View Full Version : skirmish

12-16-2001, 03:29 PM
Any one ever been to the Skirmish USA 5-man winter tourney?
How was it, what's it like? Will my 68 powerfeed be ok for amatuer class play?


12-16-2001, 06:40 PM
I actually haven't been to Skirmish yet, but I know what you're talking about. Its kinda of a road trip to get there from Ny(being its in Pennsylvania). But anyway, I'm looking forward to going there soon. I'm guessing you'll be a little outgunned with your 68 Powerfeed, but its the player who makes the gun, not vice versa. Jon, what other fields do you play at in Ny or Nj?

12-16-2001, 08:17 PM
i just joined an amateur team. this will be our first tourney. I've played at high velocity and PBLI though.

12-17-2001, 04:01 PM
when is the tourney? I might come up to watch and meet AOers. I drive everywhere! :)

12-17-2001, 04:26 PM
it's jan 26, 2002 @ skirmish in jim thorpe pennsylvania

12-18-2001, 09:11 AM
cool thanks! Will there still be walk on games being played at the other fields at skirmish? or will it be tourney only?

12-18-2001, 12:26 PM
Yeah I played in a 5-man tourney at skirmish in November. It was my first one and it was a lot of fun. I meet Rooster, he plays on paintball junkies pro team. He was a ref and was so cool to talk to. Plus you meet a lot of awsome people. A little advise make sure to watch the other teams that you'll be playin against, to try to figure out there stratagies. Thats one thing that I didn't do:confused: Probably would have helped us place alittle higher in the standings. We placed like 5th over all, not complaining cause it was our first tourney. I shoot a 68 powerfeed and it performed great for me. Got a couple of kills on guys with angels and cockers. Just go out there and have fun time.
They will still have rec play, they did when I was there. Once you were done you were aloud to go and play rec if you wanted.
Hey udt if your going to go up would you mind if I taged along:D I had a lot of fun last time.

12-18-2001, 02:16 PM
Hmm.. I'm up for a trip to watch a tourny, cant afford it, but watching and taking pics is free.

Count me in, probably Riotz too.

By the way.. there is a bar not 5 minutes from Skirmish ;)

12-18-2001, 02:34 PM
thanks for the bar thing but i'm the oldest player on our team. I just turned 19 on sat, everyone else is 15. so while the bar'd be great we're not legal. I'm sure we'll have fun though.
team biohazard

12-18-2001, 03:19 PM
Hmm.. John and Jeff are 21, I believe? I'll be 22, and spacemanspiff is what, 23?

Me and MagDog68 stopped there on a break from playing at the 48 hour game :)

12-18-2001, 04:29 PM
Hey Thordic nice idea. If it gets to cold we can hop across the street and warm up a bit:D I'm up to go and take some pics even play alittle rec ball if anyone is interested.

12-18-2001, 05:56 PM
I will be there!!! I dont know how to get there from south jersey though, so this should be interesting! lol

12-18-2001, 06:19 PM
Hey udt. Would you want to car pool? I know how to get to skirmish from here. Basically I take 78 to 22 toward PA. Take 22 to the pen turnpike. Then you talk the first exit after that I just recognize where to go. The directions they give you on the site kinda take you outta the way. Not by much but my way saves like 20min.

12-18-2001, 06:43 PM
I'd love to car pool! But, i dont know where north planefield is. Im in south jersey, like, south south jersey. Its an hour and 10 minute drive NORTH for me to get to Top Gun. Would a car pool still make sense?

12-19-2001, 04:09 PM
Well you gotta go north to hit PA anyway duh:p If you were to head toward Top Gun on the turnpike but keep goin till exit 10. It puts you on 287 and then its like a 20min drive to my house. From there we'll hit 78 to head toward PA. I think its like an 1 1/2 to 2hour drive to Skirmish from my house. If you want you could drive to here and I could drive to there. It would save one person from driving all that way in one day. Let me know what you think.