View Full Version : My field and such(rant[I think])

03-17-2006, 08:17 PM
I have, for the past 6 months been running an outlaw bunkerball field on the drainfield of a restaraunt that is on our property. In that time I have been slowly changing the field, making it bigger, fixing the bunkers, cleaning up after people etc. Remember yes I said "I". I have had like one or two other people help me but not to much help, so I would call it MY field.

Just yesterday in school(I'm only 15) one of the guys I ball with said that we should change the field around a little bit that day after school. So we did, and let me say that we made some radical changes. It is like giving the field a nose job, but I think it turned out like Michael Jackson. We took two bunkers ,+another one we built, and pushed them together on one side of the field with a barrel at each end to be a snake. This now gives the field the possibility to be played side to side instead of just length wise. That made me happy, and now we can play ctf full field.

Now the problem is some of the AGG guys that play there. They stopped by today to take a look and they were discusted. They told me that I had ruined two awesome bunkers to build one gay one. I think that the snake will be better than the two laydowns on the 30s that I used to make it. We had also set up one side of the field with the remaining bunkers so it would work good with the new snake(I planned on mirroring them this weekend). One of the guys(the one who thinks he's the best) said, "well this one side is way better than the other side. Look how hard it is to move up over there." I told him that it wasn't mirrored yet but he just said, "Yeah, whatever."

Then came the straw that broke the cammels back. (and I quote)

What did you do to OUR field?

I want to know how he thinks that it is his team's(they say I'm on it but I'm not) field and that they have some power over it. I mean, WTF. I do think that a field should definately change around some. I mean they are using it as "practice for tourneys" so if they want to get better then they have to get used to different bunkers.

Then of course they also said, "Well, we are buying airball bunkers so nobody will want to come here anymore." I went around and talked to this "everybody" and they all said that they would rather play my bunker field than an airball field. Plus they have nowhere to put it.

Thanks for reading my thoughts, I just needed to let out some frustration and this is the place to do it.

And one quick question, how often should a field change. I only have one field that is used a good deal, and I don't want the people to get bored?

03-17-2006, 08:27 PM
Well, it looks like your handling it pretty well and taking care of all of your problems. Good Job.

On to your last question: I would tihnk that if you start hearing people talk about how the field is getting to easy or boring thne chenge it aorund to make it more exciting.

Dharma punk
03-17-2006, 09:07 PM
Stupid people are scared by change. It sounds like you're doing what's best for the field. Right on.

I agree with changing the field up. If it gets boring or you know all the ins and outs, it's time to change it up and learn how to play a different style field. Only practicing on one field setup leaves you only being good on that setup.

03-17-2006, 09:14 PM
Tell said 'Agg' kids they're nolonger welcome.

Dont invite them when you play, dont allow them to play when you do.

They got a problem, you get a bat.

They wanna be stupid, let them be. you dont need 'em.

Give 'em the one finger salute, and send 'em packin.

:edit: - Change the feild as much as you desire. Dont make it a chore, just make it how you like it, and when you get bored with it, change it.

03-17-2006, 09:27 PM
Geese, writing that took all the hate out of me.

Well, I would say that the reason the field needed a change is because there were two bunkers(the ones I moved) that owned the entire field. They were easy to get to, had good angles on everythin and offered a lot of protection. Plus everybody got to know them and knew that if somebody was in one the only way to get them out (almost) was to do a run through and most people would chicken out at that(me for example).

I like to keep the general shape of my field the same and move around bunkers that seem to be in the way or have an unfair advantage for one team. You see, my field is mirrored but the mirror bunker isn't exactly the same. Like on one side the bunker will be 3' wide and like shoulder high but its mirror(the one that I find to be the most like it) is say 3' wide but only stomach to chest high. That sort of thing.

I also really can't kick off the guys who are acting all AGG. Only one of them is really a problem and not always. Only when we arn't playing. If he is at the field, playing he is having a great time and helping keep everyting under control. He just feels that he should be the decision maker. [story about it]I live right by the field so when I saw the first car pull up I went up to my house to change into my pb gear. When I got back down stairs and out to the field I found that they had taken a barre(from the restaraunt) and put it on the field. I had two problems with this, not my barrel and it didn't have a mirror(I am obsessive aobut symetry). Then the guys that moved it said, "well there was an open spot." Of course the open spot was a purposfully set up shooting lane to allow people to move from the middle of the field to the right side 50. [/story aobut it]

It is this kind of thing that po's me. I don't know, maybe I am just obsessive compulsive.

03-17-2006, 09:39 PM
Geese, writing that took all the hate out of me.

Well, I would say that the reason the field needed a change is because there were two bunkers(the ones I moved) that owned the entire field. They were easy to get to, had good angles on everythin and offered a lot of protection. Plus everybody got to know them and knew that if somebody was in one the only way to get them out (almost) was to do a run through and most people would chicken out at that(me for example).

I like to keep the general shape of my field the same and move around bunkers that seem to be in the way or have an unfair advantage for one team. You see, my field is mirrored but the mirror bunker isn't exactly the same. Like on one side the bunker will be 3' wide and like shoulder high but its mirror(the one that I find to be the most like it) is say 3' wide but only stomach to chest high. That sort of thing.

I also really can't kick off the guys who are acting all AGG. Only one of them is really a problem and not always. Only when we arn't playing. If he is at the field, playing he is having a great time and helping keep everyting under control. He just feels that he should be the decision maker. [story about it]I live right by the field so when I saw the first car pull up I went up to my house to change into my pb gear. When I got back down stairs and out to the field I found that they had taken a barre(from the restaraunt) and put it on the field. I had two problems with this, not my barrel and it didn't have a mirror(I am obsessive aobut symetry). Then the guys that moved it said, "well there was an open spot." Of course the open spot was a purposfully set up shooting lane to allow people to move from the middle of the field to the right side 50. [/story aobut it]

It is this kind of thing that po's me. I don't know, maybe I am just obsessive compulsive.

Be OCD with a baseball bat.

03-18-2006, 12:17 AM
Dude, it's your field. If you want to change it, change it. If you don't, don't. If you're feeling particularly nice, you could take a poll before you do so, but you don't have to. It's yours, and if they can't accept that, **** 'em. You can always kick 'em off your field. If they give you trouble you can't deal with, get a big enforcer type friend to give them the boot for you.

03-18-2006, 08:02 AM
just play it cool and start carring a paintball pistol when your working on the field. then every time some one says something stupid shoot them in the knee. they are welcome as long as they want, they just have to deal w/ the pain of stupididy.

oh yeah btw sorry im slow but what is AGG? i think that term started when i was out of p-ball for a while.

Cow hunter
03-18-2006, 09:28 AM
Dude, it's your field. If you want to change it, change it. If you don't, don't. If you're feeling particularly nice, you could take a poll before you do so, but you don't have to. It's yours, and if they can't accept that, **** 'em. You can always kick 'em off your field. If they give you trouble you can't deal with, get a big enforcer type friend to give them the boot for you.
why do that when you could call the cops on them? then they cant sue you, and they'll listen next time (if there is one)

also, it'd be a good idea to get them all to sign a waiver type thing. if someone gets hurt from a stupid mistake, do you want to be sued?(oh and include in the waiver that if they misbehave you have the authority and right to unload a hopper on them)

03-18-2006, 08:09 PM
oh yeah btw sorry im slow but what is AGG? i think that term started when i was out of p-ball for a while.
AGG is agg(short for aggressive). Its all the cool people with the tourney gear, pimped out sick gats and looking as awesome/intimidating as possible.

I think I will just keep doing as I always do. I have the prime realestate(sp) for a field so starting a new one wouldn't be an option for them. Any way. Olnly 1 or 2 of them don't want to play there because I "ruined the field". Ah, whatever. I do what I want foo. less than three and goodnight.

03-18-2006, 08:24 PM
AGG is agg(short for aggressive). Its all the cool people with the tourney gear, pimped out sick gats and looking as awesome/intimidating as possible.

I think I will just keep doing as I always do. I have the prime realestate(sp) for a field so starting a new one wouldn't be an option for them. Any way. Olnly 1 or 2 of them don't want to play there because I "ruined the field". Ah, whatever. I do what I want foo. less than three and goodnight.

Start charging admission.

03-18-2006, 08:28 PM
Please take pictures of the field. :D

03-19-2006, 01:48 AM
Buzz its your field. Do what you think is best for fair playif those guys dont like it they can go play somewhere else.

03-19-2006, 02:20 AM
Yeah man just break it down to them and say at a tournament you play on many different fields in one day. Just tell them you seen people getting too comfortable with the bunkers set up the way they were. Tell them if they want to be real tourny players they should be able to walk new fields and learn the angles and lanes from that to use in the game. I try to practice checking the angles and lanes even when Im out grocery shopping(I'm obsessed with becoming better). No I don't take my gear, but you all know what I mean. Just while pushing the cart look around and say "I could make it to the tomato stand off the break and lane right to the freezers while the left side would push up."

BTW At Paintball Arkansas we change the Sup fields every weekend. If you live right by the field change it up every chance you feel you(I mean the players at the field) have mastered the current setup.

03-19-2006, 07:59 AM
Yeah, I think I have this down. I am definately leaving it how it is for a week or two and it will be gone again.

What do you guys think of a field with mixed bunkers, Air and wood. We found some cheap bunkers and I was actually thinking about putting them it but I would only have engough $ to get 5.

03-19-2006, 12:36 PM
charge like a 5 or 10 dollar admission to help cover the fee for more bunkers..The players that really want to play will pay this small amount for better bunkers.

03-19-2006, 02:19 PM
charge like a 5 or 10 dollar admission to help cover the fee for more bunkers..The players that really want to play will pay this small amount for better bunkers.

good idea, id do 10 a person, and charge some more if they want a say in your desciscion in setting up the bunkers.

03-19-2006, 03:05 PM
Please take pictures of the field. :D


Front of snake

At the 50 looking south

The Masterpiece "hyatt" bunker named after yours truely

The 50 looking north and right

The 50 lookin north and left

I am going to see what I can do about these guys changing their minds after they play the snake. I mean, most fields have one so I wanted one too.

03-19-2006, 05:15 PM

03-19-2006, 05:20 PM
i like the snake.

i play at my friends house and we are building a hard bunker field. the thing that sucks is that its covered with trees. grr.

after playing airball i hate hard bunkers.

i <3 snakes.

03-19-2006, 05:25 PM
looks pretty good...Only thing i would worry aobut would be chronying and hitting the houses around you. Other than that it looks like an awesome place to play.

Alex, you can always get a chainsaw and atleast cut the trees limbs of if not even the whole tree down to a stump.

03-19-2006, 05:34 PM
We really don't have to worry about the houses. They are not in the shooting paths of any of the bunkers. Just the restaraunt and the cars of the people who work there :eek: We're still trying to get money to buy a chrony. Right now we pick the person with the slowest gun and, by eye, have everyone shoot that slow. I know its ghetto but its better than people shooting 400 all the time.

03-19-2006, 05:53 PM
looks like you all tihnk it thorugh pretty well then. Also, a radarchron( think thats the name its the little handheld yellow one) are supposed to work ok and can be had for about 60-70 (less if bought used)...GOOD LUCK

03-19-2006, 06:10 PM
have everybody throw in for a chroney, then a net (just because) and the more bunkers.

i like tire bunkers.

03-19-2006, 06:15 PM
We found a place that if we order enough paint from them they will give us 5 airball bunker. We just have to find enough people to pitch in to buy it all. Its tourney quality stuff for like 25 a case after shipping. Of course thats wholesale.

03-19-2006, 07:04 PM
We found a place that if we order enough paint from them they will give us 5 airball bunker. We just have to find enough people to pitch in to buy it all. Its tourney quality stuff for like 25 a case after shipping. Of course thats wholesale.

I dont know how far you are from a city, or if you have acess to a truck... BUT...

Downtown Cleveland, tiredumping is always a big problem. It costs money to get tires disposed of, so sometimes at night, you get BIG piles of tires dumped in a parking lot, down a sidestreet.

If you asked, i'm sure the person who owned the lot would be MORE THAN HAPPY if you took a truckload of tires back home.

And then another truck

And another

And another

And then you'll have a BADASS feild.

03-19-2006, 07:27 PM
Type Buxton NC into google maps. Yeah, nothing. Even the dump barely has any tires in it.

03-19-2006, 08:45 PM
You did a pretty good job. Now if you can go to any local Amusement parks that might have Large plastic things, or concrete places because they sometimes have these plastic containers, Farming stores so you can put an ad to offer "recycling" for Old Tractor Tires and large plastic things they sometimes store feed in. Get all of the people who chipped in and Brainstorm of large objects that are easy and light to move and are really cheap or sometimes free. We built a speedball field out of stuff we got mostly for free. Things like large plastic containers, old blown transformers from the Electric company, and some bunkers we covered in an old tarp we made from pallets. We painted them and you couldn't tell that they were made for anything else. I'll try to take a picture of it.

EDIT: You know what, My Father-in-law lives out in NC and he's in Construction. I asked him if he would keep a heads up for free stuff to hide behind and maybe some netting etc. You should hear back in the form of a PM.

03-19-2006, 10:05 PM
You are so lucky to have such a nice field like that. Those kids who are *****ing should just leave, because clearly they dont understand how lucky they are to have such a field.


03-19-2006, 10:09 PM
I dont know how far you are from a city, or if you have acess to a truck... BUT...

Downtown Cleveland, tiredumping is always a big problem. It costs money to get tires disposed of, so sometimes at night, you get BIG piles of tires dumped in a parking lot, down a sidestreet.

If you asked, i'm sure the person who owned the lot would be MORE THAN HAPPY if you took a truckload of tires back home.

And then another truck

And another

And another

And then you'll have a BADASS feild.

Maybe in some places. Of course it varies state to state. I know that I am personally and corporately responsible for every tire that I take off a vehicle and must account for the "proper" disposal of it. Theres department of enviromental quality paperwork literally in triplicate to assure that I properly dispose of (or resell) the same amount of tires as I buy. Well they do give me some room (I don't have to account on a one to one ratio, I am allowed like a 9 to 10 or some such) I would be hard pressed to allow someone to just take a lot of tires. I actually ran into this problem when I was considering using some for bunkers myself.

03-19-2006, 10:24 PM
Maybe in some places. Of course it varies state to state. I know that I am personally and corporately responsible for every tire that I take off a vehicle and must account for the "proper" disposal of it. Theres department of enviromental quality paperwork literally in triplicate to assure that I properly dispose of (or resell) the same amount of tires as I buy. Well they do give me some room (I don't have to account on a one to one ratio, I am allowed like a 9 to 10 or some such) I would be hard pressed to allow someone to just take a lot of tires. I actually ran into this problem when I was considering using some for bunkers myself.

I only know because my family owns an industrial heating and airconditioning business, we've got a fairly large shop, in an industrial area in Cleveland.

We've had MANY occasions where LARGE amounts of tires were dumped in our lot.

03-19-2006, 11:21 PM
Yo i think u should leave everything to that pimp friend of urs CORBIN :dance:

03-20-2006, 07:26 AM
Yo i think u should leave everything to that pimp friend of urs CORBIN :dance:
Nice to see you on here......***got. Its my field ha ha ha.

03-20-2006, 06:09 PM
Thats a nice field considering you guys had limited resources. In a few years when you guys are old enough to have a steady job I bet you will be able to buy really nice equipment. Untill then keep the haters quiet, and the other players happy and you might have a profitable business on your hands.

03-26-2006, 09:01 AM
Well we played it finally. All the haters hearted it. How great it was. They all loved the snake to death, even the one guy who spat on it out of disgust. Bah, what ever. I loved it. Alls good that ends good....I think.

03-27-2006, 09:58 PM
Sorry to hear about the location.
That was pretty funny when I put it in mapquest because I thought to myself, "buxton hmm that sounds familiar, maybe it's near me" *page loads* "nope...middle of nowhere"

Good job on the field though, I did a similar thing at my house in highschool only more of a woodsball setup. It attracts a bunch of crappy people and they will be nice to you when they need to, just don't let them take advantage of what you have. People will be your best friend when you have what they want. Of course on the bright side because of it I met a lot of upper classmen at my school who were cool, so keep up with it and good luck man.

03-28-2006, 01:33 AM
nice field.

we built one shockingly similar for a party up north on a friend's property. i say we, but i suppose i was the only one hammering together old pieces of barn wood in th middle of a field last july. eh, i can't complain, the paintball was spectacular and so was my sunburn. :D

i'll try to get pictures of it up.

on a side note, do you find that you're constantly drawing up plans for field layouts? it got pretty ridiculous for a while, i was drawing on napkins, placemats, church programs, anytime i could get paper in my hands.

03-28-2006, 03:05 AM
wow thats funny haha used to do that also in school all the time when I was creating my home field.

04-16-2006, 06:55 PM
i love ur field hyatt ur definatly the most deticated player out of us :cheers: