View Full Version : Soundgraph Please.

03-23-2006, 07:58 PM
Hey. Could someone please do me a favor and soundgraph these? I'd like to know what I'm really shooting at, since 3 shot chrono's don't work. Like bps over 8-10 seconds. Thanks

Left handed:
I'm right handed, just started working on the left hand... gimme some slack :p

Right handed:

On a side note... Is it possible we could have another bps challenge hosted by RRFireblade like last year? If we could, I'd redo this with paint and a better camera.

03-23-2006, 08:07 PM
Left goes from 8-10
Right is 12-13

I used to soundgraph known as my brain....

03-23-2006, 08:18 PM
On a side note... Is it possible we could have another bps challenge hosted by RRFireblade like last year? If we could, I'd redo this with paint and a better camera.

*Rawr, bring on the challengers, i will defend my title with the fury of*..... oh jeeze, i dunno, myself?

Anyway, yeah, 8-10 left, ~12 right (just using my ears)

one things for sure though, you need to give me that tadao board.

03-23-2006, 09:00 PM
Heh, awesome, thanks. I think my left is a bit slower though, cause i missed shots. I can get my right hand a little faster if it was heated. It was a litle cold out. I remember that contest being a little splash of sun. It was extremely fun for me and I think I got 3rd place or something. 68magowner, your title is mine! (unless its yours, or somebody else's :cry: )

If we redo the contest, will anyone else enter a vid?

03-23-2006, 09:15 PM
that slowness is ungodly. OMG, my grandmother pulls faster than that. :p

Really tho, work on walking, its all about a rhythm, not just pulling and hoping

03-23-2006, 09:20 PM
68magowner, your title is mine! (unless its yours, or somebody else's :cry: )

If we redo the contest, will anyone else enter a vid?

id put in a new one, with the SM5 and the viking

Yeah, someone else would probably take it now, I havent played in semi AT ALL in probably, over a season and 1/2, so, not really used to walking the trigger so much. But, i know i can still smoke you ;) :p

03-23-2006, 10:34 PM
id put in a new one, with the SM5 and the viking

Yeah, someone else would probably take it now, I havent played in semi AT ALL in probably, over a season and 1/2, so, not really used to walking the trigger so much. But, i know i can still smoke you ;) :p
Them's fightin' words buddy :cool:
Post a dry-fire vid or :sleeping:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

03-25-2006, 11:59 PM
Them's fightin' words buddy :cool:
Post a dry-fire vid or :sleeping:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
oh boy, ill try and snag something tomorrow when im not going to upset the neighbors

03-26-2006, 01:23 AM
Max of ~8 0n the slow one , ~13 on the other.

As for a contest , there's simply no way to verify legality thru video. It'd have to be done in person with full inspection of the marker and such. Just WAY to easy to cheat on video no matter what you do show otherwise.

03-26-2006, 11:59 AM
Max of ~8 0n the slow one , ~13 on the other.

As for a contest , there's simply no way to verify legality thru video. It'd have to be done in person with full inspection of the marker and such. Just WAY to easy to cheat on video no matter what you do show otherwise.

thats why were AO, where there is a certian ammount of trust in the "family" so to speak, and, its more or less an honor code thing. (although, it is easy for someone to have an illegal marker and not even realize it if they havent messed around with/shot markers extensivley over a long period of time.)

03-26-2006, 06:04 PM
thats why were AO, where there is a certian ammount of trust in the "family" so to speak, and, its more or less an honor code thing. (although, it is easy for someone to have an illegal marker and not even realize it if they havent messed around with/shot markers extensivley over a long period of time.)

That really the biggest issue. Almost every marker I've graphed at the field has been illegal some where in th ROF range. That's what manufacturers of markers , software and replacement boards do today. It's precisely why one gun often seems "easier to shoot fast" or "feels fast" over another in most cases and it's nearly impossible to detect by the shooter.....till you hand them a totally legal marker nad they can't string 10 shots together.

We had a HUGE laugh during a discussion with a group of local knoobs and thier "Leader" ( just so happend to be shooting an ION) about trigger skill. He went on to say that he can do 13-15 bps 'easy' on a legal marker. So I handed him bone stock ( 'cept for trigger) B2k4 and he could not string even 4-5 shots together...the whole group of us almost died laughing.

Now , I know it's not his fault he doesn't know. How could he ? But it's that perception thats one of the problems in todays game.


You just can't pick up trigger noise and added shots at or over 10 bps or so , so you could never have a video contest with out 'knowing' the markers involved before hand.

03-26-2006, 07:11 PM
Let us see who can auto trigger the fastest... :ninja: