View Full Version : need help with parents

03-17-2006, 03:18 PM
my parents wont let me play paintball and i really love this sport and would really like to play. so if any one has advise on how i could convince my parents to let me play give me some.thanx i need all the help i could get.

03-17-2006, 03:41 PM
what are their reasons for not letting you play?

03-17-2006, 03:42 PM
have you showed them all of the safety aspects of the sport? the masks, safetys, barrel covers, optional body armor, etc. That is a good place to start
Also, paying your own way(atleast partially) is a great motivator as well

03-17-2006, 03:45 PM
Well, first things first. What are the reasons your parents won't let you play besides they said so. (That reason usually overrides all others, but it is worth asking!) Second question for you would be how old are you? Sometimes parents think that you need to wait until a certain age to start because that is what they had to do.

I can recommend always plugging the sport in a good positive light. If they are concerned about safety, then gather some facts on paintball safety equipment and the fact that the goggles we wear meet and exceed so many standards. If they don't like the fact that you are pointing "guns" at each other, then you will need to find a way around that on your own. Be prepared to explain about the sport and how it has grown. Tell them it is a chance for you to show your responsibility by funding your own hobby. This sport can be expensive if you let it, but with self control and hard work you can do it. If you are old enough, get a part time or summer job to show them that you are willing to earn money to play (if they will let you). Take them to a local shop or field and let them talk to the owners and other players. Also, paintball magazines like APG is a good source to let your parents learn about the sport.

I had the privilage of talking to some parents at the last game I attended. Thier son wanted to have a paintball birthday party and they were a little unsure about it. They had already talked to the owner and where touring the fields to learn more about the game. They happened to come across my brother and I when we were taking a break and we talked to them and even let them try out our equipment. We showed them how the sport can be good and told them how it teaches responsibility.

If they won't let you play because a field is too far away and they will have to drive you all the time or because of the expense of the sport and they will be funding you, then you need to honor their request and just be patient. If you can, find a local field (or friends that play somewhere) and have one of your parents go with you and possibly play. This is a sure fire way to get them hooked as well. Don't be pushy with the fact that you want to play, just be patient. You will get your chance eventually.

03-17-2006, 04:00 PM
well they think that it teaches kids violence. they think by playing paintball that the kids are going to become killers and wont to kill peaople.and they think im going to die of and accident.

03-17-2006, 04:22 PM
As per my original post, how old are you? I am not going to flame, but I just want to be able to help the best I can.

As far as your parents reasons, you should respect thier wishes. However, if you have a change to convince them then you will have to try to prove them wrong, but do it nicely. You can always use similarities like what your parent have used:

If you play paintball, you will become violent

Let's think about this further:
If I play computer games, I will become violent/bad driver/mass murder, etc.
If I join the wrestling team, I will become violent.
If I watch the tv/movies/news, I will become a violent person
If I learn computer programming, I will become a hacker.
If I learn how to chop wood with an axe, then I become an axe murderer.

As you can see, we can come up with some rediculous analogies. Not any of these are true, but the effect can always be different because you have a choice. If you are a responsible person with self control, then you will not be violent. In fact, here are some good ones:
If you play paintball, I learn responsibility and leadership (to name a few)
If I play computer games, I will develop better eye to hand coordination
If I join the wrestling team, I will become active and physically fit
If I watch the tv/movies/news, I am entertained
If I learn computer programming, I will become a programmer who can make money and/or help people.
If I learn how to chop wood with an axe, then I learn the value of hard work

Paintball can be a good thing, but some bad publicity can ruin it for all. By showing your parents that you are responsible and trustworthy, then they may allow you to play. Just remind them that it is an outside activity and it will get you out of the house!! Don't pick a fight or get angry because they won't allow you to play. This will just prove them right.

03-17-2006, 04:23 PM
well they think that it teaches kids violence. they think by playing paintball that the kids are going to become killers and wont to kill peaople.and they think im going to die of and accident.

No the IRS makes people violent! As long as your under their roof you need to respect their wishes. But I would bring it up it is a team sport much like any other sport. You are less likely to be injured badly playing paintball than a backyard game of football. There is safety and supervision. Come up with real concrete facts to present to them. That might give them a better understanding. Maybe you'll just have to wait? My mom and dad didn't let me do some things when I was younger that my friends could do. Parents do things like this to protect you. Sometimes it is hard to see that when you are young.

03-17-2006, 04:39 PM
Here is what I would do. Take your parents to your local field and let them watch some people play. Most parents think it is just an excuse for their kids to run around and use guns unsafely in the woods. After you show your parents what it is all about, maybe go play with your dad. After that, assuming it all goes well they would probably let you atleast play, if not own a paintball gun.

OR my classic technique.

I wrote my parents a letter and then we talked about it over dinner.

Stealth Fighter
03-17-2006, 04:39 PM
Tell them that you could be doing worse things, like smoking or drinking and would rather paintball.

Then tell them that it is safer than driving if you play at a field.

If all goes right, you should be able to convince them to let you play.

This is a bit of a last resort deal here, but if they still don't listen, tell them that you will stop participating in school until they allow you to play. That doesn't always work, but if you stick to your guns long enough, they might just give in.

03-17-2006, 04:59 PM
im 15 years old and my dad is trying to ban the sport from the city, he hasnt done anything but he wants to. wel if even menchin paintball around him he freaks out and gets all mad at me and tell me all this negative things about it. well i have been trying to prove him wrong but he never gives me the chance. need more help.

03-17-2006, 05:05 PM
im 15 years old and my dad is trying to ban the sport from the city, he hasnt done anything but he wants to. wel if even menchin paintball around him he freaks out and gets all mad at me and tell me all this negative things about it. well i have been trying to prove him wrong but he never gives me the chance. need more help.
why does he want to ban it?? Did some paintball related accidents happen in your town?? Also tell him that paintball has less injuries than bowling and golf

03-17-2006, 05:17 PM
Also remember to stress that it's a sport, not a military game, and that they're called markers and not guns. Basically, you've got to prove to them that it's not violent. With that in mind, certainly keep them away from the "face-shootin' agg killa" types.

Good luck.

03-17-2006, 05:33 PM
paintball dosent teach kids violence at all, infact, it allows them a means of venting anger and becoming less violent individuals.

03-17-2006, 05:35 PM
well they think that it teaches kids violence. they think by playing paintball that the kids are going to become killers and wont to kill peaople.and they think im going to die of and accident.

There are alot of people out there who can be real mentors. I immage police officers make up a pretty big chunk of field proprietors across north america...

03-17-2006, 06:09 PM
No the IRS makes people violent!
:rofl: :clap: so i read.

The rest of what REDRT says is true. You do need to obey your parents. I would try to talk it over calmly and rationally. Maybe take your dad for a day of play or to a feild to watch some games. See some feild websites for info. Here is a discription and overview of the sport from my local feild (or the one with the best website) that you should look at before talking it over with the padre and/or madre:

http://www.paintballblitz.com/who.html (even encourages new kids and parents to visit the feild and watch the game being played)

I used this same info when convincing my dad to let me buy my first marker (use marker, not gun ;) ) and letting my play. Good luck, but remember if they tell you no after that, than it is no (don't wanna see you get grounded, I hated always that :cry: )

Also google "paintball" and look for info.

Good luck man,


Stealth Fighter
03-17-2006, 06:12 PM
I got it!!! :rofl:

Next time he starts freaking out, say this.

"Dad, you were probably one of those kids who got owned in paintball when you were young weren't you, your a kitten (I hope you know the real word)"

Then remind him that driving is more dangerous than paintball and he should ban it as well. Then tell him that you could just go out and smoke and drink.

Then tell him he should play a game, that is, if he isn't to chicken.

^^^ That worked with my dad, I got him hooked

Dye Angel Guy
03-17-2006, 06:29 PM
I was like 12 years old and my parents were like there is no way you are going to shoot at other people so you know what I did....I got an ebay and just bid on one marker set and bought it. What could they do then, hahahahaha and now I have been playing for 10 years with their support.

Dye Angel Guy
03-17-2006, 06:30 PM
Just tell him you will not have money to spend on drugs or drinking...

Stealth Fighter
03-17-2006, 07:13 PM
Just tell him you will not have money to spend on drugs or drinking...

Precisely what I said

03-17-2006, 07:14 PM

03-17-2006, 07:35 PM
To me, this thread is trolling. It's not "trolling"...but "to me" it is because it really pisses me off. :mad:

I hate when I hear about parents that are like this. They don't even realize that all they're doing is teaching their kids to be afraid of everything. I had friends that said when they had kids they weren't going to let them watch television. I went to high school with a couple kids who weren't allowed to ride the bus because the bus driver had the radio on. And there was another kid just like this kid that posted on specialops about how he can't play paintball unless he has a ride from his parents because he doesn't have any friends from school because he's homeschooled. What do these things actually teach kids? That outside of God and family everything else is the devil? All of these parents remind me so much of the mom from Carrie that it's frightening! :eek: :spit_take

The only recommendation I have kid is to talk to your pastor about it. When I first started playing, it was with a church group. They call stuff like that "fellowship"...which is pretty much allowing "good people" to still have fun as long as you do it in a "Christian way." I'm not really sure though, I wasn't in their church, my buddy invited me to play with them. That webstie posted above might help...to let your dad know it's a Christian activity. Some parents can be swayed into letting you do just about anything if they think it's a Christian thing.

Another more drastic suggestion would be to beat yourself up and give yourself an atomic wedge...then go home and cry and tell your parents that kids at school tease you and beat you up because you don't play paintball. :cry: :cry: That probably won't work...and they might find out that you did it to yourself (parents are smart like that)...but you could use that to your advantage by showing them how bad you really, really want to play...so bad you'd kick your own a...butt. :cheers:

A) If you beat yourself up, it's not because I told you to do it.
B) If your parents are NOT whacked out and actually the reason they won't let you have a paintball gun is because they let you have a BB gun and you shot you little brother in the eye :shooting: ...then I officially withdraw this entire post and recommend you find an activity that involves only nerf items. :nono:

03-17-2006, 07:58 PM
When I experience things like this I resort to writing letters. I know my parents read them and such. When I first started balling, before I had asked if I could buy a gun, I compiled a list of readons why I should be allowed to play and I told them that if the answer was no I would like a full explanation.

They ended up reading the letter and said that they would have let me play even without all the reasons but I would say that it was a good idea just in case my asking backfired.

03-17-2006, 08:01 PM
Kill your parents, eat the bodies, and then use their creditcards to buy all the paintball equipment you want.

03-17-2006, 08:05 PM
Kill your parents, eat the bodies, and then use their creditcards to buy all the paintball equipment you want.

:p whatever you do, dont point them to this forum as proof of the outstanding people that play the sport. they might not appreciate our humor :D

03-17-2006, 08:12 PM
:p whatever you do, dont point them to this forum as proof of the outstanding people that play the sport. they might not appreciate our humor :D

I dont see the humor, i gave him a valuable piece of advice.

03-17-2006, 08:13 PM
It sounds like your parents are pretty set in their ways so i doubt youll be able to convince them to let you play.

I suggest finding your own means to get gear, hide it however you can, and tell them your going to do something else when you go paintball.

If thats not an option for you theres only 3 years left for you till you can do w/e you want. You parents cant control you or your actions forever. As you get older they will realize that as will you.

03-17-2006, 08:16 PM
I dont see the humor, i gave him a valuable piece of advice.

...i just said that for the laywers

03-17-2006, 08:55 PM
The answer is not to buy gear and hide it or to lie to your parents. That will just make them more agains the sport and distrust you. If you have to play and you do not have thier consent, then it would have to be with a group of people at a local field and someone will have to give consent for you. All you would have to do is use rental equipment and try the sport. As you stated above, you love the sport, but you haven't even played yet. Please note that I am not telling you to lie or be dishonest, but you can always just wait until you are old enough to not require your parents consent (18). Then you can buy your own gear and support your own hobby. You may be able to do so now, but who will drive you?! Just be patient you will get your chance eventually.

Stealth Fighter
03-17-2006, 09:28 PM
The answer is not to buy gear and hide it or to lie to your parents. That will just make them more agains the sport and distrust you. If you have to play and you do not have thier consent, then it would have to be with a group of people at a local field and someone will have to give consent for you. All you would have to do is use rental equipment and try the sport. As you stated above, you love the sport, but you haven't even played yet. Please note that I am not telling you to lie or be dishonest, but you can always just wait until you are old enough to not require your parents consent (18). Then you can buy your own gear and support your own hobby. You may be able to do so now, but who will drive you?! Just be patient you will get your chance eventually.

He is 15 going on 16 and will be able to drive himself, and he might already have a moped.

03-17-2006, 09:55 PM
i have played 4 to 5 times using rentals.

03-17-2006, 10:00 PM
Why does your father insist on being such a tool?

Ask him for me, and then post here.

If he smacks you, punch him in the baby-maker.

03-17-2006, 10:05 PM
Sport "A" started off as a war simulation, and today averages around 200 injuries per 1000 participants yearly.

Sport "B" started off as an altered version of capture the flag, and today averages somewhere around .2 injuries per 1000 participants yearly.

Sport "A" is lacrosse, sport "B" is paintball.

/or you could just kill your parents and sell their organs.

03-17-2006, 10:06 PM
my mom also thinks that playing paintball with lead to cancer becuz of the bruises i could get.

03-17-2006, 10:08 PM
my mom also thinks that playing paintball with lead to cancer becuz of the bruises i could get.


this is done.

BS has been called.

03-17-2006, 10:56 PM

this is done.

BS has been called.

I concur. Hard to believe any parents are so protective. My folks let me do almost anything as long as there was little chance of them being sued just to get me out of the house.

03-17-2006, 11:02 PM
I dont see the humor, i gave him a valuable piece of advice.

Advice hell, you should see what I did to get my Emag!

03-17-2006, 11:53 PM
He is 15 going on 16 and will be able to drive himself, and he might already have a moped.
:rofl: I do not think that is the issue, he lives in his parents house, so he is on the hook by an uncomfortable place as of now. I would (as stated above) present a logical argument, and get Pops out on the feild for a day to change his tune.

03-18-2006, 12:10 AM
If it helps any, I wrote a gigantic essay just this semester on paintballing, when my prof. issued the guideline of "a persuasive paper about a topic that people have misconceptions of." Just to let you know, it got a straight A, and it convinced one of my best buddies' parentals to let him play. All kinds of interesting information and statistics in there. I could email it to you if you would like, and you could let your parents read it. Lemme know...

P.S., In my research I found you are more likely to get hurt walking out of your front door than playing paintball. For real. I also found out that breathing, running, and yelling give you cancer, so maybe your mom is right...oh, wait... :rolleyes:

03-18-2006, 04:00 AM
This is trolling, the bruising thing made me ANGRY. I wrote a whole different post but opted not to post it in fear of getting banned. Too bad, I had some witty political and religious remarks in it.

Tell your dad paintball should be banned, along with Elvis and his crazy hips. :rofl:

Seriously though, learn the facts about paintball. The only way to beat the uneducated and irrational is with impeccable reason. Knowledge is power.

And if that doesn’t work try some voodoo or witchcraft. ;)

Good luck dude, I am truly sorry for your misfortune. :cheers:

03-18-2006, 07:30 AM
just incase this isnt BS
try to play off the whole father son bonding thing and get him to come w/ you. might be kind of hard, since hes trying to ban paintball, but it might work. one thing dads like more then being a pain in the butt is trying to be a good parent (trying or thinking, as aposed to being). just make sure to chose your field carefuly, you dont want him to have a bad time, so try to avoid stupid people.

Dye Angel Guy
03-18-2006, 11:45 AM
Is your birthday coming up soon...or you could take your dad for father's day. I know it is a little ways away but that is just a thought.

BS----I have heard that cancer thing from multiple people's parents. I have also heard the dying from being shot right in the heart between beats. That one sounds stupid but it does happen to baseball players around the age of 12 or so. I have never heard of it with older people but who knows.

03-18-2006, 11:53 AM
You really just have to take him to the field. Tell him that he doesn't have to enjoy it or be happy, but he has to atleast pay attention. Maybe have him talk to a ref or the field owner. Whatever you do, don't be like 'See I told you you were wrong!!!!!!' when the ref says the exact opposite of what your dad thinks.

03-18-2006, 12:33 PM
if he says no to going with you just through a painball at him every 20 seconds for as long as it takes :D

03-18-2006, 12:34 PM
Piss on his leg?

03-18-2006, 12:37 PM
Has anyone ever died in/from paintball? :confused:

03-18-2006, 12:52 PM
Has anyone ever died in/from paintball? :confused:
someone on ND from heat stroke, IIRC.

Stealth Fighter
03-18-2006, 01:20 PM
:rofl: I do not think that is the issue, he lives in his parents house, so he is on the hook by an uncomfortable place as of now. I would (as stated above) present a logical argument, and get Pops out on the feild for a day to change his tune.

Good job, if you would have read my posts I had already said that, way to pay attention. :tard: :rolleyes:

03-18-2006, 01:39 PM
Has anyone ever died in/from paintball? :confused:
CO2 tanks fly off valves once in a blue moon, read this: Deaths Bring CPSC Paintball Gun Warning: C02 canisters become deadly projectiles (http://usgovinfo.about.com/cs/consumer/a/paintball.htm)

03-18-2006, 02:42 PM
Good job, if you would have read my posts I had already said that, way to pay attention. :tard: :rolleyes:
couldnt see them, they were stealth :p

I'll Shoot You
03-18-2006, 03:28 PM
do what i do, save up buy it and hide it. or get a relative to buy it for you as a present. I got my first airsoft gun even though i begged n nagged my mom she said no. She usually ask my cousin what i want and he said i wanted an airsoft gun so she was like okay, and my mom and my cousin got his mom (my aunt) to both buy me one lol. Also, then i started to save up and give my money to my cousin to order it for me.

Dye Angel Guy
03-18-2006, 03:31 PM
One of my buddies Centerflag tanks with those loud as hell on/offs...He turned his tank off and the on/off button or whatever you want to call it broke and the tank flew out of his hand and dented a car door. Oh yeah the car was his brand new mustang GT at the time.

03-18-2006, 03:34 PM
do what i do, save up buy it and hide it. or get a relative to buy it for you as a present. I got my first airsoft gun even though i begged n nagged my mom she said no. She usually ask my cousin what i want and he said i wanted an airsoft gun so she was like okay, and my mom and my cousin got his mom (my aunt) to both buy me one lol. Also, then i started to save up and give my money to my cousin to order it for me.

i havae to step in here as a voice of reason and say do not do this. it sounds like a good idea when your young but deception is not the way to go. just see my first post on this page. i think thats the best idea.

03-18-2006, 04:08 PM
my mom also thinks that playing paintball with lead to cancer becuz of the bruises i could get.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This sounds a bit fishy to me, I believe a few people already called BS here.
Just in case though...
Does she let you eat apples? Apples contain trace amounts of fromaldehyde, which is a known human carcinogen. Do your clothes have synthetic dyes in them, they use fromaldehyde to make most dyes, and there are trace amounts left in the clothes. Unless you are not allowed to eat apples, pears, or bananas, and she forces you to wear old potato sacks, then she should have no problem with you paintballing. Also tell her to buy you a scuba tank and compressor with a heavy duty filter, because you might breathe in tobaco smoke or worse, dilute car emissions. You can also use this to fill paintball tanks when she is not looking :D

03-18-2006, 05:28 PM

03-18-2006, 05:35 PM
I don't see what the problem is. If you have played using rental equipment, then why not continue to play using the rental equipment? I know it is different owning your equipment, but if you parents are against it then just rent. Then start explaining to them that if you keep renting then you could have eventually have paid for your own equipment from all the money that you have been spending.

If they do not want you playing at all (not even renting), then no matter what we say we cannot change your parents minds. You will just have to wait until you are 18 and then do what you want. Sorry about your situation, but I had to deal with it as most of the other members have. Luckily, my brother started playing with a good group of guys when he was 16. Back then (15 years ago) you had to be 16 to play. I was only 11 and I had to wait 3 more years before my parents would even consent for me to play and I was lucky enough to only wait that long because I was going to play with my bro. If he hadn't been around, then I would have to wait until I was older. After I started playing, I had to rent until I showed my parents the math that renting was a never ending process and I would be spending lots of money. They allowed me to buy my first set of paintball equipement with my own money and I had to support myself if I wanted to play. That means if I didn't have money for paint and air that week, then I couldn't play.

Stick to all my advice that I keep posting...be patient, your time will come.

03-19-2006, 09:28 PM
this is pissing me off so much. i mean yeah almost all parents that care about their kids have second thoughts before letting their kid shoot eachother with paintball markers. but it seems your parents just arent seeing the real image of paintball. your dad is trying to ban it from your city? fight him to see who gets their choice or something. search around for the injury rates of paintball versus other sports and show your parents the graph's and tables with all the info. paintball is safer than golf + bowling! and tell your mom to read up on that bruising = cancer bull****. your parents sound like some of the most oblivious people ever. inform them politely on teh subject. show them you really knwo your stuff and want to play. take your dad to play. if he says no then tell him youll just ave to use your money on acid and ectacy (sp).

03-19-2006, 09:46 PM
You won't win by defying your parents directly, holding a hunger strike, or "sneaking around". Despite the tons of your friends and teenagers on here that are smarter than the entire world around them its just not going to happen.

That being said there have been several suggestions given here.

Make it a family activity - ask your father to go play it with you once or twice. Stay away from the tournament crowd, and see how it goes. You may find he genuinely enjoys it. You may find that he finds it "acceptable". However, you have to be prepared for the possibility that he does not.

Ask, politely, why? Is it financial? Well, perhaps you can do something about that. Compare it to "acceptable" sports if its about injury potential. Football / Baseball / Basketball etc. Compare it, long term, to the health of sitting safely inside playing video games all day.

There may be a reason here not to play. If your father is trying to ban it I assume he has a reason. What is that reason? What can be done to address that concern?

Dye Angel Guy
03-19-2006, 10:29 PM
Lohman446 is a pretty smart cookie.

Ask your parents to name at least 1 good quality in paintball...if they do not think of any tell them that you will be more athletic, team player, learn about something your interested in, airsmithing...

03-20-2006, 06:07 PM
I finally got my marker I played yeterday i have all my equitment. :headbang: well my parents are letting me play but very little but i have no money to buy paint and air so im not going to be able to play.

03-20-2006, 06:31 PM
I finally got my marker I played yeterday i have all my equitment. :headbang: well my parents are letting me play but very little but i have no money to buy paint and air so im not going to be able to play.
job? I had a paper route to fund my habit.

03-20-2006, 10:08 PM
I mowed lawns every summer from the time I was 11 until I turned 18 and left for college. I usually would mow 3 yards every weekend for an average of $20 a yard. Wasn't a bad wrap, pocketed $60 every week, but once I started paying for my own gas then my funds got slimmer! Just find something that you can do after school or on the weekends (like mowing lawns or tutor) and it will help keep you funded. I am glad you were able to convinve your parents, but out of curiosity how did you convince them?

03-22-2006, 10:45 PM
I mowed lawns every summer from the time I was 11 until I turned 18 and left for college. I usually would mow 3 yards every weekend for an average of $20 a yard. Wasn't a bad wrap, pocketed $60 every week, but once I started paying for my own gas then my funds got slimmer! Just find something that you can do after school or on the weekends (like mowing lawns or tutor) and it will help keep you funded. I am glad you were able to convinve your parents, but out of curiosity how did you convince them?

i wrote 500 word essays, got faqs from the cumputer and made a survey and got my uncles and ants to help me out so ya / oh and thanks for the help man :cheers:

03-22-2006, 11:35 PM
my parents often tell me to go paintballing because when i have lags in between weekend playing times, i start rambling about random paintball guns, parts id like to get or sweet plays i did/saw last time or one time i was playing. That really would have worked if you thought about it. Talk about it enough, and they will either give in, or started searching it up just to see what in Gods name you are really talking about

03-23-2006, 12:20 AM
my parents often tell me to go paintballing because when i have lags in between weekend playing times, i start rambling about random paintball guns, parts id like to get or sweet plays i did/saw last time or one time i was playing. That really would have worked if you thought about it. Talk about it enough, and they will either give in, or started searching it up just to see what in Gods name you are really talking about

I wish my parents are like that. They tell me to shut up :cuss: and go do chores when I start rambling. Anyhoo, I lifeguard a couple hours a week for $12 an hour.

03-26-2006, 07:23 PM
yea!!! i just played well i pretty much won over my mom but my dad doesnt care ny more and i got my bro into it and now im starting to play alot more now all i need is a really really good fast shooting marker for a cheap price so no i need diffrent help.

03-26-2006, 07:36 PM
yea!!! i just played well i pretty much won over my mom but my dad doesnt care ny more and i got my bro into it and now im starting to play alot more now all i need is a really really good fast shooting marker for a cheap price so no i need diffrent help.
thats good to hear that you can play more now. As for a nice cheap marker, check the BST.

Cow hunter
03-26-2006, 07:49 PM
I mowed lawns every summer from the time I was 11 until I turned 18 and left for college. I usually would mow 3 yards every weekend for an average of $20 a yard. Wasn't a bad wrap, pocketed $60 every week, but once I started paying for my own gas then my funds got slimmer! Just find something that you can do after school or on the weekends (like mowing lawns or tutor) and it will help keep you funded. I am glad you were able to convinve your parents, but out of curiosity how did you convince them?
at my local field ive been going and just hanging around there enough to get to know all the staff/owners and they let me work at the front desk or i help re-inflate/move Xball fields for paint