View Full Version : Paintball Attack

03-22-2006, 02:48 PM
Saw this on the news last night. These kids are pure genius.


03-22-2006, 02:55 PM
yeah it suxx but what is the real kicker is this happened in a gated community, not just any gated community...its coto de caza..the have gates all around..security check points..you either had to live in the commuinity or know someone who does...that being said, it isnt a fort..i have read an article about them wanting a seconmd set of gates because the security was too leniant..and kids cut thru the community to go to school.....so im guessing it could have been worse.ignorant kids..rich parents..high end marker...ramping...the kid took a direct eye hit..and it suxx..it hits home. cuz i have a detached retina..from an injury taken from street football...so i could imagine how tis kid feels... :mad: :mad: