View Full Version : Looking to buy a new mask, please help

03-27-2006, 12:03 PM
About a year ago I started playing at a new field that is located in a cave. And until recently my current mask, a Proto Switch, seemed to be able to handle the higher himidity levels pretty well, until recently. They fog over after the thermal lens has separated. So now I am looking for a mask the can take high humidity and not leave me replacing the lens every other week. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks! :)

03-27-2006, 12:44 PM
I have the proto switch El (does yours have the cheesy chin strap?), and it does the same thing. I think their problem is that they are not vented enough and there is not a good seal all the way around the eyes. Mine fogs up in Arizona where it is rarely more than 4% humidity. I have a hard time breathing wearing mine in a fast situation, and they seem to fog up from my exhaled air. I just think it is a poor design.

I have played with v-force profilers and really like them. Doesn’t seem like I can remember them ever giving me any trouble. The only thing is I haven’t convinced myself to go buy one of my own yet. :rolleyes:

03-27-2006, 12:47 PM
Cave paintball? You can't say that and not link some pictures, man.

03-27-2006, 12:59 PM
Sorry, here's a link to their webpage. They have added some pics of their outdoor fields as well. http://www.underground-paintball.com/?page=pictures&type=field

MoeMag: I have the original(?) mask, got it right after they were released. The fan seems to help with the breathing fog, but yea, it's not the greatest design.

03-27-2006, 01:01 PM
Profiler or Vents mask... those are the best at not fogging.

Baby Huey
03-27-2006, 01:06 PM
I use the Dye invision. No real fogging issues unless I am playing scenerio and I am out running around in the woods for long periods of time, and I have the fan that goes with that mask that clears up any fogging in those situations. Good luck and God Bless.

03-27-2006, 06:22 PM
thats cave paintball is AWSOME.

as for the profiler, mine tends to not fog, but instead get blurry. water condenses on the inside of the lense. its just as annoying as fog. i have always cleaned the lense like stated in the little booklet that came with it, and it first did that the first time i used it just after this last christmas.
having a breeze constantly coming by really helps that though. it blurrs alot when playing indoor, and only blurrs outside if there isn't a breeze.
i used it in some light rain a few weeks ago, and it worked quite nicely. just a tiny amount of blurr after a while, and that was withough a visor on it.

03-28-2006, 01:18 PM
Thanks to everyone who has thrown up some suggestions and mini-reviews. Has anyone else had experience with these masks? Or any other suggestions?

Dharma punk
03-28-2006, 01:47 PM
I got a profiler last summer and it hasn't fogged on me yet. I love the fit as well. I haven't played on any extremely humid days yet, but I expect that fogging won't be much of a problem. One thing I learned earlty on was that if you can remember to breathe out through your nose it helps not fog your mask because you're exhaling down instead of directly into the mask. This is sometimes hard to remember when you're being bombarded with paint, but I make it a habit to breathe in through my mouth and out through my nose as soon as my mask is on and it helps me keep. I also breathe this way when I meditate, so it's pretty natural for me at this point.