View Full Version : tom why do we want to show them our "pirit"

12-17-2001, 09:46 AM

thats the link to the page i'm looking at its in the store talking about bumper stickers. is that suposed to be spirit? :)

12-17-2001, 09:49 AM
i think he means "pirate"

YAAAARG, yeez be walkin da plank <pokes with hook>

12-17-2001, 09:52 AM
Seriously Tom, show some political correctness! You need to get with the times! We no longer use the derogatory term "pirates." Please refer to them as "Buccaneer-Americans."

12-17-2001, 09:52 AM
hehe no really tom i spell bad too. just want you to know in case ya didnt. that way people who do go to the store but dont use the forums wont laugh. :)