View Full Version : POLL: Should paintball be in the X-Games?

12-17-2001, 07:44 AM
Im doing a paper for school and was wondering how many people think paintball should be in the X-Games.

12-17-2001, 07:59 AM
NO! I don't want super spoiled rich kids playing paintball!!! ::looks at self in mirror:: wait, I don't want MORE spoiled rich kids playing paintball!!!

j/k, It'll bring too much popularity to paintball and it will crowd fields and shops...

12-17-2001, 09:38 AM
If it should be anywhere - it should be in the X Games

12-17-2001, 09:41 AM
Now this i don't have any beef about. The X-Games are a perfect place for paintball.

12-17-2001, 09:43 AM
How can you say that it would put too much pressure on the stores and fields? Obviously, if the X-games brought thousands of newbies into the sport, it could only benefit the fields and stores. There could be more and bigger of both, more competition for best prices and best venues between them. Everybody wins. The level of competition might dip in rec ball, but after they got their act together you could have lots of really big recball games, and no waiting to get enough people to play. More is better. If I missed some sarcasm, I apologize for my verbal assault.
I think an X-games tourney would work best as a large, single, tourney, at a time of year far, far from the World Cup and Mardi Gras. They would need to get all the pro teams to show up, and the venue might present problems for TV coverage, what with netting and all, but I'm all in favor of working through the problems for the boost to the sport. Plus, we can influence their untained minds into buying mags, when they become worthy. Or just shoot them with our mags until they see the light.

12-17-2001, 10:02 AM
The real question is will there be paintball in the X-Games, paintball isn't the most thrilling spectator sport.

12-17-2001, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by PigSweat
paintball isn't the most thrilling spectator sport.

Excellent point. Paintball is ONLY interesting to watch if you play and/or understand what is going on.

Watching it from scratch doesn't make much sense to many people and games can be very boring. I don't think you could ever show it live. You would need lots of cameras to get the action and then cut it together well.


12-17-2001, 10:17 AM
i also skateboard i addition to paintball, and i have seen the way it has messed skateboarding up. lets keep paintball good and fun and not an extreme sport. it would just be to much publicity.

[email protected]

12-17-2001, 10:19 AM
If my memory serves me... I think we had an outstanding Thread about this in the old Fight Club. I wish we still had it. :(

We discussed the potential of Paintball as a spectator sport, various ways to improve it as such, the whole camera thing, and more. It was a GREAT thread.

Anyone remember that one?

12-17-2001, 10:21 AM
Yep I do...(sigh)....:(

12-17-2001, 10:26 AM
Well prior to the X-games skateboarding and all the other sports they now host were often looked down upon becasue a stigma was attached to the sports as being dangerous and people often thought that the people who participated in those sports were part of a subculture.

Paintball is different in many ways from the sports on the X-games, due to the fact that most if not all of the sports are not team sports like paintball, I think that is a major part of why it is not on the X-games but most of the top competitors in the X-Games have played paintball and play regularly. I think it would help paintball if were to be shown with the X-games due to fact that it is a national competition that would greatly help people understand paintball better.

12-17-2001, 11:10 AM
I said no. I don't think we as a sport are ready for TV. Too often players professionalism is called into question. When we have this whittled down to an acceptable level, we will be ready. Some of you will say there is unprofessional acts in other sports that are on TV. I agree, and those players are fined, sat out,etc... It is rare that something like this happens in paintball. Sponsors need to start holding their players accountable. (me thinks I just opened a can-O-worms!)

12-17-2001, 11:24 AM
Yes but with constraints... I thhink this is what the big industry needs but I think it will need require alot of control. Anyhow on the subject on the addition of this sport to the X-games, I feel that it would be a great addition but I feel that it ought to be controled by at least the NPPL or someother governing body that is willing to step up and be accountable for ensuring all goes well. In the end remember that this is the X-Games, and leave it to a bunch of preppy stoner rich kids ruining this all for us. Damn hippies :D

12-17-2001, 11:34 AM
Well, paintball is the 4th most popular extreme sport in the world. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think thats proof enough to be in the X-Games.

12-17-2001, 11:49 AM
Sorry to be a pain again... But I think you might want to review HOW those "Most Popular" figures are gathered and what criteria they used. We have had THAT discussion here on AO as well, and we determined that the numbers meant nothing at all when you looked at the criterias used.

I will try to find that thread for you.... I think you will find it interesting.

(ADDED: Here you go... http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5710)

12-17-2001, 01:48 PM
i think it would be cool to watch paintball on tv, especially on the x-games.

12-17-2001, 02:31 PM
While I realize it's a fantasy of pretty much every paintballer to see their sport on TV ("See? It's not some wierd thing, it's a broadcast sport!") don't hold your breath on Paintball hitting the X-Games anytime soon. ESPN and Paintball simply do not get along.

Also, I don't want to see paintball on TV until I see *GOOD* paintball on TV. That means I don't want to see many of the antics I'm currently exposed to when I attend pro/am tournaments. The last thing we need is something like that old Skyball video where you get a nice close-up of a guy wiping broadcast on ESPN or wherever.

When you do first see paintball on TV, it'll almost certainly be as a stand-alone deal, taped and broadcast later. With any luck, it'll be the College National Championships, but hey, I'm biased. Just a little. ;)

It's a bit of a catch-22 - you won't see paintball on TV until the TV people think there's an audience for it, and paintball on TV is a good way to create that audience. That's one reason the NCPA puts so much effort into getting students in high school and college interested in paintball, even if it's just recreationally - those are people who will have an interest in paintball programming later. <plug, plug>

- Chris

12-17-2001, 03:44 PM
Well... How would paintball become a spectator sport? It's sorta hard to make it understandable and interesting. It's kinda like le mans... It is hard to keep track and stay interested...

12-17-2001, 04:45 PM
X-games haha. The X-Games is just a event to get higher ratings for ESPN and ABC. Thats why there is the Gravity Games now, all they are trying to do is get ratings. On the other hand, paintball would get some attention. And not to mention the prize money would be good. FooTemps- "How would paintball become a spectator sport? It's sorta hard to make it understandable and interesting." thats a good point. it would be hard to watch on TV. Well thats my .02

12-17-2001, 05:42 PM
If people will watch golf, they'll watch anything. ;)

As for spectator friendly, there are plenty of ways to change up paintball a bit to make it easier to follow on telivision - most sports have an object (usually "the ball") which is the focus of attention of the game. Paintball has the flag, but unfortunately, that pretty much just sits there for 95% of the time. There are plenty of ways to play paintball that are more TV friendly. I actually have a set of rules on the drawing board that I've put up on r.s.p. at least once to get some feedback on.

That all doesn't really matter though for a couple of reasons. First, the decision whether to watch a paintball broadcast is going to initially be made inside of three seconds. Either the person looking in their TV guide is going to go "Hrm, paintball, nifty." or "Paintball? What's that?". If you don't create an audience by getting people informed about paintball, you're never going to get anyone looking at the screen long enough to see any particular set of rules in action.

The other thing is a lot of people seem to run around thinking that when Paintball gets on TV there's suddenly going to be thousands more players. Why? Are there thousands more people around the country building battle bots? Doing roller derbys? Did the advent of the X-Games really push the popularity of Xtreme sports? I honestly think Skateboarding was much more popular 4-8 years ago than it is now. Roller blading has certainly taken a decline. Maybe part of that is Paintball's fault - it's much easier to be proficient at paintball than skateboarding or rollerblading. In any case, people usually pick up extreme sports (or sports in general) because it's what their friends are doing and what not. Soccer gets very little TV time, yet it's probably one of the most popular youth games in the country along with Baseball. If paintball really is going to hit the "big time" (in terms of participation at any rate) it'll be because we take it out of hiding in the backwoods and make it accessable and acceptable to people at a fairly young age. (I'm not saying woodsball is bad, just that you need to at least get people aware of how to get to woods fields - they're not exactly things you tend to drive by on a day-to-day basis. People drive by soccer fields all the time.) As it stands, I can count the number of officially recognized High School paintball clubs in this country on my fingers. That there are any at all is the result of the NCPA stepping up to get some going, four months ago there were none. College clubs are still a wee bit shy of 100. Those are DISMAL numbers in comparison to pretty much every other sport - including Rugby, Badmitton, Volleyball, Bowling, Skiing, Cross Country, even Fencing - you name it, that sport is doing a better job of cultivating young new players than Paintball is. Interestingly enough, they're all on TV too. Connection? I'd say so.

Unfortunately the industry is rather stuck in the "give money to competative teams and event promoters" mode. I can name at least twenty college clubs who each brought more new players into paintball last year than all of the pro teams combined - a fairly obvious statement to make considering I've never heard anyone say "Well, I've never played paintball, but after hearing about Pro Paintball Team X, I think I'll give it a shot", but that's something I doubt very many paintball companies consider. A fraction of the money currently given to people who already play paintball could work miracles in changing people who don't play paintball into people who do. Those are the people who are going to tune into paintball on TV, and those are the people advertisers are going to buy time during paintball programs to reach.

Some paintball companies do realize this - AKA has been supporting college paintball for years, and Diablo has recently become the first paintball company to pledge cash contributions. Challenge Park has all but given us free reign of their facilities to offer High School and College National Championships at $30/team, or $6/player, 50% off their recreational field fees. Actually, considering that includes free rec play the day after, you get a day of rec play at half price and a tournament for free. That's all a start, but there's a long way to go given the number of paintball companies and potential customers out there to be reached.

- Chris

12-17-2001, 09:03 PM
Remember folks: the more people play paintball, the higher the demand for paintball products, the higher the demand for said products, more companies will be providing these products, the more companies, the more competition, the more competition, the lower the prices!!! The lower the prices, the more we can play!!! Also, the more people play, there will be more fields opening!!! After all, who can complain at more people to shoot at, and more places to play???? Remember how much a case of paint cost 6 or 7 years ago, and how many choices we had??? Was it about $100 a case or there abouts, and only about 3 or 4 brands?? Now how much is paint, and how many brands??

12-17-2001, 09:45 PM
FOOTEMPS !!!!! how can u say the Le Mans is boring ? :( i love watching it !!!! o and i think paintball sould not be in the x-games even tho i would love to watch it but see they will ruin it like bad camera views and so on and people would be like dood this sport looks like crap and not play it u know ? and x-games would probably have some god damn annoucers and be annoying and bve like hey that guy has a rt pro mag but can it stand up to the opposites team angels and then be like o my god he just did a knee slid turn around !! and make up some trick to make the sport seem Xtreme and get peps to try stupid stuff i hope u guys gett wut im sayin how they would just water the sport down unless they got real paintballers to run the paintball show cuz they know and understand :0

12-17-2001, 10:11 PM
Think about it.
It's like kindergarten. you and 2 friends ask the teacher to get out a toy. She says yes, if you be quiet. So you pull out a puzzle and start peicing it together. Some idiot comes along and says "Hey I wanna play!". So it's like.. ok.. sure.. but the, a few more peopel come, then more. Before long the entire class has a peice of hte puzzle in their hand wanting ot put it in. No fun.

Look at hte amount of feilds right now. I do not know abotu those who live in more populous areas, but the nearest feild to me it about 50 miles. You would need more feilds to accomodate the new players. And if you got 10 new kids with pumps who haev never played before, and are playing cuase they saw it on TV.. well.. thats trouble. Some don't have masks.. some don't know safety rules.

Yet, it would bring new players and new feilds eventually. I would love to see it on TV, to be honest.

12-17-2001, 10:17 PM
Well, after watching le mans for about 1 hour I get bored... I watch the racing and it becomes all too predictable because I keep track of it too much. I get bored with it then stop... Then I flick back to it and watch something interesting happen like an accident or something dramatic like a car flipping over because of low downforce...

12-18-2001, 02:15 AM
Although I think it would be cool, I don't think you will see pb in the X-games. The X-games are individual sports not team sports.

12-18-2001, 02:49 PM
footemps like the mercades flipping over the hill ? that was so sweet to watch and then the guy landed it !!!!

12-17-2002, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Potatoboy
Now this i don't have any beef about. The X-Games are a perfect place for paintball.

Yeah, soon they'll have the woodlogging competition (or any of those Outdoors Games) too lol


12-18-2002, 01:48 AM
I voted yes, but I would much rather see the sport organized more before that happened. I think it would rule if, on the pro level at least, big cities and such had their own paintball teams and they played other teams throughout the country like football, etc. I think the way tourneys are run at present and the point system and all is really crappy.

12-18-2002, 09:21 AM
NO! X agmes is just stupid. Being in the underground bike scene, we see how the x games destroys our sport. It is all corporate. The soul purpose of the X games is money and fame. A lot of pro bikers have boycotted the x games because of what it does. It is a money maker for the industry and the bigger names in xtreme sports.

12-18-2002, 10:28 AM
I think they should have a big paintball exhibition in the XGames one year, see how the fanbase for it goes and if it goes well then they should turn it into an event ... sort of a test year.

Yes its an extreme sport, so I think it should be part of it. .. but unlike sky surfing, skating, etc, you have to actually understand the game to enjoy it or at least enjoy the concept and you'll pick it up while watching ... from the spectator view its not as flashy/eye candyesque as watching a lot of extreme events.

Dave K

12-18-2002, 02:37 PM
i would hate to see paintball in the x games. if it were to be showed on the x games, thousands of people would start playing. i like to think that im in on a big secret or something you know?

12-18-2002, 05:45 PM
I'd like to see Paintball on TV once a way is developed to film it and make it interesting rather than just showing closeups of players snapshooting. I just don't wanna see it in the X-Games. I think that it may bring a better image to the sport but I think that can be done in other ways rather than just sticking it in the X-Games. Also I would like to know what is so extreme about paintball. Sure it is my favorite sport and a huge adrenaline rush but what makes it so extreme as the events in the X-Games like Skateboarding or Freestyle MotoX where the chance of injury is great. I mean paintball is one of the safer sports out there. Just my opinion on the matter though.

12-18-2002, 06:05 PM
I think if they did they should use that XCam they used in that failed XFL thing, it sucked for the XFL but the hovering cam would work great in a paintball match.

Dave K

12-18-2002, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Vegeta
Think about it.
It's like kindergarten. you and 2 friends ask the teacher to get out a toy. She says yes, if you be quiet. So you pull out a puzzle and start peicing it together. Some idiot comes along and says "Hey I wanna play!". So it's like.. ok.. sure.. but the, a few more peopel come, then more. Before long the entire class has a peice of hte puzzle in their hand wanting ot put it in. No fun.

Look at hte amount of feilds right now. I do not know abotu those who live in more populous areas, but the nearest feild to me it about 50 miles. You would need more feilds to accomodate the new players. And if you got 10 new kids with pumps who haev never played before, and are playing cuase they saw it on TV.. well.. thats trouble. Some don't have masks.. some don't know safety rules.

Yet, it would bring new players and new feilds eventually. I would love to see it on TV, to be honest.
Those are exactally my feelings on this topic.
Of corse its already edging to that point here in Atlanta..
Everyone knows about paintball, if you say paintball in my school people will start stating facts about it and arguign over whats the best gun when they have only played one time and dont know half of them.
In Atlanta its every 10 year old's dream to play paintball, and some fields here even allow 10 year olds in.
Sure it brings publicity, sure its easy eliminations, but its just these annoying little kids marching around talking about paintball and entering tournaments and winning when he owns a BE Talon..
:( I just dont think paintball should be over publicisized..
I guess its the fact that every kid thinks its 'shooting up' people and thats why they like it.. I just think its a great game with a nice idea behind it..
I dunno, I dont think paintball is ready for the Xgames..

12-19-2002, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by PigSweat
paintball isn't the most thrilling spectator sport.

i only some what agree, but i'm not 1 to like watching tourney clips or what ever, don't know why, but if i love sitting out and just watching a few games, but then again, i know what's goin on, i get control of the "camera"....cause they're my eyes, not sure how the generel public would feel towards it, but i know every adult i've shown clips to say, wow that looks like fun

12-20-2002, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by personman
In Atlanta its every 10 year old's dream to play paintball, and some fields here even allow 10 year olds in.
Sure it brings publicity, sure its easy eliminations, but its just these annoying little kids marching around talking about paintball and entering tournaments and winning when he owns a BE Talon..

Ok, so whats the problem? If ever y 10 year old wants to play, maybe a few of them will. And maybe a few of those will like and take it up as more than a one time thing. That means more players, and there is no problem with that.

As for kids playing tounries and winning with BE Talons (not that I don't thing that most of the products that BE makes are not useless) if they play in tounries, GREAT. And if they win with such inferior equipent, I can't wait to see what a kid like that can do with a real pump gun (Talons are pumps I believe) or perhaps even a Mag?


12-20-2002, 12:09 PM
Hey Chris:

Great post, but I have a couple of comments.

Originally posted by raehl
If people will watch golf, they'll watch anything. ;)

I saw woodcutting on ESPN the other day. Yes, people will watch just about anything.

There are plenty of ways to play paintball that are more TV friendly. I actually have a set of rules on the drawing board that I've put up on r.s.p. at least once to get some feedback on.

I would think multiple cameras on the field with a two or four way split screen to keep people tuned into as much of the game as possible.

Soccer gets very little TV time, yet it's probably one of the most popular youth games in the country along with Baseball. If paintball really is going to hit the "big time" (in terms of participation at any rate) it'll be because we take it out of hiding in the backwoods and make it accessable and acceptable to people at a fairly young age. (I'm not saying woodsball is bad, just that you need to at least get people aware of how to get to woods fields - they're not exactly things you tend to drive by on a day-to-day basis. People drive by soccer fields all the time.) As it stands, I can count the number of officially recognized High School paintball clubs in this country on my fingers. That there are any at all is the result of the NCPA stepping up to get some going, four months ago there were none. College clubs are still a wee bit shy of 100. Those are DISMAL numbers in comparison to pretty much every other sport - including Rugby, Badmitton, Volleyball, Bowling, Skiing, Cross Country, even Fencing - you name it, that sport is doing a better job of cultivating young new players than Paintball is. Interestingly enough, they're all on TV too. Connection? I'd say so.

There is one major difference between all the sports you just mentioned and paintball. The playing costs. With all the other sports you mentioned, to play it recreationally requires a minimum of equipment. Usually only a ball and a place to play.

Paintball, on the other hand, has one of the highest start up costs and playing fees of any sport. As a minimum, you need a marker (at least $50 per player) and a mask (at least $20 per player). That's $70 per player (and at the prices I qouted, that's very low end equipment, not including paint air and field fees. These costs can be very prohibitave to many people.


12-21-2002, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by PigSweat
The real question is will there be paintball in the X-Games, paintball isn't the most thrilling spectator sport.

Go to Skyball And tell Me it isn;t a Thrilling spectator sport:p
Even for Noob's
It can be done right in the Right Venue{SP}

12-21-2002, 10:50 AM
I would hate all the cursing wiping and cheating to show up on National TV.

12-23-2002, 12:01 PM
Well the way we play paintball is too spontaneous to have it in the X games. A game could last for small amounts of time and large amounts of time. I don't think it should be in the X games. Think about watching Tony Hawk do all his fancy tricks and people doing insanely spectacular things and then when paintball comes on people see it as a whole bunch of fat people shooting back and forth until they finally hit each other. Sometimes we'll get lucky and something exciting happens like someone getting bunkered or lit up. It's just it putting paintball next to some really cool stunts makes paintball look kinda weak. I know people want paintball to spread but what we really need is a good show that really shows what paintball is all about, not something like splatter factor.

02-20-2003, 07:12 PM
To me, paintbal dosnt progress enough. everything in the xgames progresses. The reason why Ski Blading was takin out of the winter x games is cause it wasnt progressing. Paintball wont progress, its the same thing over and over and over again.

Mag O Holic
02-20-2003, 07:38 PM
You guys remember that one year... i believe 2000, when they announced that extreme scootin' would be in the x-games, people ran to the stores to buy scooters, then no more than 2 months after the x-games, the fad died. Same wil happen to paintball if it ever makes it to the x-games. It'll be great for the sport while it lasts, prices will fall, new (shiny) guns will appear, and more newbs at the fields that want to eat my paint, what could be better? But then again, in come the rish folks, wanting to be cool, with thier dark angels, and their falshy lcd's, what could be cooler then being able to tell the tempature with ur gun? hell, why not stick a cell phone in the guns while ur at it. Good and bad for the sport... is what i say.

02-20-2003, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Mag O Holic
You guys remember that one year... i believe 2000, when they announced that extreme scootin' would be in the x-games, people ran to the stores to buy scooters, then no more than 2 months after the x-games, the fad died. Same wil happen to paintball if it ever makes it to the x-games. It'll be great for the sport while it lasts, prices will fall, new (shiny) guns will appear, and more newbs at the fields that want to eat my paint, what could be better? But then again, in come the rish folks, wanting to be cool, with thier dark angels, and their falshy lcd's, what could be cooler then being able to tell the tempature with ur gun? hell, why not stick a cell phone in the guns while ur at it. Good and bad for the sport... is what i say.

I dont ever recall seeing scottin in the x gams? lol.

02-20-2003, 11:39 PM
To be honest, paintball gets kind of boring after awhile.

02-21-2003, 08:31 AM
I think that the way X-Ball is set up it could and should be in the X-games, but normal tornement speedball would be boring for anyone who dosn't have paint in their blood.

02-21-2003, 02:43 PM
well, i wouldn't mind having some people know how much paintballers love paintball... but a few of you guys had a point, whether it be describing it from kindergarden at toy time, to scooters. but i always wanted to see it on t.v if i couldn't be playing it myself.
and think of this... the X-games are only on mabye onece a year right? people still skateboard, inline and bike and thats on t.v all the time.
so this leaves me in the dark still, cuz i don't know if i would want it to be on t.v or not. again its all about the popularity of paintball. at my school, me and a few friends started playing it freshman year, but now its like every freshman plays it.. we're sophomores now. even though we can rock them, and have in some games, we wouldn't like to see the number of players increase by too many..

02-21-2003, 07:16 PM
If paintball were allowed into the xGames, it would be stupid not to take that chance... See, some people see it as "selling out", but that's just stupid. being on TV, and opening up avenues to big sponsorships/etc that would/could bring lots of new people and money into the sport would be great. It might be bad for some fields and shops if new fields and shops opened, but only for the existing BAD places. competition is in general good. and it would be a cool opportunity for teams to get sponsorship from more mainstream companies- or other companies in other "x" sports- like Fox Racing. they are in the perfect position to add pball jerseys and pants and pads to their lineup.

anyway a little off topic, but the xgames-or something like them- would be good.


02-21-2003, 08:20 PM

Paintball is NOT EXTREME!!!

02-21-2003, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by temps

Paintball is NOT EXTREME!!!

What would you classify it as? I think paintball belongs on the X-games, and I would bet that within 10 years(probably closer to 5) it will be.

02-21-2003, 09:47 PM
Without a doubt it should, and would be one of the greatest jumps for mainstreaming the sport

02-22-2003, 12:25 AM

first off creator or whoever manages the x games, and the owner of espn, hate paintball. also, the x games is a series of pseudo sports where points are based on subjectivity. skateboarding is on the same level as figure skating and coordinated swimming. to have paintball in there would be a degredation to our sport

02-22-2003, 01:54 AM
ESPN will not carry tourney paintball until a certain someone who filed a lawsuit against them is not a MAJOR player in the PSP. Why should the bother if they have to deal with someone who they already have a rocky past with?

02-22-2003, 08:15 AM
of course y not, its the perfect place to put it, i think by doing that the sport would drasticly increase in sizze

02-22-2003, 01:51 PM
if theres nothing as x-treme as paintball, then i don't know what is.. maybe rock climbing, or shooting each other with 45's while standing on the back of a moving motorcylce.. that might cut it.
been there done that.. me and ANTi have done many things.

02-22-2003, 02:53 PM
When done right i think paintball can be a great spectator sport. X-ball seems to be something that brings the fans closer to the sport. It's fast paced, and easy for people to follow. The general public needs to know that paintball isn't just a bunch of hillbillies out in the woods, or little kids vandelizing the neighborhood. If paintball could be in the X-games i think it would show people that it is a sport. People need to see how safe paintball is, and i think national tv coverage would be the perfect stage.

I'm all for it.

02-22-2003, 06:34 PM
paintball in the X Games would be awesome!

02-22-2003, 08:19 PM
I'm sorry to tell all of the people out there but paintball in the X-Games is not all that it's cracked up to be. First and foremost, at this point, it's not going to happen. As Tom knows, and most people that were around back when it happened, Jerry Braun sued ESPN over the Paintball World Cup that was produced and aired on ESPN regarding breech of contract and a few other issues (I'm not a lawyer, and even if my friend who is one explained it to me; most of you still wouldn't get it) after which ESPN put paintball on it's black list as far as things you will not see on the network. There are a few other issues related to this situation that occured by I'm pulling a lot of this information from my own memory when the problems occured. You can watch Cheerleading, Log Sawing, Billiards and Fishing on ESPN but you will, at this point in time, never see paintball.
Secondly, I don't see why people see that paintball will get any benefits out of the deal. I for one am one of the few people that doesn't seem paintball as an "extreme" sport. I think that a network will open air paintball related programming if they think that they can get something out of the deal, either being produced by OUR industry so the network pays very little out of pocket or can get enough money from advertising to make it worth their while. It's simple economics at this point, nothing more and nothing less.
And my last point is that paintball itself is not ready to be taken to the next level. In the history of sports paintball is still very new and trying to feel out what kind of direction it's going to go as a sport. Until we, as players, start taking the game seriously and putting the time and effort into improving our game it's never going to happen. Bad reffing, rampant cheating and player egos are not going to help any. These are just a few of the issues that need to be ironed out before we can even be taken serious as a sport by people outside of the industry, including ESPN, Fox Sports or even the Outdoor Life Network.

02-23-2003, 12:01 AM
yea. everyone has good points. i just always like seeing custom pics and everything. but if theres just a little room left over for a sig, then a little is enough

02-23-2003, 12:28 AM
If rock climbing can be in the x games paintball certainly should be.

02-24-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by psycoclown414
if theres nothing as x-treme as paintball, then i don't know what is.. maybe rock climbing, or shooting each other with 45's while standing on the back of a moving motorcylce.. that might cut it.
been there done that.. me and ANTi have done many things.

I don't know about the rock climbing or the "shooting each other with 45's while standing on the back of a moving motorcylce", but paintball is hardly extreme.

When people think of extreme sports they think of sports where there is an above average chance of personal injury. The only chance someone playing our great game has a chance of hurting themselves badly is if they do something that is not within the rules, unlike in every other sport, where hurting yourself is almost par for the course.


Mag O Holic
02-25-2003, 04:28 PM
Paintball is amazing... but think about it, if you don't play a sport, something like golf, then you wouldn't watch it, especially if you don't know the rules or the object of the game. I wouldn't mind seeing it on t.v, but not x-games, i'd hate to be watching moto-x for 20 minutes when everyone finishes thier run, then see paintball pop-up for 1 - 2 hours while all the teams play each other (speaking from an untrained eyes point of view). Some games can last too long, some too short, with the x-games, all there sports preety much have a set amount of time for thier runs, unless they stuck a timer on the games, which i find preety crappy, then it won't make it on the x-games. But I'd love to see it on the tube, with its own time slot, seperate from the x-games. (hey let's ask fox, if they'll show joe millionare then they'll play anything right?)

02-26-2003, 02:13 AM
My suggestion is if they do put paintball in the x-games it would be a T.V. only deal ie: Paintball sportscenter that shows the best and most exciting moves and shots taken from paintball tourneys. Personaly, I love watching paintball DVD's and movie clips but I know many people don't. What they would pay for is something like paintball's best, for instance the AND1 movies for basketball, with the flashy moves and street-ball type ethics. Basicly, if they put all the oooh-ahhh moments of paintball and played them on a big T.V. for people when they didnt have anything else to do and ran them durring boring spots on television, it would hit big. If they want more involvment AT the x-games they could have 3 or 4 pro teams duking it out constantly and not for scores and wins, but for the premotion of the sport(Can't forget fame on T.V. and sponsorship money). The teams would have to be well chosen, good sportsmanship, not too much cussing, and a willingness to be on camra.

If it was planed out right, I think it would be great for Paintball.

PS: I don't like skating period...

05-13-2003, 11:50 PM
I think paintball shouldn't be in the X-Games. ALthough I love for it to be there, it would flood the world with noobs. We have enough as it is. Plus, that would probably mean more kids going to wal mart and buying markers. That means that more kids would be shooting themselves, and giving the sport a bad rep. Either way, we lose. Too bad, I actually like watching paintball, as long as the camera angles are good. I watch videos over and over again, and try to learn from their every move.