View Full Version : LVL 10 related question...

03-24-2006, 12:16 AM
I put a case through my Emag tonight and one thing I noticed was that it would randomly chuff and let the ball roll out the barrel even when the gun was sitting still and my Halo was pushing paint into the breech. I was wondering if maybe it was hitting the next ball in the stack perhaps in conjunction with the one in the breech which would be enough to stop the bolt. I heard that using a LVL 7 bolt even with a 'mag with eyes doesn't work well because it clips the next ball in the stock and cracks it so it either breaks in the barrel or the breech. Can anyone clarify this for me?

03-24-2006, 06:37 AM
Maybe I am not understanding you.

"I put a case through my Emag tonight and one thing I noticed was that it would randomly chuff and let the ball roll out the barrel even when the gun was sitting still and my Halo was pushing paint into the breech."

Can you clarify what you mean by this?

I figure you meant while firing the marker, correct?

03-24-2006, 12:19 PM
It seemed to happen when the marker was sitting still and paint was definately being fed properly. The bolt would chuff and the paint would casually blop out the barrel. If it's means anything I was using the short spring set up for indoor play.

03-24-2006, 03:09 PM
So you are just sitting around wait for the next game and your E-mag randomly cuff and t ball falls out?

It sounds like a problem with the sear or noid if it is firing (or cuffing) when you arent pulling the trigger.

03-24-2006, 04:54 PM
check the detent, make sure it is in proper working order
if it is, and your tank is a screw in, make sure it is screwed in all the way and the valve(on tank) is opening completely.