View Full Version : This really bothers me

03-17-2006, 03:22 AM
Okay, I've thought about this alot lately as I've been going around to different forums. I was starting to get really annoyed by certain posts. I thought I'd make a list of all the kinds of posts that really annoy me, but I could only come up with like two and didn't feel like waiting till I had more.

Now before I start, let's just get the response "Posts like this annoy me the most" out of the way. To those that want to post that, just feel free to quote me and realize it's not that original.

Now, on to the annoyance. Why is it that every third post, not so much here but at most other paintball sites, is "What gun should I get?" "Should I get an Ion or a Spyder Imagine?" "What's the best speedball gun? I want a gun that is capable of 34bps for $56." "What's the best gun?" You get the point...you've seen the posts.

My question about these posts is, "why!" If I'm going to buy a new marker, what do I care what other people think I should do? Buy what you like,,,buy something that provides you upgradability I guess I just don't see the point .

Is there anybody out there that actually bought their gun this way?

I'm not saying new players shouldn't ask about certain markers...but the constant "this marker or that marker" is just annoying. And it doesn't end there...after the marker is bought, you get the "what are the best upgrades...?" questions.

03-17-2006, 03:39 AM
I'd really just wish that AO would write an article talking about these issues that newbies could read. All this "is this a good gat?" crap is annoying, but it won't go away until we have something that everyone can read. Even then, it won't stop a lot of people from asking. If you look at many PC forums, people ask for verification on how good their system looks before they plan to buy. If a competent user did some research, they could find another similar post from two or three days back that could give helpful insight.

Newbies usually don't have the know-how to search the forums effectively so they just ask without searching or after failing a poorly done search. I figure making a BIG BOLD STICKY could solve some problems.

Another suggestion is to do another AO overhaul. It sounds unreasonable, but if we had an articles section on the main website, that would cut down a lot of questions and maybe generate some new fresh ideas too.

edit: I'd say that a synthesis between articles and forums would be the best. Take a look at www.bit-tech.net, they have a great layout for articles and they have an in depth forum that has a healthy community.

03-17-2006, 03:59 AM
All we need is a link to warpig, they have great info that will answer 90% of newb questions

03-17-2006, 04:13 AM
i really learn alot from PBN in the marker forums. i have to say the AKA section is nice, but all of the marker forums (or most) have an ultimate question thread or something.

however i like to expierence stuff and learn for myself. as a new guy i wouldnt know what most people ask the same questions i do and then i get flamed and dont know why. when i first came here a few years ago i didnt even know what flaming was.

but i can see it, NEWBIE THREAD READ and we could just like that to any question and then close the thread. because it is getting annoying.

it backfires when you arent new but cant find it and you cant get the information.... like, the size of a spyder body screw (actual question a few days ago too) that was an honest thread, i probably couldnt have found that.

in the end it comes down to how dedicated am i to searching and reading.

i know that before i drop 500 on a gun im going to know everything about it.

03-17-2006, 04:24 AM
i see where that gets annoying.

But some times people are actually asking for expertise, not opinions.

Now it would be really nice if all these posts were piled up and put into one big "buying a new gat" question board.

03-17-2006, 07:11 AM
I don't see how anybody could buy a marker that way. I'm very glad that I didn't do that. At the time I was on no paintball forums so I just bought what sounded/looked cool and I am glad that I got it. I then joined PBR to ask a few questions about it and when you look at the newb thread all the posts about new guns people either said get an Imagine for speedball or a 98C for woods ball. I mean. I personally hate those two guns. If I had bought one because they told me to it would have driven me nuts and I probably would never have come to this wonderful site.

Stupid n00b1$# questions.

03-17-2006, 09:01 AM
It just really bugs me because as I search through forums (again, mostly elsewhere...not as big of a deal here at AO) I see at least 3 of these a day in just about every section. And everytime...the responses are "Ion, Ion, Ion, DM5, Ion, Tippmann, Spyder, Ion, Ion,..."

So this person ends upgetting an Ion or whatever...then two months later they're posting, "My gun won't work, I need to know how to take it apart and try to clean it...there's alot of paint inside...help." :tard: These people get these guns and have no idea how to even field strip them. The first thing a person buying a gun should do upon playing with it the FIRST TIME is strip it down. Learn what the parts are called. Learn how to clean and oil it. I always buy used guns so the first thing I do upon buying a gun is to take it apart and inspect the o-rings. If they look bad or even marginal, I replace them. It helps me learn the gun, and it ensures I'm not going to have a problem at the field.

Now I'm not saying a person shouldn't research a gun before buying...but you can check reviews at pbreview...you can go to the marker specific sections of pbreview and pbnation and ask specific questions there...and you can go to the owners group sites to ask them. Posting "should I get a THIS or an Ion" is just going to end up getting you an Ion. :eek: :eek:

From now on, I have a new policy. Whenever I encounter a thread like "should I buy this or that?"...I'm going to ignore it. If I get sucked in unknowingly...I am going to just post, "Go read a review of the products, see which one YOU like better." I hate to do that...because it annoys me when a newb asks a question and a million users suddenly pile him with "USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION NEWB!" or "STICKY STICKY STICKY!". :argh:

Now, if it's a general question, like "what gun should I get", I'm torn. This would be an opportunity to suggest a Mag. Hmmm...maybe I break my policy then. :cool:

03-17-2006, 10:54 AM
Now I'm not saying a person shouldn't research a gun before buying...but you can check reviews at pbreview...you can go to the marker specific sections of pbreview and pbnation and ask specific questions there...and you can go to the owners group sites to ask them. Posting "should I get a THIS or an Ion" is just going to end up getting you an Ion. :eek: :eek:

I for one dont trust pbreview much at all anymore. If you notice, you hardly ever see bad reviews on the site. It seems people get the item, enjoy it, post a good review and then forget about their review. You cant tell how reliable the marker is or how reliable the people are that are posting the reviews. Just my oppinion on it though. The best way to research a new marker, just go to pbnation to that markers forums and see how many people are asking for help. :cheers:

03-17-2006, 11:13 AM
I for one dont trust pbreview much at all anymore. If you notice, you hardly ever see bad reviews on the site. It seems people get the item, enjoy it, post a good review and then forget about their review. You cant tell how reliable the marker is or how reliable the people are that are posting the reviews. Just my oppinion on it though. The best way to research a new marker, just go to pbnation to that markers forums and see how many people are asking for help. :cheers:

I see your point, but as it is here, there is going to be a lot of help question when the person is new to the marker and doesn't understand it yet. So that isn't a surefire way to guage a product. I think one needs to research one product from every angle possible to make a rational decision or atleast an informed one.

The posts that annoy me are people quoting rediculous BPS figures. Yeh I get 30bps out of my RT! The "on a suba tank" never makes it to the post. Or I get 20+ BPS with uber fast fingers. :rolleyes:

03-17-2006, 11:46 AM
Well in the good sprit of exchanging information, let’s write the ultimate newb article and just refer newbs to it every time one shows up. I certainly have enough time in the next few days. The only thing is I would need some real help in figuring what info to include. My current thought includes these sections…

· What is paintball?
Basic history of the game
Have you ever played paintball?
What is a Paintball, and do they hurt?
What types of games are there? Speedball Recball Scenario

· Try out paintball… going to a field and renting. This alone will answer 99% of newb questions.

· Saftey equipment. Masks, kneepads, elbow pads, apparel, shoes, and body armor. (in order of importance)

· Paintball gun information
CO2 vs. HPA
What is HPA?
What are good newbie guns? Tippmann? (really need input on this, I started with mags)
Electro Vs. Mechanical
Accuracy. One shot, one kill snipers… I think not.

· Myths about paintball guns.
Uber fast finghers…no it’s called ramping
Running a gun off a scuba tank. No only zak can do that.

· Purchasing your equipment.
How to be an informed buyer and not sound like an idiot and get taken for all you are worth.
Weighing quality vs. price. Usually you get what you pay for… unless you have good friends that you trust that hook you up.

I really need some input before I will do this so that I am not wasting my time.

Come on AO, we were all newbs at some time. :cheers:

03-17-2006, 11:46 AM
I for one dont trust pbreview much at all anymore. If you notice, you hardly ever see bad reviews on the site. It seems people get the item, enjoy it, post a good review and then forget about their review. You cant tell how reliable the marker is or how reliable the people are that are posting the reviews. Just my oppinion on it though. The best way to research a new marker, just go to pbnation to that markers forums and see how many people are asking for help. :cheers:

I have made like 22-24 reviews on pbreview and that isn't my experience at all. There are some lame reviews, good and bad...and I've heard that corporate guys sometimes go in there to try to influence the rating...but if you sort to the bad remarks...look them over...it at least gives you some things to ask about. I have no problem with seomone saying, "Hey, I'm thinking of getting a Mag but heard they have a reputation of chopping...but I read other reviews where people have said that a level 10 fixes that. Is the chopping thing true and how much would a Level 10 cost?"

Now sure, he should go to AGD store and look up the cost...but that question isn't bad...he/she did some research...found a gun they liked...read soem reviews...good and bad...has a legitimate question or two.

Baby Huey
03-17-2006, 12:22 PM
You could always make a simple decision, if you don't like the thread title then do not click on it. If you click on a title that is misleading and once you get in the thread you don't like it, hit the back button. I am sure that when I was buying my shocker that I bugged people on shockerowners.com but they helped me and I ended up buying two shockers. When I needed a gun for night play and for when it rains a friend of mine gave me this site. People answered my questions (and I am sure many of them were stupid but I did not know anything about mech guns). I asked rogue a million questions and he even called me to help me understand some things. I ended up buying a RPG Paradigm that I love. The threads that annoy me most are the ones that complain about other threads, but I would never suggest that the person could not make it I will just decide if I want to post or not. Just my .02. Have a great weekend ballin and God Bless.

03-17-2006, 12:54 PM
The posts that annoy me are people quoting rediculous BPS figures. Yeh I get 30bps out of my RT! The "on a suba tank" never makes it to the post. Or I get 20+ BPS with uber fast fingers. :rolleyes:

That was actually 3rd on my list of the one's I had on my "list". I HATE that. For some reason, I'm the only one that has a bps speed of <10. And I hate to tell ya...but I've pulled the trigger on a Model98 custom...these kids saying they shoot like 13bps...they've really gotta understand the concept of a second. I can use my finger to hit a keyboard key about 8 times in a second...that's about as fast as I can pull a trigger...7-9bps. Now, you get a walkable trigger, maybe you can double that to 14-18bps. But some of that stuff is just crazy. :shooting: :shooting:

2nd on my list are the newbs that have played one time and are asking how they can get a gun that shoots 32 bps because they're going to try and get sponsored and join the tourney scene. The sad thing is, if you're a newb sith enough money and a guy who knows somebody, that could foreseeably happen. :spit_take

03-17-2006, 01:02 PM
You could always make a simple decision, if you don't like the thread title then do not click on it. If you click on a title that is misleading and once you get in the thread you don't like it, hit the back button. I am sure that when I was buying my shocker that I bugged people on shockerowners.com but they helped me and I ended up buying two shockers. When I needed a gun for night play and for when it rains a friend of mine gave me this site. People answered my questions (and I am sure many of them were stupid but I did not know anything about mech guns). I asked rogue a million questions and he even called me to help me understand some things. I ended up buying a RPG Paradigm that I love. The threads that annoy me most are the ones that complain about other threads, but I would never suggest that the person could not make it I will just decide if I want to post or not. Just my .02. Have a great weekend ballin and God Bless.

That's not the point. I'm not saying that those type of questions should be banned. I'm just saying they annoy me. Lots of things annoy me...your post kind've annoyed me...the fact that it's hot in here when 5 minutes ago I was freezing annoys me...lots of things annoy me.

My POINT was that I think it is rediculous that people ask "what is better, a Marker X or Marker Y"? Not questions about Marker X or Marker Y... Questions about markers are why we're here...it's when people are trying to make a purchasing decision about two very different products based on opinions by guys that have the same or less experience with those markers than the person asking the question has. If that makes any sense.

Baby Huey
03-17-2006, 01:36 PM
That's not the point. I'm not saying that those type of questions should be banned. I'm just saying they annoy me. Lots of things annoy me...your post kind've annoyed me...the fact that it's hot in here when 5 minutes ago I was freezing annoys me...lots of things annoy me.

Thats funny. I was kinda hoping it would. :rolleyes:

03-17-2006, 02:31 PM
Another thing that annoys me is not the post, but the person that wrote it. Classifieds for one. Post "I have this" and doesn't get back to the thread for days or doesn't keep it up to date as things sell. I'm sitting here banging my head against the wall all the time! Neighbors must think I'm nutz watching me spaz out with no one here, but the dogs. The dogs even know when to leave. Just annoying to say the least.

03-17-2006, 02:59 PM
Thats funny. I was kinda hoping it would. :rolleyes:

Quit being such a smart asshat. Seriously, we're talking about an issue of better educating newbs before they ask something. Having a better educated player base is a good thing! Even if Aslan is just saying it annoys him that people don't study, it's true that too many people post the same question every day.

03-17-2006, 05:02 PM

I'll Shoot You
03-19-2006, 10:04 AM
First of all, we would like to get advice and opinions from people who know more. Second of all, you dont need to respond or anwser their post if you're just going to b!tch about it later.

03-19-2006, 12:10 PM
this should be stickied somewhere


Baby Huey
03-19-2006, 01:18 PM
First of all, we would like to get advice and opinions from people who know more. Second of all, you dont need to respond or anwser their post if you're just going to b!tch about it later.

Well said. :clap: :clap:

03-20-2006, 01:55 PM
First of all, we would like to get advice and opinions from people who know more.

Yes, and? I'm (nominally) here to help..

Second of all, you dont need to respond or anwser their post if you're just going to b!tch about it later.

Well, first off, swear filter circumvention is a no-no.


Baby Huey
03-20-2006, 02:00 PM
Yes, and? I'm (nominally) here to help..

Well, first off, swear filter circumvention is a no-no.


If that's an owl that is very funny.