View Full Version : Upgrade/Play/Wait

03-26-2006, 01:26 PM
Right now I seem to be in a delima. I have some serious $$$ problems. I have only about $100 left in ye ole paintball fund. That is not a good thing. Being in school till summer I really can only work for my parents. Thats what I do in th summer but I really don't get too many hours this time of year. So I really don't make too much money untill my summer(2nd week of june). I really want to keep playing but the money is a problem. All I havve to pay for is paint though but thats the most expensive part of the sport. And what really throws me off is that I want to play on the 13th of May for my friends Bday at a real field. And that costs a lot more. Now here is my thoughts. I can spend the last of my money on paint and keep playing and pray that I can make some cash before may. I can spend less money and upgrade my gun and make a little bit of money. Or I can Go for a month and a half without playing. It is very hard. I want to keep playing. I want to uprgade my gun. And I want to have tons of balls and cash for my friends Bday game. I don't know what to do.

Thoughts.....Ideas...Sell everything I own.....Keep typing like this......<?

03-26-2006, 01:54 PM
do whatever you think is best for you and what you want to do.
I do sort of know how your feeling cause im always having to scroung around for money and save up to play. But in this situation it's really just a personal thing for you. So just do what you think is best and go for it.

03-26-2006, 01:56 PM
sell your gun, tank, hopper, and any thing else that has to do w/ your current gun. buy a used phantom, and play some pump.

03-26-2006, 02:01 PM
Look for odd jobs your relatives or neighbors have that'll pay and when you play leave your pack at home and play hopperball.

Phantom's a good idea too, a bag can last forever with one

03-26-2006, 02:12 PM
Downgrade. ;)

03-26-2006, 03:59 PM
There is things kids your age can do to make some money. A paper route maybe or as I did at your age lawn mowing/lawn care. Spring cleaning of yards is just starting here. How close are you to the military bases there in NC? I for one always hated polishing boots and ironing my uniforms. Maybe you could do that to earn some cash. There is ways to make cash if you put your mind to it. Your folks have a surf shop right? So your close to the water. Maybe you can paint piers. Paint a boat even. There has to be ways you can earn some cash and not give up what you want to do. Think young grasshopper... :D

03-26-2006, 04:03 PM
i would say to just save your money for your friend's Bday. If you have any surplus cash afterwards you can buy an upgrade or play a few more games.

03-26-2006, 04:27 PM
When I played with my emag, I shot around 1/5 of a case in a speedball game...This would result in me spending, perhaps $50-100 in paint alone. This being the case, and me being 14 at the time(last year) I could only play once a month. I now play with a phantom, and it costs me $25 for paint, and entry. At the end of the day, I still have about 3 ten round tubes full...Out of 10...

Stockclass = :clap:

03-26-2006, 04:28 PM
I would ask your neighbors if there are any jobs that you can do for them for some money. Also, if your atleast lets say, 15, you can print up some papers and put them in people's mailboxes for babysitting. It is good money.. got paid 75 dollars last night to eat pizza and watch NCAA on a 110 inch cinema screen :D

03-26-2006, 04:32 PM
PUMP PLAY!!!!! i can play for around $30 for a whole day at my local field...i had the same problem as you...so i bought a phantom... changed everything, now i get to play atleast 2wice a month if not every weekend!

K Wolf
03-26-2006, 04:56 PM
Save the 100 you have for your friend's bday celeb. Then use the time you would have spent playing pb to earn some cash. Pick ONE upgrade that will improve your marker's functionality. do everything you can to earn the money for that upgrade.

My personal order for upgrades is : barrel (if the stock barrel truly sucks,many stock barrels are good), HPA (I consider this vital for a mag. $50-$250), motorized hopper, tank repositioning bits, everything else.

03-26-2006, 05:03 PM
Play. :)

03-26-2006, 05:10 PM
Playing is more fun that upgrading your gun for some unnoticable increase in performance. I would rather play with some broken Talon that not play at all.

Most upgrades are in fact a waste of money.

When I was in high school, I saved my lunch and gas money to save up for a case of paint. Drive less and eat cheap.

03-26-2006, 05:15 PM
Play with your mag for a while. Spring starting up so start asking around the hood & see if anyone has stuff that needs done. Yard work payed for paintball for me for one whole spring & summer. I'd mow a couple yards ( $5 or $10 each ) a night or chop wood etc. After a couple weeks you will have some flow going. The real question is how bad do you want it???

03-26-2006, 05:48 PM
Well if you need the money I hear they're pretty lenient about prostitution now-a-days... ;) :p

*Just a suggestion though, it's truely up to you...

03-26-2006, 06:33 PM
Yeah, I just wanted to see what others would think. I think I can see if I can get my partents to let make some money doing small things for them. I don't know. I hate not having money. It makes me feel broke. :D That is not a happy smiley. I do feel however that I need to paintball. I will maybe get like 1000 and just play with a friends pump. I don't know. Maybe not playing for this time and just reffing will keep my Paintball spirits up. It just gets depressing. Psh....whatever. I don't know. I just needed to let out some feelings.

I might just get a new barrel. The one I have isn't working for me. It is suxxoring the big one. If I just sell it and get something new I will still have a bunch of cash left and I can maybe make a little more. [sigh]

03-26-2006, 06:46 PM
You could always ask them to pay for your paint once or twice. Just tell them that they wouldn't make you pay for soccer cleats, or a jersey for basketball, so why should you have to pay for paint EVERY time? That is what I said.

Cow hunter
03-26-2006, 07:21 PM
do what i do and mooch off other people! on average i can get about 2 hoppers by asking everyone for like a handful of balls, which immediatley go into a covered pod on your back. today i made the score of going with my friend who throws money around at scary speeds. he bought 2 cases at ~ $100 a case ~ i threw a $20 at him and took three bags, he didnt care.

/buying a phantom is also a great idea
//or just shoot a lot less
///or find odd jobs.....

03-26-2006, 08:04 PM
When I played with my emag, I shot around 1/5 of a case in a speedball game...This would result in me spending, perhaps $50-100 in paint alone. This being the case, and me being 14 at the time(last year) I could only play once a month. I now play with a phantom, and it costs me $25 for paint, and entry. At the end of the day, I still have about 3 ten round tubes full...Out of 10...

Stockclass = :clap:

Ever hear of self control? The emag didn't fire itself you know. ;)

03-26-2006, 08:10 PM
do what i do and mooch off other people! on average i can get about 2 hoppers by asking everyone for like a handful of balls, which immediatley go into a covered pod on your back. today i made the score of going with my friend who throws money around at scary speeds. he bought 2 cases at ~ $100 a case ~ i threw a $20 at him and took three bags, he didnt care.

/buying a phantom is also a great idea
//or just shoot a lot less
///or find odd jobs.....

I normally give excess paint to the kidies afterwords. The stuff gets funny between practice days. Sometime it is a pod and sometimes it is a half a case. Better to give it away than just waste it.

Cow hunter
03-26-2006, 08:22 PM
I normally give excess paint to the kidies afterwords. The stuff gets funny between practice days. Sometime it is a pod and sometimes it is a half a case. Better to give it away than just waste it.
i remember the one time i brought my dad to see what paintball was all about, while everyone was in a game, he was watching, and two sponsored players happened to get booted from the field for ramping, excessivley bunkering, and bonus balling the little kiddies. they decided to never come back, so why not give a whole case to the old guy in a plaid shirt?

Stealth Fighter
03-26-2006, 08:54 PM
Conserve your paint, a case should last you the next month and half if you careful, I have gone 2 months on a case playing 1 time every other week. I play speedball too. I challenge my self to shoot as little as possible, this is great for tourny's too, because when I do get to one I can let her rip and reak some serious havok. (or in your case, own your freinds)

So lets see case of paint for next month and a half $60

You say you don't have to pay to play so there is know cost there.

1000 rounds for when you play at your friends party $30

Leaves you with $10 to pay to get into the real field and you might be able to scrape a little more together until then.

03-26-2006, 11:06 PM
It's possible and fun to play effectively with little paint. I played at Boston paintball this sunday and bought a case. I got there at maybe 3:30 and left at 8. Until 6:30 I played with my matrix and played all-out, shooting way too much. Then I realized I was going to be there for an hour and a half longer and only had 2 pods left, about a pod less than what I had been shooting per game before. Most of the experienced players had left, so I pulled out my classic, and somehow managed to make 1 hopper last an hour. It was really fun and a good change. I got as many or more eliminations than before, and all the newbs were convinced that mags were the greatest guns ever. If I remember correctly, you shoot a minimag. Just play and wait to upgrade, you'll have more fun. Conserve paint and you should have no trouble buying a barrel and playing.

03-27-2006, 07:09 AM
Back when we did the woods I usually played all day on not much more than 1-2 hoppers. Now I find it hard to keep up not shooting much. And I find I can't fill my tank for 3 weeks which makes spending money on PB even harder. I think though....I don't know. I am just going to start mowing the lawn if spring will f****** get here faster.