View Full Version : info on sovereign 2

12-17-2001, 08:50 AM
Looking for info on an Arrow Precision vertical feed, Sovereign 2. Or if you own one post here. Thanks Hills

12-17-2001, 09:19 AM
I would go the other way. Look for an original Sov. Much nicer gun.

12-17-2001, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman
I would go the other way. Look for an original Sov. Much nicer gun.

I would disagree 100% with you. I owned a Sov 1 and now own a Sov II. The Sov II is one of the favourite guns in my collection.

The original Sov 1 was done by Dave Galsworthy trying to get into the Semi market and make some fast money before selling out...

The Sov II was taken on by Arrow precision and was developed by a very famous AirSmith in Europe, John Bonich. He also does a lot of Automag work...

He made a vastly superior gun based on the same design. The design is improved as is the quality and the parts and the functionality.

I have a blue vert feed Sov. I think it is one of the most underated and under seen guns in paintball. It works very similarly to the Autococker. The only negatives as compared to an Autococker is that you can't strip out the bolt so easily. And it won't cycle quite so quickly without turning up the operating pressure (not really a problem it is still fast enough for me in tourneys).

It is MUCH lighter than the autococker as well as slimmer and looks much less complicated. Mine is very, very light.

The first time I aired up my gun it shot 301, 303, 302, 301... I changed the springs to get it down and then shot 297 5 times in a row (with many people watching). You can adjust the velocity by a screw at the back like an Autococker or by the reg pressure.

Out of all my guns it is the most accepting of bad paint. It is still amazingly consistent and thus accurate even with bad paint. If the paint is crappy then I always just use the Sov II.

It is a stock gun and not very expensive but shoots like a custom Autococker. Mine is completely stock, but then it's hard to call any gun that has been worked on by John Bonich 'stock'.

I seriously recommend a Sov II. I wouldn't touch a Sov 1... apart from if it was very very cheap and could then trade it in for a Sov II to get the Sov II for less (what I did).

You will want to try and find some barrels though which isn't so easy. Phantom barrels can be modified to fit. You can also buy Sterling barrels and just get the lead cut down.

When I find time I will take some pictures for you...


12-17-2001, 10:29 AM
like minike said... anything jonbon hand a hand in really isnt stock.... but the sov2 is the way to go..... esp if only to stay away from the other over-glorified-pumpgun

finding parts can be tricky at times... like i said in the classified fourm chk out www.paintballmaxx.com

for barrels dye and smartparts.. usally ya have to deal directly with them to get them unless ya can get a online store to get one for you.... which may be cheaper...

as for adjusting the velocity deffinatly(sp?) use an inline reg for that job... much easiser

the trigger, how can i put this.... hmm...... one word comes to mind SWEEEEEEET

the most fun about it is though... take it totaly apart at a field... esp if there are cocker people there.... and put it back together, hit up the chrono and go play in under 10 min.... (esp fun if there are cockers there that are having timing problems) :cool:

BTW here is a pic for ya


12-17-2001, 05:08 PM
anyone else?

12-19-2001, 11:15 AM
its in the UK but this might help


12-19-2001, 01:20 PM
When I read the title of this subject, I knew manike was going to get in on it...when I spoke to him in Frankfurt, he had some very optimistic comments about the sovereign II. So much so that I'm ready to pick one up myself. If the accuracy is as good as he says(and he didn't seem to have a reason to lie) you won't be disappointed if you get one.

01-22-2006, 04:19 AM
Got to put my $0.02 in here.

Ages ago, I picked up an original Sov. I had some odd non-specific leaks that nobody could track down. Not really enough to keep from using it, but annoying. It mostly hung on the wall. Finally, I got fed up enough to trade it in on a new generation (Mark III) Sov. I had some minor issues, but finally got my new, in box Sov III. But, it had no manual. A few emails later, I got a .pdf file. Great. Until I realized it was for a Sov II. I replied to the email address in the manual, and though he seems to have nothing to do w/ them, John Bonich replied w/in 8 hours. I'm already impressed, and he has only offered to try and help.

Cool guy.


01-22-2006, 04:21 AM
nice 5 year digup :spit_take

01-22-2006, 11:43 AM
hmmm... now i want one.

i really need to curb the gun whore in me... :(

01-22-2006, 01:29 PM
nice 5 year digup :spit_take

Yeah, that has to be the biggest thread ressurection EVER! Wow. :hail:

John Bonich did the Sov II and Sov III, that's why he is so helpful and knows so much about them, even if he doesn't work for them anymore.

01-22-2006, 01:32 PM
so... anyone have one for sale? :p

01-22-2006, 01:39 PM
What suprized me is that Virus' linked pic is still working after 5 years.

01-22-2006, 02:16 PM
I had a Sov 1 and a 2.. sold the 1, still have the 2.

I had put a Race frame on the 2, and then ended up pulling it back off of it due to it not ever really being very happy.. and back in the day, a Race frame was $500-- that was too pricy just for an "OOoo" factor. :)

01-22-2006, 10:09 PM
Does arrow even makes these anymore? I would love to try one.

paint magnet
01-22-2006, 11:30 PM
Wow, just had to reply to a thread created the same month I joined. Now that I realize it's been five years, I feel old all of a sudden...

01-15-2007, 09:14 PM
I own % Sov's # of the Sov I's and 2 Sov II, I would say the Sov II is much better by far, the bolt design is better and the gun feels light and more comfortable. I own Sov I ooo13, and have own the gun for some time. The basic issue I have with the gun is the 3-way, it is always leaking for one reason or another, I will stay the gun shoot very quite, but I tend to use my Autocoker more, because it seems to be less of of an issue with me.

some sites:

pics (http://www.customcockers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=226)

Sovereign (http://www.pbase.com/wolf13/bbtsovereign)

01-15-2007, 09:18 PM
whoa, two cross-year thread revives on the first page? impressive.

01-15-2007, 09:23 PM
Teach us to tell people to use the search function huh? :p

01-15-2007, 09:27 PM
funny that this should come up now... I was about to post a thread alerting people that arrow precision had started making the sovereign again.

01-16-2007, 02:36 PM
I love my two 1's (all i need is an eclipse now), but arrow really flopped on any sort of promotion in the US with the 2's and 3's.

Is this new stuff merely a continuation of the 3 line or is it actually new features?

Also, when we opened up CC, we added a dedicated sov forum (what can I say, i have a real fondness for them even if noone knows what they are anymore and it fits the broad term if not the narrow). hasn't seen much traffic, but its there.


01-16-2007, 07:44 PM
I played paintball for the first time back in '93, but I didn't really get into the sport until about '02, when I bought my first gun (a Pirahna Pro). I got picked up for a team in Houston, and at our first tounament, I was 'given' a sovereign II (with the stipulation that I would just pay for it later). I thought it was a nice gun. It felt pretty good in my hands, and it was quite consistent. The only problem I had was that I kept short-stroking it. I guess I never played with it enough to learn how to not short-stroke it. Shortly afterward, I bought an Emag, and the sovereign didn't get touched after that. I ended up trading it away for a automag. In retrospect, I wish I had kept the Sovereign. In the past couple of years, I have only seen one or two of them show up on Ebay, and I keep searching for them. If I come across one, and I have the money, I will pick it up, and learn how to shoot it.

01-16-2007, 08:13 PM
Yes, they still make the sov.3. you need to contact Mark Ambrose in the u.s to get one here. His # is 610-437-7138. Tell him Chad Hicks send you.

03-30-2009, 11:41 PM
I spoke to one of my old teammates...the one I traded my Sovereign for an Classic Mag. I got the Sovereign back, but it was missing a piece. All the pieces were there, except the long plastic piece that goes between the grip frame and the body. Anyone know where I can get one...? I may try to give Mark Ambrose a call...

03-31-2009, 12:39 AM
first revival .... 5 years
second revival .... 1 years
third revival .... 2 years

(i dont know to spell revival but you all should know what i mean) and i have no idea on anything about sov's i just think its funny this thread has more multi year revivals then ive ever seen ... talk about beat ing a dead horse (no offence to those that revived it)

edit check custom cockers sov thread might be a lil bit better as its specific to this strange unheard of marker (tho i think their kinda neat lookin after lookin at pics of them)

08-25-2015, 09:47 PM
Anyone else?


08-26-2015, 06:30 AM
Anyone else?

Holy necropost. Started in 2001(might have been when AO wasn't apart of AGD), and last post before this was 2009... In some states, this post could drive farm equipment, maybe even a car.

08-26-2015, 07:17 AM
In some states, this post could drive farm equipment, maybe even a car.

I'd watch that video. .....

08-26-2015, 09:06 AM
Its perfectly acceptable for a user with a 2000 join date to necro anything he wants. :P

There's actually a fair bit of Sov discussion on the OldSchoolPaintball group on facebook. I believe there is new US distribution going on for the latest model. I don't recall if its a Sov3 or still 2.

08-26-2015, 12:35 PM
Holy necropost. Started in 2001(might have been when AO wasn't apart of AGD), and last post before this was 2009... In some states, this post could drive farm equipment, maybe even a car.

the funny part is before i even looked at the screen name, i recognized simon's post as a simon post.

08-27-2015, 02:34 PM
LOL this thread is awesome! So, after 14 (:eek:) years, Sov 1 or 2? LOL

08-27-2015, 03:47 PM
Well at this point the sov III is the one to get, looks very nice. For numerous reasons, but the big one is that the sov III uses spyder threads


I actually picked up a sovereign 2, but have not used it much. It was custom made /anodized by a guy at paintball maxx I believe in Texas. Brad N.

08-28-2015, 12:43 AM
Haha, I'm actually about to start building a new website for the U.S. Distributor of the Sovs and all. Look for it within a month I hope. Looks like a great gun. Not as stylish as a cocker, but ultra smooth. I'll be buying one.

08-28-2015, 08:49 AM
With the seemingly renewed interest in cockers maybe they'll sell.

08-28-2015, 10:03 AM
No, they won't.

Regardless of their "elegant" design, the lack of cocker threads(though you can modify phantom barrels to fit), inability to field strip(the ram-bolt, other than being held in by a locking screw, is pressurized & requires exact alignment in order to work), bad or at least poor user servicability of the 4way, and shear lack of any parts, aftermarket or otherwise is a serious hinderance to the Sovereign.

The Sov has been around in one form or another since 96/97 and it barely has a fingernail bold on the US. There are more people running around with ICD guns than Sovereings.

While i do hope that this new website does something for them. I feel it is just a marketplace for an oddity.

BTW, i own one. And when it shot, it was nice.

08-28-2015, 02:06 PM
Sov III have spyder threads, as I mention in an earlier post.

08-28-2015, 05:54 PM
I have actually owned an played with a sovereign. Not sure of the gen but it's was back in the 2000s I got it timed up AND ....it was fine. That's about it. It is slower then most any autococker. The barrel was also fine. It did the job just looked boring and that really this whole gun. It worked but it was boring. When it went down it was a pain to work on. And I'm "was" a certified cocker smith. Finally it died for good when something bent or broke that I couldn't readily replace. Kept it in my bag for a long time but eventually I sold it in a lot. Just because something is rare doesn't mean it's a classic. But hey maybe I had an old flawed one and the new ones are better. Part of me did feel very James Bond when I brought it out of the bag.

08-29-2015, 05:04 AM
I have actually owned an played with a sovereign. Not sure of the gen but it's was back in the 2000s I got it timed up AND ....it was fine. That's about it. It is slower then most any autococker. The barrel was also fine. It did the job just looked boring and that really this whole gun. It worked but it was boring. When it went down it was a pain to work on. And I'm "was" a certified cocker smith. Finally it died for good when something bent or broke that I couldn't readily replace. Kept it in my bag for a long time but eventually I sold it in a lot. Just because something is rare doesn't mean it's a classic. But hey maybe I had an old flawed one and the new ones are better. Part of me did feel very James Bond when I brought it out of the bag.

Exactly. Its like a weird car type or laser disks or PDAs. They work, but for whatever reason, time passes them by. Whether it is the weird parts(the brass collar on the rambolt is 1 weak point, IMO), & 5he simple fact that you need near proprietary parts for the entire gun(other than the HPR, a Rock or aftermarket LPR is about the only thing off the shelf that you could replace if it doesn't work. Add in the fact that who is distributer/wholesaler for the USA, it is a hard to say that it is better.

Now, mine was plenty fast, from what i can remember, but can a resurrection or even a standard cocker better? Don't know, but i will guarantee that at any field, you will have someone familiar with a cocker. How many people can actually have seen a Sov?

08-29-2015, 06:44 AM
There is actually a sovereign 3 being sold right now on honest paintball b/s/t Facebook group asking price of 350!

08-29-2015, 10:41 AM
There is actually a sovereign 3 being sold right now on honest paintball b/s/t Facebook group asking price of 350!


10-23-2020, 10:09 AM
Well My Sov three is for sale if anyone is interested :)

captian pinky
10-23-2020, 11:05 AM
Well My Sov three is for sale if anyone is interested :)

This is a 5 year old post.......
you should just post it for sale in the classifieds instead of bumping this.

10-26-2020, 08:30 AM
Way to go! This must be AO's oldest thread. LOL