View Full Version : PBK Golden Fury

03-16-2006, 11:53 PM

I got offered one of these in a trade for a 'trix. Apparently, there were only 20 made. How much are these things worth? I don't want to end up with just a shiny classic.

03-17-2006, 12:09 AM
I'd imagine it's not worth any more than any other GZ, which isn't much since most people think they are ugly and one of the best things about Intimidators in the clamshell frame. I'd just pass on it.

03-17-2006, 12:17 AM
Would the trix be worth an IR3 with aftermarket parts?

03-17-2006, 12:30 AM
It depends on the gun. As of right now IR3s are going for about the same as the old style Matrix with eyes.

03-17-2006, 12:34 AM
Gen-E LCD Matrix
Aardvark LPR
Brand New Evil Detonator Reg - Never been used
New Designz Ball Detent Breech with dual ball detents
Evil Twistlock Feedneck
PBC ASA with Bob Long guage mounted on it.
Dual Spike LPC's
Dye Stickies


Angel IR3
hybrid Hedlok feedneck
G7 Grips
Infinite barre
"3" trigger
delrin bolt
brand new set of COPS eyes

and a NIB Qloader

03-17-2006, 12:57 AM
I'd go for it.

03-17-2006, 02:34 PM
"Rare" is really pretty meaningless. No one cares unless its completely different AND good milling.

My gun was used by Professional Player X. Does that make it worth more? Please?

03-17-2006, 03:23 PM
"Rare" is really pretty meaningless. No one cares unless its completely different AND good milling.

My gun was used by Professional Player X. Does that make it worth more? Please?

You'd be suprised how many people pay a little extra to have a gun that pro player X used... Is it silly? Yes, but it still happens. The same thing with rare guns. Look at the entity matrix - it's ugly and most of em have no eyes. But people still pay $1500+ for the stupid things when you can get a fully upgraded LCD with milling for under $500...

Back to the original question, don't trade for the timmy. You're making out on the IR3 trade as your marker would sell for under $250 and the IR3 without the Q-loader is $300-325. :)

03-17-2006, 05:37 PM
of the 3 markers talked about here, i would shoot the timmy if i were going to own one, but, as far as resale goes, meh, probably the ir3