View Full Version : Failure to Launch Paintball Scene

03-21-2006, 11:47 AM
in the new mathew mcconnawatever there is a pb scene where he takes her paintballing it is actually quite funny they have timmy's runnung on gravity fed hoppers no pods and they play a team called the devil baby's they win because she does the "Finger Roll" and saves the day go see tis movie juist for this reason.


P.S I didnt wanna see it the girls did leave me alone. :(

03-21-2006, 11:49 AM
So cheezy that it was a funny scene, and what's up with smoke gernade during a speedball game? :)

03-21-2006, 12:04 PM
whats a finger roll??

03-21-2006, 12:20 PM
i guess waling is the "Finger Roll"

03-21-2006, 01:07 PM
whats a finger roll??
As it turns out, Wilt Chamerblain makes a surprise cameo.


03-21-2006, 01:19 PM
Bah.. Its marketing hype to make it easier for guys to get dragged to see a chick flick.

And on another thought altogether there isnt enough paintball in that movie.. nor even if she stared in the next ceral killers DVD that would ever convince me that Sarah Jessica Parker doesnt look like a horse. BLEH!!!!

03-21-2006, 01:21 PM

03-21-2006, 01:45 PM
As it turns out, Wilt Chamerblain makes a surprise cameo.



03-21-2006, 05:17 PM
? OMFG i think i missed that part
I sorta started hating the movie well i cant remember it was one giant blurrr of romantic comedy that makes you feel like beating a newborn puppy <-----(Exageration i love puppies and would never hurt one PETA) the paintball scene was really weird because they said they were playing national champions??? it was a walk on game and there was nobody there it was lke it was reserved idunno.

03-21-2006, 08:15 PM
When I heard about the paintball scene, it almost made me want to see that movie. I saw the scene and I am not planning on supporting that movie in any way...

03-21-2006, 08:19 PM
If the director/manager had spent like 11.374 seconds researching paintball they could have made that scene 20 times better. I mean damn, they had all those extras and they still made the field like a ghost town.

03-21-2006, 08:42 PM
also, they ddint follow any safety rules(that i could tell) which made me mad

03-21-2006, 09:15 PM
So, the scence actually looked good, one question did they wear masks? :)

03-21-2006, 10:06 PM
dude the scene was horrible!!!!
they did wear masks "sometimes" but the director did little to no research they actually use the words finger roll implying "walking"?!?!?! then they all dive over bunkers there was no ref in my site?
when matthew mcconagay get shot he rips his mask off ON THE FEILD and says damn and at one point they are off the field no barrel condom and she fires and hits a friend in the foot and they all laugh as though it wasnt a big deal she blind fires on the field and could of seriously hurt someone there is a woman drinking and shooting a gun into the air from the bleacher not wearing a mask so she is firing a dangerous weapon after four beers the BABY DEVILS or something throw a smoke bomb on the field? i got somewhat angry at the publicity paintball could receive its not the negatve publicity but the fact that he took his mask off on the field my friends neighbor got hit inthe eye and they thought he was gonna lose it but it is working (very poorly) now and maybe some kids who dont use online forums or play backyard games will condone thsis sort of activity W/E i would go see this movie jsut to see if i missed any!!!!

03-21-2006, 11:07 PM
Odd thing being the websites say that whole scene was shot over a few days and was set up by this major sports promoter that helps Hollywood really set the scene and make things look authentic....

Maybe they should have checked out AO for proper info :)


03-22-2006, 03:55 PM
dude the scene was horrible!!!!
they did wear masks "sometimes" but the director did little to no research they actually use the words finger roll implying "walking"?!?!?! then they all dive over bunkers there was no ref in my site?
when matthew mcconagay get shot he rips his mask off ON THE FEILD and says damn and at one point they are off the field no barrel condom and she fires and hits a friend in the foot and they all laugh as though it wasnt a big deal she blind fires on the field and could of seriously hurt someone there is a woman drinking and shooting a gun into the air from the bleacher not wearing a mask so she is firing a dangerous weapon after four beers the BABY DEVILS or something throw a smoke bomb on the field? i got somewhat angry at the publicity paintball could receive its not the negatve publicity but the fact that he took his mask off on the field my friends neighbor got hit inthe eye and they thought he was gonna lose it but it is working (very poorly) now and maybe some kids who dont use online forums or play backyard games will condone thsis sort of activity W/E i would go see this movie jsut to see if i missed any!!!!

just saw it last night and i completely agree. out of pure instinct i actually yelled out in teh middle of the movie for him to put his mask on...i got some weird looks...

03-22-2006, 04:03 PM
dude the scene was horrible!!!!
they did wear masks "sometimes" but the director did little to no research they actually use the words finger roll implying "walking"?!?!?! then they all dive over bunkers there was no ref in my site?
when matthew mcconagay get shot he rips his mask off ON THE FEILD and says damn and at one point they are off the field no barrel condom and she fires and hits a friend in the foot and they all laugh as though it wasnt a big deal she blind fires on the field and could of seriously hurt someone there is a woman drinking and shooting a gun into the air from the bleacher not wearing a mask so she is firing a dangerous weapon after four beers the BABY DEVILS or something throw a smoke bomb on the field? i got somewhat angry at the publicity paintball could receive its not the negatve publicity but the fact that he took his mask off on the field my friends neighbor got hit inthe eye and they thought he was gonna lose it but it is working (very poorly) now and maybe some kids who dont use online forums or play backyard games will condone thsis sort of activity W/E i would go see this movie jsut to see if i missed any!!!!

Yeh... wow. Ever hear the theory that any publicity is good publicity. I have never seen a paintball marker sold at Walmart that does not warn of the need to wear a mask. Any proshop that sells markers taht may not have that warning should issue it themselves. Relax... OMG, I once saw a movie... and they weren't wearing there seatbelts in the car, and riding on the roof, and and... movie, relax.