expand and expel indeginous flora and fauna out of their natural habitat, nature will fight back... IE katrina, tsunamis, animal attacks and diseases wrought from "contaminated animals".. what ever the form... nature is getting pissed. Sit back and think a minute about how your grand children's grand children's world will be, if they have a world to live in at all... But then again most people dont have the capability to think that far ahead...

How can you even say that? Diseases and natural disasters have absoutely nothing to do with human actions, nature does not fight back. Nature is cold and random, out of our control. You one of those PETA whackjobs? My father has cancer, he'll be alright, but without our present technology he would die. Species need to adapt to servive, humanity has sped up that process with technology. Technology costs money, these people are doing good. Again, how can you even mention that while these people are trying to do good for once instead of just sitting back? I don't know you, but what you just said disgusts me.

03-17-2006, 02:59 AM
Sure i may get flamed for this... BUT diseases are a way that nature controlls the population of the planet... Has anyone ever heard of Carrying capacity? We live in a defined amount of space, with and exponentially expanding population... more kids making more kids... The earth can only support so much life... as human cities expand and expel indeginous flora and fauna out of their natural habitat, nature will fight back... IE katrina, tsunamis, animal attacks and diseases wrought from "contaminated animals".. what ever the form... nature is getting pissed. Sit back and think a minute about how your grand children's grand children's world will be, if they have a world to live in at all... But then again most people dont have the capability to think that far ahead...
Um... Overpopulation is not a problem. We could fit everyone in the world in their own 100'x100' space in a square with sides as long as the distance from New York to Chicago. Nevermind the fact that you seem to think the earth somehow knows there are too many of us and sends hurricanes to wipe us out. Disease and natural disaster have never really been an effective population check, and they never will be. So yeah, you are going to get flamed because you've got nothing valuable to say and you make that pretty damn clear. Or perhaps you didn't have the capability to think that far ahead.

03-17-2006, 03:58 AM
BUT diseases are a way that nature controlls the population of the planet...

They've said the same thing about stupidity for years and while I've seen plenty of stupidity, still no proof...

03-17-2006, 10:13 AM
wow, so off topic...

03-17-2006, 08:46 PM
(this isn't rudz's team. this is an article about team tremor.)

but yeah.

not my team..i found it on pbn..wanted to share..i thought it was a great cause..

03-17-2006, 10:49 PM
I talked to Chris today and he was telling me about soem of the stuff they have going on. He's a really great guy. They are going to have Jerseys, barrel bags, head wraps, a private label Shocker, and RPS has even developed a paintball for them, so the manufacturers are gettign behind these guys as well.

(Ok, so it doesn't excuse the gross violations SP has done, but even teh devil can do something nice once in a while)

03-17-2006, 11:32 PM
yeah the shocker thing doesnt float my boat..but ill prolly pick up a jersey and a few cases of there paint..

03-18-2006, 12:08 AM
I.. just..

*shakes head*

/not for the pun, either

03-18-2006, 12:21 AM
If proceeds from this stuff go towards charity, I'll defineately grab some

03-18-2006, 02:04 AM
Illegitimi non carborundorum - don't let the bastards grind you down. You can either let what life has dealt drag you down into despair, or turn around and kick him (as Cartman would say) right square in the nuts. Good job, bud, good luck to you, and happy flinging!

03-18-2006, 03:07 AM
Um... Overpopulation is not a problem. We could fit everyone in the world in their own 100'x100' space in a square with sides as long as the distance from New York to Chicago. Nevermind the fact that you seem to think the earth somehow knows there are too many of us and sends hurricanes to wipe us out. Disease and natural disaster have never really been an effective population check, and they never will be. So yeah, you are going to get flamed because you've got nothing valuable to say and you make that pretty damn clear. Or perhaps you didn't have the capability to think that far ahead.

I dont even know where to start. but ill give it a stab in the dark.

"Over population is not a problem."

Dude think outside of your own life and into the lives of others. There are families in china DROWNING thier own children because they wont carry on the family name... The over population there is so rampant that they only allow one child per household... How many siblings do you have? Why werent you the 2nd sibling to a family in china.... China's just the first.

"We could fit everyone in the world in their own 100'x100' space in a square with sides as long as the distance from New York to Chicago."

I would really like to see this... You ever seen a mosh pit a good slipknot show? your "idea" would make a slipknot moshpit look like a preschool extracurricular activity. You have obviously messed up your figures or twisted the words of someone MUCH more inltellegent then you.

" Disease and natural disaster have never really been an effective population check, and they never will be"

Durrr. Bubonic Plague... Ebola ziare, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, MDR Tuberculosis, THE LIST WILL GO ON... those who FORGET history are DOOMED to repeat it...

You are comfortable in your life and your brain will tell you its going to continue for many years in some sort of similar fasion. But what you dont know is that your brain is trying to kill you. Well.. IF I was you brain Id be tring to kill you.. Ignorance like yours degrades the gene pool of humanity and should be eradicated

If you call that flaming... I got a "torch tosser" you need to borrow.... hell I'll make you your own for a price...


If you take my previous words as some sort of personal attack on anyone.. thats just because you feel guilty about being a burden on the ground you tread on. Its not my intention to piss anyone off or create foes. It IS my intention to make people think about the crap they never will even consider. Im not worshiping disease. Im telling you it will NEVER go away. You expect a pill you can swollow or a sugery you can undergo to save your life. Well **** you and your lazy ***. GET UP AND DO SOMETHING LIKE THE HOMEBOY HERE WHO WE ARE TRYING READING ABOUT.

03-18-2006, 08:51 AM
I think that this is a great idea. Ill support them. Also I found this article which states that they would be using egos,


Still I hope this team does well.

03-18-2006, 09:25 AM
Sure i may get flamed for this... BUT diseases are a way that nature controlls the population of the planet... Has anyone ever heard of Carrying capacity? We live in a defined amount of space, with and exponentially expanding population... more kids making more kids... The earth can only support so much life... as human cities expand and expel indeginous flora and fauna out of their natural habitat, nature will fight back... IE katrina, tsunamis, animal attacks and diseases wrought from "contaminated animals".. what ever the form... nature is getting pissed. Sit back and think a minute about how your grand children's grand children's world will be, if they have a world to live in at all... But then again most people dont have the capability to think that far ahead...

I assume by your statement then that you are fully capable of surviving if dropped in the middle of the wilderness with zero technology right? No glasses/contacts (or lasik), no dental work ever, no broken bones or anything that you had to see a physician for, no infections that you had to take anti-biotics for. No shots for the major diseases that have been pretty well eradicated in the US by vacination? Let's go further, you directly produce all your needs for life, you don't need to go buy food, shelter, electricity, heat, etc. Your independent of society?

I expect the answer is no. Human kind lives in society, and one of the things about this society (and it happens in some animal groups as well) is we take care of our sick and ourselves. Its part of the fabric of society, its why we have been able to advance to where we are. The person making the next vaccine is given the time to dedicate to such a cause because others are able to provide him/her with the necessities of life. Same with the person working in a factory that produces any of the great industrial things we have today.

Your argument is egocentric... you have not applied it fully to yourself, or anything outside of a situation you have not considered. Its not just the curing / coping with of diseases that allows our population to expand.

Then again, most people don't have the capacity to fully understand the ramifications of an argument such as yours before making it. :rolleyes:

/Don't think your better than most people
//Most people aren't

03-19-2006, 10:31 PM
Hmm. I would respond to Mescalito's attack on me, but hey, I don't need to bother with it. There's no one worth convincing that isn't convinced already. Besides, Lohman446's got it covered. :cheers:

03-19-2006, 10:35 PM
Another useful post for lohman!